Why Did The U.S. Launch A Nuclear Missile That Would Be Visible From L.A. Without Any Warning?

Trident Nuclear Missile Over Southern CaliforniaWas the U.S. government trying to send a message to someone on Saturday night?  Just after sunset, an unarmed Trident II nuclear missile was fired from a ballistic missile submarine just off the coast of southern California that was later identified as the USS Kentucky.  It was the absolutely perfect time to attract the attention of millions of people living in the Los Angeles area.  If it had been fired during the day, the missile would have been far less visible.  If it had been fired in the middle of the night, most residents of southern California would have been asleep.  Those that planned the firing of this nuclear missile knew that it would be seen by hundreds of thousands of people and that it would make headlines all over the planet.  So why was this done? (Read More...)

Christians Are At War With One Another As Americans Leave The Church In Droves

War Peace - Public DomainChristianity is under attack from a thousand different directions all at once, and yet many believers have turned their guns on one another.  This war among Christians seems to intensify with each passing year, and believers are often fighting for some of the stupidest reasons you can possibly imagine.  Meanwhile, people are leaving our churches in droves and church attendance is way down.  This is especially true of younger Americans.  According to an incredible new report that was just released by the Pew Research Center, only 27 percent of all Millennials (U.S. adults born since 1990) attend religious services on a weekly basis.  When you go into many churches in America on Sunday mornings, all you see are “the greys”, and I am not talking about space aliens.  But instead of focusing on fixing what has gone wrong, many Christians (including a number of very prominent ministers) spend most of their energy savagely attacking their brothers and sisters in Christ.  This is absolutely disgraceful and it needs to stop. (Read More...)

Yes, The Scientific Evidence Says That Eating Pork Does Cause Cancer

Bacon - Public DomainWhat we eat is literally killing us.  A stunning new report from the World Health Organization has concluded that there is clear scientific evidence that eating processed meat causes cancer.  In particular, the WHO specifically mentioned processed pork products such as bacon, sausages and hot dogs.  Of course for those of us that have been investigating these things for a long time, this doesn’t exactly come as a shock.  The alternative health community has been talking about the evidence that pork causes cancer for decades.  But for the WHO to come out and say these things publicly is a really big deal. (Read More...)

America #1? 36 Facts That Prove That The United States Is An ‘Exceptional’ Nation

American Flag - Proud To Be An American - Public DomainIs the United States an “exceptional” nation?  Well, the facts show that we are, but not for the reasons that you may think.  Now that it is election season, we have all sorts of politicians running around proclaiming that America is the greatest nation on the entire planet.  And just this week, Warren Buffett stated that “America’s great now — it’s never been greater“.  But is it actually true?  Is the United States still a great nation?  I would submit that the numbers suggest otherwise.  I love America, and in my opinion there is not much hope for us until we are willing to admit to ourselves just how far we have fallen.  The following are 36 facts that prove that the United States is an “exceptional” nation… (Read More...)

Is It Just A Coincidence That Two Amazing Signs Just Appeared On The 14th Anniversary Of 9/11?

9-11 Flight 175 Hits The World Trade CenterIs it just me, or does our world seem to be getting stranger with each passing day?  As an attorney, I was trained to be level-headed and skeptical, and in my writing I typically stick to facts that I can prove.  But lately, a whole lot of things have been happening that I don’t have any rational explanation for.  Just look at what happened on Thursday.  On the eve of the 14th anniversary of 9/11, a double rainbow appeared over the site where the World Trade Center towers once stood.  We’ll discuss possible meanings of that sign in a moment.  On Friday, a massive bolt of lightning caused a crane to collapse at the Grand Mosque in Mecca in Saudi Arabia.  At least 107 people were killed and at least 238 others were injured.  It turns out that this crane was owned by “the Saudi Binladin Group”.  If that is a coincidence, it is an awfully bizarre one. (Read More...)

Why America Should Be On High Alert For A Major Earthquake Along The New Madrid Fault

New Madrid Fault Earthquake ZoneDid you know that a magnitude 3.5 earthquake hit the New Madrid fault about a week ago? According to Fox News, the New Madrid fault line is approximately twenty times larger than the San Andreas fault in California, and it is starting to wake up.  Most people don’t realize this, but this fault zone has produced some of the largest earthquakes in U.S. history.  In 1811 and 1812, immensely powerful earthquakes along the New Madrid fault rang church bells in Boston and permanently changed the course of the Mississippi River.  If we had similar earthquakes today, the devastation would be unimaginable.  Unfortunately for us, earthquake activity in the middle part of the country is becoming much more common.  The USGS says that the number of significant earthquakes in the middle part of the country has more than quintupled in recent years, and the USGS has publicly admitted that the New Madrid fault zone has the “potential for larger and more powerful quakes than previously thought“.  Very few Americans are talking about this right now, but as you will see below, the threat is very, very real. (Read More...)

People Are Going Crazy

Bryce WilliamsHave you noticed that more Americans than ever seem to be going totally insane?  When even reporters start going on racially-motivated shooting sprees, you know that things are getting crazy in this country.  On Wednesday, most Americans were absolutely stunned to learn that a former WDBJ-TV reporter shot and killed a 24-year-old female reporter named Alison Parker and a 27-year-old male cameraman named Adam Ward right as they were in the middle of shooting a live news segment at 6:45 in the morning.  As a reporter, the shooter was known as “Bryce Williams”, but his legal name was Vester Lee Flanagan II.  He fled the scene, but was later tracked down by police.  Before they could take him into custody he shot himself, and he later died at a hospital in northern Virginia.  So what would cause a talented young man to do such a thing? (Read More...)

The Universe Is Steadily Deteriorating And So Is The Human Race – Why Is This Happening?

Lens Flare Earth - Public DomainDid you know that scientists have come to the conclusion that “the universe is slowly dying”?  In fact, they have found that the universe is only producing about half as much energy as it once did, and they have also found that the level of energy is continuing to fade.  Not only that, our sun also appears to be dying.  Solar activity has slowed down to a level not seen for about 100 years, and scientists are not quite sure what to make of it.  Pretty much all scientists agree that the sun will die “one day”, but could it be possible that it is happening faster than any of them ever imagined?  In addition, in this article I will include information about how the human race itself is deteriorating.  There is a common misconception that humanity has been constantly improving and getting better, but scientists have discovered that the exact opposite is actually true.  So why is this happening?  Why is everything steadily decaying and deteriorating? (Read More...)