A Woman Moves From California To Iowa And Experiences Severe Culture Shock

Moving from a major urban area on one of our coasts to a city in the middle of the country can be a major shock.  If you have been through such a transition, you know exactly what I am talking about.  Outside of the United States, many try to make generalizations about “American culture”, but the truth is that we are a nation that is made up of thousands of increasingly divergent subcultures.  So if you pack your stuff up and plop yourself down in another state a thousand miles away, you may find yourself in the midst of a culture that literally seems like it is from another planet.  In some cases that can be a good thing, but in other cases it is not so good. (Read More...)

Scientists Make A Shocking Monkeypox Discovery: “There Are Way More Mutations Than Expected”

Monkeypox continues to spread to more areas around the globe, but so far there is not the same sort of widespread alarm that we witnessed during the early stages of the COVID pandemic.  One of the big reasons for this is because global health authorities have been assuring us that there isn’t much of a risk to the general population.  More than a week ago, the World Health Organization boldly announced that there was no evidence that the monkeypox virus had mutated, and so everyone assumed that this outbreak would not become a global crisis.  Well, it turns out that the World Health Organization spoke way too soon.  Scientists are now telling us that there are lots and lots of mutations in the new strain that has been spreading like wildfire all over the planet.  In fact, it is being reported that “there are way more mutations than expected”(Read More...)

World War 3: The Stage Is Being Set For The United States To Go To War With China And Russia Simultaneously

You would have to be out of your mind to fight wars with China and Russia simultaneously.  Unfortunately, the guy in the White House actually fits that description.  Joe Biden has been a hothead throughout his career in politics, but now he is a hothead that is in an advanced state of mental decline.  And as I have warned for more than a year, he is surrounded by the worst foreign policy team in U.S. history, and that is really saying something.  Biden and his team just keep making one colossal mistake after another, and now we are on a path that could soon have us fighting major wars with both China and Russia at the same time. (Read More...)

American Mothers Don’t Have Enough Formula For Their Babies, But Biden Wants To Give 40 Billion More Dollars To Ukraine

Our economy is literally coming apart at the seams, but the Biden administration just wants to keep shoveling billions upon billions of our tax dollars into a war on the other side of the world that is already hopelessly lost.  Despite what Joe Biden and his enablers in the corporate media are telling you, Ukraine is not going to win.  What the Russians did to the Azov Battalion in Mariupol is now going to happen on a much larger scale to the core of the Ukrainian military in the Donbas.  Instead of using thousands upon thousands of Ukrainian men as cannon fodder in a proxy war with Russia, our leaders should be pushing for a peace agreement that everyone can live with.  But that isn’t going to happen, because the warmongers in Washington are absolutely obsessed with finding a way to defeat Russia.  Of course if the warmongers just keep escalating matters we could eventually find ourselves in a nuclear conflict with Russia, and that is a fight that nobody would win. (Read More...)

Here Are 5 New “Pestilences” That Have Suddenly Appeared Around The Globe

Mysterious new outbreaks of disease are erupting all over the planet.  Should we be alarmed?  Over the past few years, we have all seen how rapidly an outbreak can spread.  A few confirmed cases in one part of the world can become a true global pandemic in just a matter of weeks.  And once a pandemic begins, it can be with us indefinitely.  After more than two years of fighting COVID, our health authorities are now admitting that it is going to be with us for many years to come.  Despite all of our advanced technology, the truth is that we are exceedingly vulnerable.  A deadly new bug could come along at any time and kill millions or billions of us, and that is just one of the reasons why we should take any new “mystery illness” very seriously. (Read More...)

Will This Be The Shemitah Cycle That Changes Everything? The First Month Of The Biblical Calendar Begins This Week

I realize that this article isn’t going to be for everyone, but if you have a deep interest in Bible prophecy I believe that you are going to be very interested in what I have to share.  God has a calendar that is very different from the calendar that our society uses, and that calendar can be found in the Bible.  All throughout history, important historical events have happened during extremely significant times on God’s calendar, and I believe that there is a very good chance that this upcoming Biblical year will be a critical turning point. (Read More...)

11 Signs U.S. Relations With China Are Deteriorating And That An Invasion Of Taiwan Is Drawing Near

This is an article that I have been wanting to write for a while, because China is going to be such a central player in the global drama that is going to play out over the next few years.  Since Joe Biden entered the White House, the deterioration of Chinese relations with the United States has accelerated.  Meanwhile, Chinese relations with Russia have tightened, and that should deeply alarm all of us.  Because now that war has started, many are deeply concerned that the U.S. could eventually find itself in a direct conflict with a Russian-Chinese alliance. (Read More...)

Let’s Compare The Physical Condition Of Young Americans In 1962 To The Physical Condition Of Young Americans Today

There was a reason why we were once so respected by the rest of the world.  Once upon a time, Americans were incredibly sharp mentally, emotionally and physically.  A few days ago, video footage of what high school physical education was like in California in 1962 was brought to my attention.  As I watched the video, I could hardly believe my eyes.  Every single one of the kids was in immaculate physical condition, and they performed their drills with military precision.  After watching this video, I knew that I had to share it with my readers. (Read More...)