As The Fate Of America Hangs In The Balance, The Level Of Evil In This Country Is Off The Charts

A decline in morality has preceded the collapse of almost every great society throughout history.  Moral decay is often cited as one of the primary reasons for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, the level of wickedness in ancient Greece reached a frightening crescendo before it finally fell, and the depravity of French aristocrats was so nauseating that ordinary citizens took them out into the streets and beheaded them during the French Revolution.  Unfortunately, we have not learned from the lessons of the past, and so we appear doomed to repeat them. (Read More...)

A New Bill In California Would “Double Taxes” In Order To Pay For A Statewide Single Payer Healthcare System

Are politicians in California actually trying to make the mass exodus out of their state even worse?  Even though Democrats currently have control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, it has become exceedingly clear that a national single payer healthcare system is not going to happen any time soon.  So apparently politicians in California have decided that they are going to try to implement one in just their state.  I realize that this sounds completely nuts, but it is actually true.  Earlier today, I was stunned when I came across the following tweet from California Legislator Kevin Kiley(Read More...)

So Now It Has Been 666 Days Since A Pandemic Was Officially Declared…

Isn’t it funny how certain numbers just seem to come up over and over again?  On March 11th, 2020 the World Health Organization officially declared that the COVID-19 outbreak was a global pandemic.  According to, moving forward 666 days brings us to January 5th, 2022.  Over the last 666 days, we have seen an extremely alarming rise of authoritarianism all over the globe, and all of our lives have been changed permanently and dramatically.  So I think that it is quite appropriate that we commemorate the 666th day of this pandemic, because governments all around the world have certainly been behaving in ways that are unspeakably evil. (Read More...)

A New Bill In Congress Would Establish A Federal Vaccination Database All Across America

Have you heard of the “Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021” yet?  If not, you need to get up to speed right away, because there is a very good chance that it is going to become law.  In the House of Representatives, this bill was only debated for 40 minutes, and then it was easily passed.  Every Democrat voted in favor of the bill, and they were joined by a staggering 80 Republicans.  Now the bill goes to the Senate, and it is expected to have similar support there.  I very much encourage you to contact your senators and tell them to vote “no” on this bill, because it is extremely dangerous. (Read More...)

New Poll Shows Almost All Americans Are Deeply Concerned About Inflation As Prices Explode All Over The Country

How do you know when a problem officially becomes a crisis?  Is it when just about everyone agrees that a crisis has arrived?  If that is the case, then it appears that an “inflation crisis” is now upon us.  Country Financial just conducted a survey that asked Americans about a variety of financial issues, and they found that a whopping 88 percent of the population is highly concerned about inflation at this point… (Read More...)

As The Shelves Get Emptier, How Long Can They Keep The Charade Going?

They keep telling us that everything is going to be just fine, but an increasing number of Americans are beginning to realize that what we are facing is not “temporary” at all.  From coast to coast, store shelves have been getting emptier and emptier, and supply chain experts are warning us that things aren’t going to be getting better any time soon.  But Biden administration officials continue to smile and insist that they have everything under control.  Do you believe them?  At this point, I don’t know why anyone would still believe that they are capable of handling any major problem after what we have witnessed in Afghanistan, at the southern border, etc. (Read More...)

The Mainstream Media Says “We Can Expect To See A Shortage Of Canned Foods” During The Holiday Season

Now even the mainstream media is admitting that the shortages are going to get even worse.  Earlier this year, the talking heads on television were assuring all of us that the U.S. economy would be “booming” by the end of 2021, but obviously that hasn’t happened.  Instead, we are facing growing shortages and rampant inflation.  In fact, one measure of inflation just hit the highest level in nearly 40 years.  But of more immediate concern is the fact that shortages are intensifying all over the nation.  We have never seen anything like this before, and the mainstream media is openly telling us that the worst is yet to come.  For example, the following comes from an Axios article entitled “The great holiday shortage”(Read More...)

They Are Publicly Announcing That Things Are NEVER Going To Return To “Normal”

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all wake up someday and the pandemic is finally behind us?  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to go back to a world with no masks, no restrictions and no mandates?  I know that is what so many of you want.  I want it too.  Just like millions of others, we are ready for this long nightmare to finally end.  Unfortunately, we are now being told that this crisis is never going to have an end.  COVID is apparently going to be with us indefinitely, and that means that we will be talking about masks, restrictions and mandates for years on end.  I know that must sound extremely depressing, because it sounded extremely depressing when I wrote it. (Read More...)