A Michigan Woman Is Sent To Prison For Refusing To Vaccinate Her Son

Should parents that don’t vaccinate their children be locked away in prison?  That is a very chilling question, because there are literally millions of parents all across the country that don’t vaccinate their children for various reasons.  Personally, I have been writing about vaccine safety concerns for the last seven years, and as a member of Congress I will fight extremely hard to make sure that parents always have the right to make health decisions for their own children.  Over the years I have read so many vaccine horror stories from distraught parents, and nobody should ever be forced to vaccinate their children against their will.  Unfortunately, that is something that just happened in Michigan(Read More...)

Ann Coulter Is Exactly Right: Every Time Republicans Compromise On Immigration They Get Nothing In Return

When are Republicans going to learn? In her most recent article, Ann Coulter pointed out that every time Republicans compromise on immigration it turns out to be a total disaster. If you go back all the way to 1986, the Republicans never got the employer sanctions that they were promised even after the Democrats were given amnesty for four million illegal immigrants. And every time Republicans have attempted to push amnesty since that time, it has been a disaster for Republican politicians at the polls. (Read More...)

Two Nuclear Power Plants In Florida Are Directly In The Path Of Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma is more powerful than all of the other major Atlantic storms this year combined, and it has an eye as large as the entire Detroit metro area. It is being reported that “upwards of 90%” of Barbuda has already been destroyed by the storm, and it is being projected that some areas of Puerto Rico could be without power “for between four and six months”. You may want to view these photos and these videos to get a better idea of the immense destructiveness of this very powerful storm. The latest forecasts have Hurricane Irma making landfall in Florida, but so far the two nuclear power plants in Florida that would be directly in the path of the storm have not even started the process of shutting down(Read More...)

President Trump Wants Tax Cuts, But Once Again The RINOs In Congress May Block His Agenda

It has become exceedingly clear that we need to try to remove as many establishment Republicans from Congress as we possibly can in 2018. Even though the Republicans are in control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, the “Make America Great Again” agenda is not being implemented, and the blame for that lies entirely with the RINOs (Republicans in name only). Obamacare still has not been repealed, the wall has not been built, and now there is talk that the RINOs plan to block Trump’s tax reform bill. It was expected that the Democrats would try to obstruct Trump’s agenda, but Trump’s biggest problem so far in his presidency has been his fellow Republicans. If they won’t go along with what he is trying to do, we will kick them out and put in people who will. (Read More...)

ISIS ‘Hit Squads’ Are Using The Refugee Program To Infiltrate Western Nations

I know that the headline sounds over the top, but this has actually been confirmed by German intelligence and by the mainstream media. ISIS terrorists have been using the refugee program to sneak into North America and Europe, and yet very little is being done to stop this from happening. One of the reasons why this hits so close to home for me is because leftists are pushing to bring a lot more Islamic refugees up here to north Idaho. Since our area has a low population density, a significant number of refugees could dramatically alter the character of our community very rapidly. Many moved up here in order to have a safe place to raise their families, but now the left seems determined to bring the danger of Islamic extremism to our local neighborhoods. (Read More...)

I Have Only Been Running For Congress For 2 Weeks And I Am Already Being Attacked Viciously By The Left

I always knew that politics was a dirty game, but I didn’t know that running for Congress would be like running into a nest of angry hornets. When I decided to do this, I told my readers that I would keep them updated on what I am learning, and one of the things that I am learning is that people can be really mean. So far, every cuss word in the book has been thrown at me, I have been told that I should leave the state, and people have even been saying absolutely horrible things about my wife and daughter. I am tough and can take the abuse, but it isn’t right to attack family. (Read More...)

Getting Trump Elected Was Not Enough – We Need A Thousand Liberty Candidates To Run For Office All Over The Nation

The last few weeks have shown us that getting Donald Trump elected is not enough. This Congress is being called “the most unproductive in 164 years”, and thanks to all of the RINOs in the Republican Party Trump’s agenda is sitting dead in the water. Obamacare has not been repealed, taxes have not been cut, there is no funding for a border wall, and Planned Parenthood is still fully funded. It has become clear that simply getting the Republicans control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives is not going to get us where we want to go. Starting in 2018, we are going to have to work very hard to replace bad Republicans with liberty candidates that will fight relentlessly for our values. (Read More...)

When I Found Out How Members Of Congress Really Spend Their Time, I Just About Threw Up

Did you know that many members of Congress spend three or four hours a day “dialing for dollars” in cramped call centers that both parties have set up in Washington? I promised that I would keep all of you updated on what I am learning as I run for Congress, and what I learned the other day just about had me losing my lunch. I always imagined members of Congress spending long hours in their offices working on legislation and other important matters, but the truth is that most members of Congress are little more than glorified telemarketers at this point. Winning the next election is everything for most of these Congress critters, and so they spend far more time making cold calls to potential donors than doing anything else. (Read More...)