Obama Administration: A UN Resolution That Would Divide Israel And Jerusalem Is Back In Play

Barack Obama Addresses The UN General Assembly - White House PhotoAccording to the Wall Street Journal, the White House is considering drastic measures to reboot the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.  Among those measures is a UN Security Council resolution that would set the parameters for a two state solution and that would recognize East Jerusalem as the official capital of a Palestinian state.  If Barack Obama makes this move, it will almost certainly be before the election in November.  I had previously reported that France was ready to introduce a similar UN Security Council resolution back in September, but at that time the French backed off because they did not have full support from the Obama administration.  But now that Obama is approaching the end of his term, he suddenly seems more willing to make a bold move. (Read More...)

Coming Soon? This Is What Would Happen If A 9.0 Earthquake Hit The Cascadia Subduction Zone…

Cascadia Earthquake Zone - Public DomainIf you live in the Pacific Northwest, you have probably already heard of the Cascadia Subduction Zone.  It is where the Juan de Fuca plate meets the North American plate, and it stretches approximately 700 miles from northern Vancouver Island all the way down to northern California.  This subduction zone is capable of producing far more powerful earthquakes than the much more famous San Andreas fault in southern California, and scientists tell us that it is only a matter of time before another continent-killing earthquake hits this area.  And when it does hit, it will be far worse than any other natural disaster that the United States has ever seen up to this point. (Read More...)

A New Madrid Earthquake Is Coming And America Will Be Shaken Like Never Before

New Madrid Fault Earthquake ZoneMost Americans expect the next great earthquake in the United States to come on the west coast.  But what if it strikes right down the middle of the country instead?  The New Madrid fault zone is six times larger than the San Andreas fault zone in California and it covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi.  Back in 1811 and 1812, a series of absolutely devastating earthquakes along the New Madrid fault zone opened very deep fissures in the ground, caused the Mississippi River to run backwards in some places, and were reportedly felt as far away as Washington D.C. and Boston.  They were the strongest earthquakes ever recorded east of the Rocky Mountains, and scientists tell us that it is only a matter of time before we experience similar quakes.  In fact, the U.S. Geological Survey has admitted that the New Madrid fault zone has the “potential for larger and more powerful quakes than previously thought“, and the number of significant earthquakes in the middle part of the country has more than quintupled in recent years.  Someday, perhaps without any warning, an absolutely massive earthquake will strike the New Madrid fault.  Thousands of Americans will die, tens of thousands of structures will be completely destroyed, and millions of people will find themselves homeless. (Read More...)

Parts Of California Are Actually Falling Into The Ocean

Pacifica Erosion - Photo from YouTubeWhy would anyone want to live in the state of California at this point?  Not only do you have to deal with unbearable traffic, insane politicians and unchecked illegal immigration, but now the weather itself seems to be going crazy.  A very strong El Nino has been sending destructive storm after destructive storm barreling into the west coast, and this is causing tremendous flooding, dangerous landslides and unprecedented erosion in coastal communities all over the state.  As I mentioned the other day, a state of emergency has just been declared in the coastal city of Pacifica due to the incredible amount of erosion that is happening there.  Now, incredible footage has been released that actually shows the coastline crumbling.  Small parts of California really are falling into the ocean, and meteorologists are warning that the worst may be yet to come. (Read More...)

The Beast System Arises: The Largest Bank In Norway Calls For The Elimination Of Cash

The Beast System - Public DomainThe biggest bank in Norway is calling for the complete and total elimination of cash. Many local bank branches in Norway already don’t deal in cash, but that is not good enough for DNB. They want a blanket ban on the use of cash, and they are selling this as a way to crack down on criminals and money launderers. But in the end, the truth is that they want to be able to force everyone in society to use the banks and it would enable them to collect fees on almost every transaction. It is an agenda that is being driven by greed, but it could also open the door for great tyranny. Unfortunately, we are not just seeing aggressive movement toward a cashless society in Norway. It is also happening in Sweden, in Denmark and in many other nations all around the globe. The Beast system is rising, and yet very few people out there even seem alarmed by this. (Read More...)

The Pope Says This Christmas Is A ‘Charade’ And That For Some People ‘It May Be Their Last’

Pope Francis - Photo by Jeffrey BrunoPope Francis sure does say a lot of strange things. I don’t think that any other Pope throughout history has ever called Christmas a “charade” or has suggested that for many people this Christmas “may be their last”. What in the world would cause Pope Francis to adopt such an ominous tone? Without a doubt, the leader of the largest religious organization in the entire world would be privy to information that would not be available to ordinary people like you and I. Could it be possible that he is aware of something that is coming that is going to dramatically change life on this planet? What we do know is that our world is becoming increasingly unstable. World War III threatens to erupt in the Middle East at any time, the number of terror attacks around the globe continues to increase, earthquake activity continues to rise, giant cracks are opening up in the ground all over the world, and we are rapidly plunging into a brand new global financial crisis. There is certainly a lot to be concerned about, but what would make the Pope so glum that he would actually call Christmas a “charade”? (Read More...)

Obama’s ISIS Oil Scandal Deepens As Russia Produces Stunning Photographic Evidence

ISIS Oil Going Into Turkey - Photo from the General Staff Of The Russian Armed ForcesHow is Barack Obama going to get out of this one? On Tuesday, the Russian military produced an impressive array of evidence that clearly shows that ISIS oil is being smuggled into Turkey on an industrial scale. The evidence included photographs taken by satellite and during aerial reconnaissance missions. What the Russians have shown the world is extremely compelling, and it raises some very disturbing questions. First of all, how involved is the Turkish government in all of this? There is no way in the world that an endless parade of trucks carrying ISIS oil could have marched through Turkish border checkpoints without the cooperation of the central government. Secondly, what did Obama know and when did he know it? The U.S. military has far better surveillance capabilities than the Russians do, and so it seems absolutely absurd to suggest that Obama didn’t know what was going on. (Read More...)

Pocketbook Pain: The Rapidly Rising Cost Of Living Is Absolutely Killing The Middle Class In America

Pain In The WalletAll over America, the middle class is dying and poverty is on the rise.  One of the primary reasons for this is the rapidly rising cost of living in the United States.  The cost of just about everything that average families shell out money for on a regular basis – food, rent, health insurance, etc. – is rising much faster than wages are.  In a previous article I noted that the federal poverty level for a family of five is $28,410, but 51 percent of all American workers are making less than $30,000 a year at this point.  We have seen an explosion in the number of people in this country that are considered to be “the working poor” and it gets worse with each passing year. (Read More...)