The Church Of England Is Encouraging Gay, Lesbian And Transgender People To Become Priests

The Church of England has launched a diversity drive that is specifically encouraging gay, lesbian and transgender people to take “roles of leadership and service in the local church”.  This move is being greatly applauded by the LGBT community and is being very strongly criticized by conservatives.  At one time such action by the Church of England would have been unthinkable, but today this news is hardly being noticed.  The Church of England has worked very hard to be welcoming to the LGBT community in recent years, and this has created some very significant rifts within the denomination.  Other major Christian denominations are going through similar struggles, and ultimately we may be seeing the largest shift in Protestant thinking since the days of the Reformation. (Read More...)

Did We Just Get Photographic Evidence That Angels Are Real?

Could it be possible that the figure in this photo is exactly what it appears to be?  A Michigan man named Glen Thorman is completely convinced that he captured an image of an angel with a drawn sword on a security camera outside his home in East Jordan, Michigan.  So are we looking at photographic evidence that angels really exist, or is something else going on here?  This photo has sparked a tremendous amount of debate on social media, and some naysayers have even accused Mr. Thorman of doctoring the image.  Of course that is always possible, but why would he do that?  And if the image is examined and no evidence of manipulation is found, will the skeptics be satisfied then?  Sadly, some people will never be satisfied unless they have a personal encounter with an angel themselves, and even then many skeptics would still refuse to believe. (Read More...)

Vote Pro-Trump On May 15th – Election Day Is Tuesday, And President Trump Needs Everyone To Go Vote For Michael Snyder For Congress

If you live in Idaho’s first congressional district, President Trump desperately needs your support. Tuesday is voting day, and it is being projected that only about 20 percent of all registered voters will actually go out and vote. So that means if Trump voters turn out in very large numbers they can decide who will win this election. If you do not know where your voting location is yet, you can find out right here. And please contact every single Trump supporter that you know and encourage them to go vote. President Trump needs allies in Congress, and if I don’t win a horrible RINO that is surrounded by “never Trumpers” and that is being funded by a PAC that absolutely hates Donald Trump is going to win. That would be an absolute disaster for President Trump, and that is why we must get as many Trump supports to the polls on Tuesday as possible. Please contact everyone that you possibly can and strongly urge them to vote for Michael Snyder for Congress on May 15th. (Read More...)

This Has Been The Worst Year For California Wildfires In The History Of The State

We have never seen a year like this in the history of the state of California.  Yes, there are large wildfires in California every year, but this is one for the record books.  Well over half a million acres have already been burned, and we still have three weeks remaining in 2017.  At this moment, the fires that have absolutely ravaged Ventura County for the past seven days are moving into Santa Barbara County, and at this point no end to the crisis is in sight. (Read More...)

6 Months To Go Until Election Day, And I Am Praying For Some Help

I need your help if I am going to overcome the vicious attacks that are coming from the left and win on May 15th. I know that most people are focused on preparing for the upcoming holidays this time of the year, but for this campaign crunch time has officially arrived. Idaho’s first congressional district is extremely conservative, and so whoever wins the Republican primary next May is almost certainly going to be the next member of Congress. Since Raul Labrador is running for governor, there is no incumbent in this race, and that means that it is totally wide open. The numbers are telling us that we have a very clear path to victory, but the only way that we will be able to emerge victorious is if we have enough resources to finish the race. This month we were running so low that we actually had to cut back on some of the things that we were planning to do. If this continues, we won’t be able to get our message out as effectively as we need to and another candidate could try to pull an upset victory by simply outspending us. I am praying for some help, and if every one of my readers were to make just a small donation today we would have everything that we need for the rest of the campaign by tomorrow(Read More...)

Healthcare Spending Now Accounts For Almost One-Fifth Of The Entire U.S. Economy

Everybody agrees that healthcare costs are way too high.  Back in 1960, healthcare spending accounted for approximately 5 percent of GDP, and by 2020 it is being projected that healthcare spending will account for 20 percent of GDP.  And when you break those numbers down into actual dollars, they become even more staggering.  Back in 1960, an average of $146 was spent on healthcare per person for the entire year, but today that number has skyrocketed to $9,990.  On a per capita basis, we spend far more than anyone else in the world on healthcare.  In fact, we spend almost twice as much as most other industrialized nations on a per capita basis.  Something has gone terribly wrong, and we desperately need to get this fixed. (Read More...)

Now We Have Learned That The Texas Church Shooter Was A Hardcore Atheist

Devin Patrick Kelley was a devout atheist that “hated Christians”, and that may help to explain why he specifically chose a church as his target.  According to Gateway Pundit, Kelley’s Facebook page (which has now been deleted) showed that he had liked pages such as “Atheist Republic” and “Friendly Atheist”.  Authorities tell us that the primary reason he attacked the First Baptist Church of Suthlerland Springs was because his mother-in-law was a member of that congregation, but if he had any respect for human life at all he wouldn’t have tried to kill everyone there – including all of the small children. (Read More...)

Shocking New Online Poll Shows That Michael Snyder’s Campaign For Congress Has A Ton Of Momentum

It is still very, very early, but we continue to get positive signs that all of the hard work that we have put into this campaign is getting the attention of the voters. Last week, the largest and most important political talk radio station in the entire state posted an online poll for our race, and we are winning. In fact, we have more votes than all of the other guys in the race combined. But let’s not get too excited. This is an entirely unscientific poll, and a scientific poll would show a much, much closer race. The truth is that most voters in this district still don’t even know who any of the candidates are, and that means that we have a ton of work ahead of us in this wide open race. In order to win, we need to effectively get our message out to all of these voters, and if you would like to help us do that, you can do so right here… (Read More...)