Climate Chaos: Following Record Heat This Summer, Experts Are Predicting There Will Be A Nightmarishly Cold Winter

For most of this summer, much of the U.S. has been hit by historic heatwaves, crippling drought and unprecedented wildfires.  But if the long-term forecasts that I am about to share with you are accurate, this winter could be bitterly, bitterly cold.  The sun appears to be entering into a period of early hibernation, and that is a very troubling sign.  The primary driver of climate conditions is the giant ball of fire that our planet revolves around, and that ball of fire is beginning to behave in irregular ways.  Sunspot activity is way, way below what was expected for this year, and that is one of the reasons why so many are calling for a “big freeze” this winter.  And if we experience an extended “solar minimum”, that could mean significantly reduced temperatures and crop failures all over the planet.  At other times in history, such a scenario has meant global famine. (Read More...)

David Katz: Yet Another Mass Shooter That Had His Mind Warped By Anti-Psychotic And Anti-Depressant Medications

This keeps happening over and over, and yet nobody in the mainstream media would ever dare to call for a federal investigation into the pharmaceutical companies.  That is because the big drug corporations have literally spent billions of dollars advertising their products on television, on radio and in the newspapers over the years, and if that gravy train were to ever end the mainstream media would collapse.  So the general public is not going to get the truth about what is really happening with these mass shootings.  In almost every single case, we find out that the mass shooter had been on anti-psychotic or anti-depressant medications (or both).  So it really came as no surprise whatsoever to learn that Jacksonville shooter David Katz had been on such drugs.  The following comes from Fox News(Read More...)

10 Attack Quotes From Establishment Insiders About The Trump-Putin Summit That Will Make Your Skin Crawl

Donald Trump’s summit meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki has unleashed a torrent of criticism that is unlike anything that we have ever seen. U.S. and Russian leaders have been getting together for decades, but this particular gathering was labeled the #TreasonSummit on social media before it even began. In the end, nothing that Trump could have possibly done would have pleased his critics, and the joint press conference at the end of the summit was enough to push some of them completely over the edge. Here are 10 attack quotes from establishment insiders about the Trump-Putin summit that will make your skin crawl… (Read More...)

Is The Left Going To Try To Use Brett Kavanaugh’s Old Credit Card Debts To Derail His Nomination To The Supreme Court?

In a way, I feel very sorry for Brett Kavanaugh right now.  This Senate confirmation process is going to be like going to a proctologist every single day for weeks on end.  Investigators are going to go over everything that he has ever done with a fine-toothed comb, and anything that is even remotely scandalous is going to brought out for the entire world to see.  In fact, the Washington Post is already running with a story about Kavanaugh’s past debts.  Federal employees such as Kavanaugh have financial disclosure forms that they are required to file, and although those forms do not reveal everything, they reveal enough to potentially get Kavanaugh into trouble. (Read More...)

Liberals Are Freaking Out About The Nomination Of Brett Kavanaugh, But It Is Conservatives That Should Be Concerned

The weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth has begun on the left, but the truth is that Donald Trump could have nominated someone far more conservative on Monday night.  Over the next several months there will be endless protests in Washington D.C. as liberals moan and groan about “the end of our freedoms”, and Brett Kavanaugh will be relentlessly portrayed as a conservative devil by the mainstream media.  And even though NBC News is insisting that Kavanaugh “would make the high court solidly conservative” if he is confirmed, the reality of the matter is that there are some pretty good reasons why conservatives should be deeply concerned about this pick.  Just because a Republican president nominates someone to the Supreme Court does not mean that individual will make a good judge.  For example, Ronald Reagan nominated Anthony Kennedy in 1987, and he turned out to be a complete and utter disaster.  If Reagan had nominated someone different, the entire modern history of the U.S. Supreme Court could have been completely different.  With the Court still so divided, the stakes are incredibly high, and we must not get another Kennedy.  So it is troubling that Brett Kavanaugh clerked for Kennedy and has always had nothing but good things to say about him.  Anyone that would look to Justice Kennedy as any sort of a role model is definitely not fit for a seat on the highest court in the land. (Read More...)

The Best Places To Live In All 50 U.S. States

We live at a time when Americans are packing up and moving with increasing frequency. Some are moving for new opportunities, some are moving in anticipation of what is coming, and others are moving just because they are bored. As the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog and The Most Important News, I am frequently asked to give my opinion about a potential move. Of course I often don’t know what to say, because often factors that I don’t fully understand are involved in the decision. For example, someone may be moving somewhere truly horrible for a wonderful new job, or complex family relationships are precipitating a move. But there are some general principles that I share with people, and I will be sharing some of them with you in this article. (Read More...)

Facebook Is Hiring “News Credibility Specialists” That Will Pass Judgment On Which Sites Are “Credible” And Which Sites Are Not

The war on “fake news” is about to go to an entirely new level. According to media reports, Facebook has been seeking to hire “news credibility specialists” that will be tasked with “evaluating” which news publishers are “credible” and which are not. If the goal was just to simply filter out the handful of websites that purposely publish fake news stories, that would be fine. But as we have seen so many times in recent years, these types of programs inevitably discriminate against conservative viewpoints. Facebook is highly liberal, and they will be hiring from a California talent pool that is also highly liberal. And liberals invariably consider liberal viewpoints to be more “credible” than conservative viewpoints. Facebook built an empire by giving everyone a voice, and it is simply not fair for them to try to exclude conservative viewpoints now just because they do not like them. (Read More...)

The Department Of Homeland Security Plans To Compile A List Of All Bloggers, Journalists And “Social Media Influencers”

Many were hoping that once Barack Obama was out of office we would see less of this Big Brother surveillance nonsense, but instead it seems to be getting even worse.  In fact, the Department of Homeland Security has just announced that it intends to compile a comprehensive list of hundreds of thousands of “journalists, editors, correspondents, social media influencers, bloggers etc.”, and collect any “information that could be relevant” about them.  So if you have a website, an important blog or you are just very active on social media, the Department of Homeland Security is going to put you on a list and will start collecting information about you.  The DHS has already announced that it will hire a contractor to aid in monitoring media coverage, and they will definitely need plenty of help because it is going to be a very big job(Read More...)