A 21-Year-Old Man Has A Baby, And Doctors Say ‘Womb Transplants For Men’ Will Soon Be Possible

Do you think that men should be having babies? Years ago I remember being told that someday we would see these sorts of headlines, but such a thing seemed so impossible to me at the time. Well, now it is actually happening. Over in the UK, a 21-year-old British man named Hayden Cross has just given birth to a baby girl. But of course Hayden was not actually born a man. Hayden used to be known as “Paige Cross”, but eventually a decision was made to embrace a transgender lifestyle. However, Hayden put his transition on hold in order to become pregnant and give birth. (Read More...)

A Sign? A Badly Wounded Bald Eagle Was Rescued On The Streets Of Washington D.C. Right Before The 4th Of July

I don’t know if you believe in signs, but I do. So when I heard that a very badly injured bald eagle had been found wandering the streets of Washington D.C. right before the 4th of July, that definitely got my attention. Today, bald eagles are actually quite rare. There are only about 5,000 nesting pairs in the lower 48 states, and it is especially uncommon to spot one in one of our major cities. When I was first told that a bald eagle has been rescued on the streets of our nation’s capital right before the most patriotic day of the year, I was immediately skeptical. But this is actually a true story. The following was reported by NPR(Read More...)

I Need Your Help

I have never been very good at asking for help. My father was an officer in the U.S. Navy, and he raised me to be very strong and very independent. So for my entire life, I have been a “pull myself up by my own bootstraps” kind of guy. From a very early age I came to think of asking others for help as a sign of weakness. Of course today I know that is not true, but there is still part of me that hesitates to enlist the support of others even when I really, really need it. (Read More...)

They Want To Make The Rest Of The Country Just Like California

If millions are leaving California because life there is so horrible, then why would those same people want to try to make their new communities more like the state that they just left? About five million people have migrated out of the state of California over the past decade, and most of them are leaving for very good reasons. The number one destination for ex-Californians is Texas, and this has caused the state to move a little bit to the left politically. For example, Trump beat Clinton by only about 9 percent in Texas back in November. It is getting to the point where many people in Texas are starting to resent anyone with a California license plate, because there are so many ex-Californians that would like to turn Texas into another version of their home state. (Read More...)

It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way

Is there any way to unite our country once again? We live at a time when our nation is deeply polarized and many people have chosen to completely give in to hate. There are a lot of Democrats that deeply hate Donald Trump with everything that they have inside of them, even though they might not be able to clearly explain to anyone exactly why they hate him so much. And the same thing could be said about many Republicans when it comes to top politicians among the Democrats. Yes, there are very important issues that divide us, and there are certain things where compromise simply is not an option. But just because we disagree with others politically does not mean that we have to hate them. The following is another excerpt from my new book, and hopefully it will inspire people to start loving their enemies (even their political ones)… (Read More...)

It Is Time To Put The ‘Limited’ Back In Limited Government – And Abolishing The EPA Is A Good Place To Start

The constitutional republic that our founders intended to create has become a monster, and it is time to tame that monster and restore the federal government to its proper size and scope. The left loves big government, because it allows them to impose their progressive vision of how the world should work on all the rest of us. This is why so many control freaks are drawn to liberal politics like moths to a flame. Power and control are very addicting drugs, and those that crave these things on the left are never satisfied. That is one of the reasons why the federal government just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. If our constitutional republic is going to survive, we have got to start putting the “limited” back in limited government. (Read More...)

81 Percent Of Americans Are ‘Concerned About Declining Moral Behavior In Our Nation’

Could it be possible that Americans are more concerned about declining standards of morality than most of us initially thought? A very surprising new survey conducted by LifeWay Research has discovered that a whopping 81 percent of Americans agree with this statement: “I am concerned about declining moral behavior in our nation.” If you follow my work on a regular basis, you already know that moral decay is a theme that I keep coming back to time after time. To me it is quite obvious that moral behavior is deteriorating all around us, but I had no idea that so many other Americans were deeply concerned about the exact same thing. (Read More...)

Chart-Topping Rapper Kendrick Lamar Is Preaching More Spiritual Truth Than Most Of The Dead Churches In America Are

One of the hottest rappers in the entire world has just rebuked Christian leaders in America for not preaching about sin, repentance and judgment. And you know what? He is entirely correct. Today, you will very rarely ever hear the words “sin”, “repentance” and “judgment” come out of the mouths of the most influential leaders in the Christian world, and so God is using other avenues to proclaim His truth. If you are not familiar with Kendrick Lamar, he has won seven Grammy Awards and last year Time Magazine actually named him one of the top 100 most influential people on the entire planet. The following comes from Wikipedia(Read More...)