Why Is There Suddenly Such A Huge Push For ‘Mark Of The Beast’ Technology?

Blue Eye - Public DomainWe always knew that it was coming.  All over the world, governments and big corporations are pushing us toward a fundamentally different way of doing things.  They insist that this new way will be more safe, more secure and more efficient.  They are telling us that we should embrace new technology and be open to new ways of buying and selling.  And they assure us that new methods of identification will not be intrusive and will simply allow them to crack down on criminals such as identity thieves, tax evaders and terrorists.  But could it be possible that there is more going on here than we are being told?  Could it be possible that we should actually be highly alarmed by this huge push for “Mark of the Beast” technology? (Read More...)

6-6-16: Satanists In Los Angeles Will Construct A Giant Pentagram To ‘Raise Awareness’ For Satanism

666 - Photo by Miran Rijavec on FlickrOn June 6th, a group from the Satanic Temple in Los Angeles will use GPS technology to construct a giant pentagram around the city of Lancaster, which is located in northern Los Angeles County.  The goal is to “raise awareness” for Satanism, and it looks like this event has already accomplished that goal.  Of course this particular date was chosen because it corresponds closely to “666” and the Mark of the Beast that we read about in the Book of Revelation, and therefore this little group of Satanists will receive some unusual media attention this week.  But as you will see below, there are other things that we should be far more concerned about than this. (Read More...)

Why Do So Many Preachers In America Refuse To Talk About Hell?

Hell Bridge - Public DomainWhen was the last time you heard a sermon about hell?  Just think about that for a moment.  Once upon a time in America, preachers all across the land regularly unleashed fiery sermons that directly confronted people with the reality of heaven and hell.  But today, that has completely changed.  In fact, there are some very well-known ministers in this country that purposely avoid ever using the word “hell” because it might offend someone.  It turns out that “happy church” can be a very lucrative business model, and many people seem to love the “me first” prosperity gospel that has infected virtually all of the major denominations at this point.  So there are countless messages about “blessing”, “breakthrough” and how God can make your life better, and very, very little preaching about sin, judgment, the cross and the urgency that we should feel to reach lost souls with the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Read More...)

12 Signs That A Cloud Of Insanity Has Descended On The Land

Cloud Of Insanity - Public DomainWhat in the world is happening to America?  Recently, I was asked to describe what we are watching happen to our nation.  After thinking about it, I have come to the conclusion that it is almost as if a “cloud of insanity” has descended upon the United States and much of the rest of the western world.  From our top leaders on down, people are engaged in incredibly self-destructive behavior and are making extremely irrational decisions.  Some would describe it as being given over to a depraved mind, and I would have to agree.  It is almost as if some sort of severe form of mental illness were rapidly spreading through the air and infecting everyone.  Virtually every day I am immersed in news and current events, and it can be difficult to shock me after all this time.  But lately, there have been quite a few stories that have stunned even me.  The following are a few of those stories… (Read More...)

Member Of Congress: It’s Easy ‘To Manipulate A Nation Of Naive, Self-Absorbed Sheep’

Sheeple - Photo by Andrew R TesterYou may not believe the incredible things that one member of Congress is saying about the corruption of our political system and the gullibility of the American people.  In a brand new book entitled “The Confessions of Congressman X“, one anonymous member of the U.S. House of Representatives confesses that he hardly ever reads the bills that he votes on, that his main job is to get reelected, and that it is “far easier than you think to manipulate a nation of naive, self-absorbed sheep who crave instant gratification”.  This book is being published by Mill City Press, and it is being billed as “a devastating inside look at the dark side of Congress as revealed by one of its own.”  I don’t know if you would classify this anonymous member of Congress as “brave” since he does not wish to reveal his identity, but the things that he is admitting confirm suspicions that many of us have had for a very long time.  Just check out a few of the most important quotes from his book… (Read More...)

Cell Phone Addiction: 15 Numbers That Show The Ridiculous Obsession Americans Have With Their Phones

Cell Phone Addiction - Public DomainHave you ever had a family gathering, a social function or a business meeting ruined by someone that was obsessed with checking their cell phone?  I see this wherever I go, and it is one of the reasons why I don’t like to leave the house much.  No matter who is around and no matter how important what they are supposed to be doing may be, many Americans feel a deep, dark compulsion to constantly check their smartphones.  As you will see below, the average user checks his or her phone 35 times a day, but of course there are some people that are well into the triple digits.  Cell phone addiction is very real, and that is why there are actually rehab programs for this sort of thing.  Unfortunately, we simply can’t put the entire country into rehab, and this problem just keeps getting worse with each passing year. (Read More...)

The Temple Of Baal Coming To New York Will Be Followed By Hundreds More All Over The World

Times Square - Public DomainThe reproductions of the 50 foot arch that stood at the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria that will be erected in New York City and London next month will only be the first of many.  As you will see below, it turns out that there are plans to put arches in hundreds more cities all over the globe.  The organization behind this is the Institute of Digital Archaeology, which is a joint venture between Harvard University, the University of Oxford and Dubai’s Museum of the Future.  The initial arches from the Temple of Baal that will be erected in New York and London as part of UNESCO’s World Heritage Week in April are intended “as a gesture of defiance“, but ultimately the plan is to share this “cultural treasure” with as many cities around the planet as possible. (Read More...)

Michael And Meranda Snyder Announce The Launch Of Their New Television Show

The Watch - Michael and Meranda SnyderAfter an extraordinary amount of hard work, Michael and Meranda Snyder are pleased to announce that the very first episode of their television show has finally been released.  Our show is called “The Watch”, because that is really what we are – we are watchmen on the wall trying to sound the alarm as loudly as we can.  Many of you already know me as the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog and End Of The American Dream, and now this new program will allow you to get to know my wife as well.  In this first episode we spend some time simply introducing ourselves, and future programs will focus much more heavily on news and information.  But of course we do discuss some very interesting things in this episode such as the 13 dead bald eagles, Obama’s plan to divide the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem, and the terrible flooding down in Louisiana and Texas.  Our shows will be airing on Christian television, but they will also be available on YouTube.  You can watch the very first episode right here(Read More...)