Are Joe Biden’s Extreme Coughing Fits A Reason For Concern?

In recent days, Joe Biden has developed a very persistent cough.  It has gotten so bad that he coughed all the way through a couple of major speeches this week, and some news outlets were using the word “feverish” to describe his appearance.  In normal times, extreme coughing fits by someone in his position would often get overlooked, but these are not normal times.  We are in the middle of the COVID pandemic, and we all know that COVID specifically targets the respiratory system.  Could it be possible that Biden has caught COVID or some other virus?  At this point, we have no way of knowing. (Read More...)

Why I Am On High Alert During The Month Of September

In these troubled times, it pays to be on alert, because global events are moving at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking.  But I will be on a higher state of alert than usual during the month of September, and I will explain why in this article.  Many people instinctively understand that things are taking a very bad turn, and sales at emergency food companies have gone through the roof in recent months.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of those that are feverishly preparing don’t understand the bigger picture, and that is one of the reasons why I wrote my new book.  I want people to understand where we are in history and the extremely chaotic times that are rapidly approaching.  The Bible has a tremendous amount to say about the period of time that we commonly refer to as “the end times” or “the last days”, and I believe that it won’t be too long before God starts intervening in the affairs of humanity in some pretty extraordinary ways. (Read More...)

Did The Supreme Court Just End Roe v. Wade?

A lot of people are saying that Roe v. Wade is “finished” now that the Supreme Court has refused to block a new Texas abortion law from going into effect.  This new law bans abortions once the heartbeat of the baby can be detected, and that usually happens somewhere around six weeks into a pregnancy.  Courts have struck down similar heartbeat laws in other states, and so Texas did something to try to get around that.  Under this new Texas law, state officials will not actually be enforcing the restrictions.  Instead, private citizens have been granted the right to bring civil lawsuits against those that provide illegal abortions. (Read More...)

Has The Next Major Pandemic Already Started? A New “Mystery Illness” In India Is Killing Dozens Of People

Many have talked about “the next pandemic” in theoretical terms, but could it be possible that it is already here?  The mainstream media in the United States is not talking about the outbreak of a very alarming “mystery disease” in India yet, but if it continues to spread they soon will be.  Dozens are already dead, and the death toll just continues to rise.  Top health authorities in India are insisting that there is no reason to panic, but that is what Chinese authorities told us at the beginning of the COVID pandemic too.  There is still so much that we don’t know about this outbreak, but in this article I am going to share with you what I have been able to find out so far. (Read More...)

A “Mega-Comet” That Is At Least 62 Miles Wide Has Entered Our Solar System

Did you know that an absolutely gigantic comet that is at least 62 miles wide is cruising through our solar system right now?  Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein is already closer to the sun than Neptune, but scientists are assuring us that it is absolutely no threat to our planet.  If that is true, that is great news, because it appears that this is the biggest comet ever discovered.  It is being projected that it will make its closest approach to the sun in January 2031, and after that it is expected to head on a path that will eventually take it out of our solar system.  Let us hope that all of this information is accurate, but could there be a possibility that the scientists that have studied this giant space rock are wrong? (Read More...)

Their Endgame For The Flag, The National Anthem, The Declaration Of Independence And The Constitution

A huge national debate about our most important national symbols has erupted, and it is rapidly becoming one of our hottest political issues.  But what most people don’t realize is that this isn’t really a debate about our past.  Rather, it is a debate about what our future is going to look like.  Those that are demonizing the American flag, the national anthem, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are not doing so for the purpose of winning a historical debate.  Their true goal is to “cancel” those symbols and replace them with new ones, because our existing national symbols represent values and principles that are diametrically opposed to the values and principles that they wish to impose upon society. (Read More...)

A North Korean Defector Says That The Brainwashing In U.S. Schools Is Similar To The Brainwashing In North Korean Schools

A long time ago, the left decided that one of the best ways to transform U.S. society would be to take over the education system, and that conquest is now complete.  From the very top to the very bottom, the left completely and utterly dominates our system of education, and at this point our schools are little more than public indoctrination centers.  I spent more than a third of my life in those schools, and so I know what I am talking about.  Unfortunately, things have continued to spiral downhill since I received my last degree in 2003. (Read More...)

Frustrated Homebuyers Are Competing With Investment Funds That Are Literally Buying Up Entire Neighborhoods

Home prices have been rising aggressively all over the nation this year, and this has caused a tremendous amount of frustration among ordinary Americans that are looking for something to buy.  As I have detailed in previous articles, we have often seen ferocious bidding wars break out for the most desirable properties, and many homes end up selling for way over asking price.  Unfortunately, many potential home buyers don’t even realize that they may be competing with investment funds, billionaires and wealth foreigners.  Gobbling up homes is now considered to be a way to make huge returns very rapidly.  Once homes are purchased, they are either flipped quickly for a large profit or they are rented out at very aggressive rates.  Meanwhile, it is becoming a lot more difficult for ordinary Americans to find affordable places to live. (Read More...)