The Mad As Hell Generation: 20 Reasons Why Millions Of Americans Under The Age Of 30 Are Giving Up On The U.S. Economy

Millions upon millions of young Americans have completely lost faith in the U.S. economy and are mad as hell that their economic futures have been destroyed.  The recent economic downturn has hit those under the age of 30 the hardest.  Today, there are hordes of young people that should be entering their most productive years that are sitting home with nothing to do.  Many of them have worked incredibly hard throughout high school and college.  Many of them have stayed out of trouble and have done everything that “the system” asked them to do.  But once they got finished with school, the promised “rewards” simply were not there.  Instead, millions of young Americans are faced with crushing student loan debt loads in an economy where they can’t find good jobs.  When you are in your twenties, it can be absolutely soul-crushing to send out hundreds (or even thousands) of resumes and not get a single interview.  Most of us grew up believing that we would “be something” when we got older, and millions of young Americans are having those dreams brutally crushed right now.  Americans under the age of 30 voted for Barack Obama in droves back in 2008 because they believed that he would make things better.  Instead, Barack Obama has made things even worse.  Significant numbers of young Americans are starting to wake up and realize that neither political party is providing any real answers, and they are starting to get mad as hell about it. (Read More...)

Here Are 3 Reasons Why The U.S. Military Is Facing An Extremely Severe Recruiting Shortage In 2022

Should we be surprised that so few young adults want to serve in the U.S. military?  When I was growing up, serving in the U.S. military was considered to be a noble profession.  My own father was in the U.S. Navy throughout all my years in school, and I never once thought that he should leave to get a different job until he finally decided that it was time to retire.  But now Joe Biden and his politically correct minions at the Pentagon have transformed our military into a laughingstock, and that should deeply grieve all of us.  The U.S. military is one of our most important national institutions, but it continues to get weaker and weaker. (Read More...)

One Of The Main Reasons Congress Is Getting So Little Done Is Because They Will Have 218 Days Off In 2017

Would you like to have a job that gave you 218 days off a year? According to the official calendar put out by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, the House of Representatives will only be in session for 147 days in 2017. And that is actually an increase from last year. In 2016, there were only 131 legislative days for the House. So if you are wondering why Congress never seems to get anything done, this is one of the biggest reasons. The sad truth is that members of Congress simply do not spend a lot of time doing what they were elected to do. (Read More...)

Workers Comp For Babysitters And 20 Other Reasons Why California Is Stupid

Is there any other state that is as stupid as California?  Unemployment in California has been sitting at about 12 percent for an extended period of time, and yet they continue to push businesses out of the state by imposing thousands of ridiculous regulations on them and by taxing them into oblivion.  Now California is even requiring workers comp for babysitters and paid vacation for nannies.  How insane is that?  The state government in Sacramento is flat broke and drowning in debt and yet they continue to spend gobs of money on some of the most frivolous things imaginable.  Poverty and crime are everywhere, yet California continues to pass legislation that encourages even more illegal immigrants to come in.  Unless you have a really, really good reason to stay in the state, it seems rather stupid to stay in California at this point.  The economy is in shambles, home prices continue to fall, traffic is worse than ever, crime is rising and poverty is everywhere.  Meanwhile, entire portions of the state could be leveled by the next big earthquake at any time.  So why in the world would anyone still want to live in California? (Read More...)

Government Shutdown 2011? 5 Reasons Why It Wouldn’t Really Matter Either Way

Is the U.S. government going to shutdown on March 4th, 2011?  Possibly.  The current temporary funding extension expires on that day.  Speaker of the House John Boehner has pledged that the Republicans in the House will not pass another temporary funding extension that does not include “deep” cuts.  Barack Obama has pledged that he will veto the 61 billion dollars of budget cuts that the House of Representatives has just passed.  So now Boehner and Obama are playing a really bizarre game of chicken, and if neither of them blinks the U.S. government will shut down on March 4th.  So what will that mean?  Well, in a “government shutdown”, the entire government does not actually shut down.  Rather, only “essential personnel” are kept on during a shutdown and only “essential services” are provided.  Barack Obama would keep showing up at the White House and the U.S. military would continue to do their thing.  But it would cause a temporary disruption to a lot of government activities that people normally rely on. (Read More...)

12 Reasons Why Ron Paul Is Very Different From Most Of The Other Contenders For The Republican Presidential Nomination In 2012

Even though most of the potential contenders for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012 have not formally announced their intentions yet, the truth is that the race has already begun.  Just look at all of the Republican politicians that have scheduled visits to Iowa.  Potential candidates are gearing up their campaigns and it should be one of the most interesting primary seasons in ages.  But is there anyone in the field that is really that much different from George W. Bush and John McCain?  Is there anyone that is not just going to trot out the same tired old ideas?  Is there anyone that would actually do something substantial about government debt?  Is there anyone that actually wants to shut down the Federal Reserve?  Is there anyone that would actually work to restore our civil liberties?  Well, the truth is that most of the potential Republican candidates are virtual clones of George W. Bush and John McCain.  There are very few in the field that offer any hope whatsoever.  But there is one man that does stand out as being very different.  His name is Ron Paul. (Read More...)

30 Reasons Why 2011 Is Going To Be Another Crappy Year For America’s Middle Class

Do you think that 2011 will be a good year for America’s middle class?  Well, you might not be so optimistic after you read the 30 statistics posted below.  The truth is that 2011 is going to be another crappy year for America’s middle class, and there is not a whole lot that you or I can do about it.  Sadly, what we are facing as a nation is not just a short-term economic downturn.  Rather, there are some very serious long-term economic trends that are absolutely ripping apart the U.S. middle class.  For example, did you know that even though our population has been growing at a brisk pace we have lost about ten percent of our middle class jobs over the past decade?  The vast majority of jobs that have been created have been low paying service jobs.  We now have hordes of highly educated young people that are waiting tables and that are welcoming customers to Wal-Mart.  Without good paying jobs there is no middle class, but today American corporations are actually creating more jobs overseas than they are inside the United States.  This has helped pad the profits of the big corporate fatcats, but it has been devastating for middle class communities across the United States.  Every time a factory gets closed down in America and gets set up in some other country instead, it means that the U.S. middle class is shrinking just a little bit more.  The new “global economy” has been good for the bottom line of the largest U.S. corporations, it has been great for countries like China and India, but it is absolutely wiping out the U.S. middle class. (Read More...)

Okay, So Who Has “Bubonic Plague” On Their 2024 Disaster Bingo Card?

This has been quite a decade for global pestilences.  The first one to hit was COVID, and that created a wave of panic that literally paralyzed the entire globe.  The next one to hit was the bird flu.  More than 100 million birds are dead, and now mammals all over the planet are getting infected.  There is a lot of concern that humans could be next, and we will be watching future developments very closely.  Two years ago, Mpox exploded on to the scene, and it rapidly circulated around the world.  Now a much deadlier new version has emerged in Africa, and global health authorities are quite alarmed about this.  On top of everything else, this year we are dealing with the worst outbreak of dengue fever that we have ever witnessed.  Millions have already been infected, and there have even been hundreds of cases here in the United States. (Read More...)