As Doomsday Approaches, It Is Being Estimated That Approximately 10 Percent Of All Americans Are Now “Preppers”

Why is the number of preppers growing so rapidly?  Prior to the pandemic, somewhere around 2 or 3 percent of all Americans were preppers, but now that figure has shot up to about 10 percent.  Needless to say, the pandemic certainly put a good scare into a lot of people, but now it has largely passed and so you would think that interest in prepping would subside.  But instead, the prepping community just continues to grow.  On a very basic level, most of us understand that the party is ending and most of us can feel that something really big is coming.  In 2023 and beyond, there will be more war, more economic turmoil, more famines, more pestilences and more historic natural disasters.  In such an environment, it will pay to be prepared. (Read More...)

There Are Clues That Indicate Russia Could Be Preparing A Surprise Lightning Strike To Take Kiev

Is the war in Ukraine about to pass the point of no return?  When Russia announced that it would be mobilizing large numbers of troops, a lot of people assumed that those troops would be sent to bolster existing defensive lines.  But it appears that may not be necessary.  The Ukrainian counter-offensives have mostly petered out at this point, and the Russians have even taken some new territory in recent days near Bakhmut.  In order to make the gains that they did in September, the Ukrainians were forced to sacrifice a staggering amount of personnel and vehicles, and now their forces are over-extended and exhausted. (Read More...)

Has A State Of Collective Insanity Descended Upon America?

Have you noticed that people seem to be going completely nuts all around us?  Of course there have always been a few people with mental health issues in our society, but these days it seems like some sort of a collective insanity has descended upon our entire nation.  I was curious, and so I decided to look up the dictionary definition of “insanity”.  According to Merriam-Webster, the top definition is “a severely disordered state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder”.  When I read that, I thought that “a severely disordered state of the mind” sounds just about right.  Front the White House all the way down, we are witnessing things that we have never seen before.  Vast numbers of people in our society can’t seem to think straight, and that is a major problem. (Read More...)

Will The New Shemitah Cycle Be One Of The Biggest Turning Points In All Of Human History?

A number of people have asked me about the Shemitah year lately, and so in this article I will attempt to provide some answers.  According to Orthodox Judaism, the current 7 year Shemitah cycle will end and a new 7 year Shemitah cycle will begin when Rosh Hashanah arrives on the evening of September 25th.  But that assumes that they have been calculating the Shemitah cycles correctly.  There are some that believe that this is not actually a Shemitah year at all.  There are others that believe that a Shemitah year should begin on the first day of the Biblical year and not on Rosh Hashanah.  And then there is the debate between those that believe a full Jubilee cycle is 49 years long and those that believe a full Jubilee cycle is 50 years long.  As you can see, researching this topic can quickly become extremely complicated.  So let me start off by reviewing some of the basics.  This is what Wikipedia has to say about how the Shemitah year is observed in the land of Israel today… (Read More...)

Let’s Talk About The Current State Of Public Education In The United States

America’s public schools have never been worse than they are right now.  Test scores are falling, and many of our kids cannot read, write, speak or do basic math effectively.  As a result, each level of education has had to be “dumbed down”, because each year the next incoming class has been woefully unprepared at the previous level.  This is one of the big reasons why many tests these days require only answers that are true/false or multiple choice.  Our kids are simply not equipped to handle much more than that.  Sadly, this is true even at the college level.  I spent eight years earning three degrees at a couple of the best public institutions in America, and the level of education that I received was exceedingly poor.  Even at that time, the family pet could have passed most of the “college courses” that I was forced to endure.  Of course things have only gotten far worse since then. (Read More...)

A Major Prophetic Voice Is Warning That Food Confiscation Will Happen In America When Shortages Get Really Severe

What I am about to share with you is extremely alarming.  I was recently contacted by a major prophetic voice about a very unusual experience that this individual recently had, and we discussed what would be appropriate to share with the public.  Normally I never share anything from anonymous sources that is prophetic, but as you will see below this particular individual has good reasons for staying anonymous in this case.  What I can tell you is that I know this individual personally, and I can assure you that this prophetic voice has a strong track record of accuracy. (Read More...)

Biden: “We Need More Money To Plan For The Second Pandemic. There’s Going To Be Another Pandemic.”

Should we be preparing for a “second pandemic” to arrive?  The man in the White House sure seems to think so.  A lot of people don’t take what Joe Biden has to say very seriously, because it is obvious that he is in an advanced state of mental decline.  But it is that lack of mental sharpness that causes him to slip up and reveal things that those around Biden do not want him to reveal.  That is one of the reasons why Biden is kept away from reporters most of the time, but once in a while there is a brief opportunity for reporters to directly interact with him.  We witnessed one of those brief opportunities this week, and the way that Biden responded to one reporter’s question has a lot of people scratching their heads(Read More...)

More Major Disasters Hit U.S. Food Production – Are You Prepared For What Comes Next?

The hits just keep on coming.  Over the past few months, I have carefully documented the rapidly growing global food crisis, and I have explained that even here in the United States food production is going to be way below original expectations this year.  Unfortunately, most of the population still doesn’t grasp what is happening.  Most people simply assume that everything will turn out okay somehow.  Meanwhile, farmers are telling us as loudly as they can that everything will most definitely not be okay.  In my entire lifetime, I have never seen America’s farmers this alarmed about what is ahead.  And of course everything that we are currently witnessing in the U.S. and around the globe is setting the stage for the sort of historic famines that I have been relentlessly warning my readers about.  I wish that I knew a way to get through to the millions upon millions of apathetic people out there that don’t seem to care that a major food crisis is coming, because the suffering that we are going to witness all over the world will be off the charts. (Read More...)