3 Giant Financial Companies That The Global Elite Use To Control 88% Of The Corporations Listed On The S&P 500

There is no question that large corporations absolutely dominate our society today.  They control what we eat, they control what we watch on television, they own most of the stores that we shop at, they provide the energy that our nation depends upon, and they make almost all of the products that we use.  Tens of millions of Americans make a living by serving these colossal firms, and at this point some of the biggest corporations are larger than many small countries.  But of course the corporations aren’t the top of the food chain.  They have owners, and there are 3 giant financial companies that the global elite use to control 88 percent of the corporations that are currently listed on the S&P 500. (Read More...)

People Are Literally Eating Rotten Meat To Get High

Would you eat rotting, decaying meat if it would give you a good buzz?  Yes, I know that sounds absolutely crazy, but people are actually doing this.  In fact, people are doing all kinds of really stupid things in our society today.  America has become an “idiocracy” that is full of people that must have other people do their thinking for them because they can’t seem to think for themselves.  At this point, much of the population can barely function in our society because their reading, writing and math skills are so low.  Last month, we learned that a high school student in Baltimore with a 0.13 grade point average was still near the top half of his class.  Our public school system has completely and utterly failed, and it is time for all of us to admit that fact. (Read More...)

Trillions Of Microplastic Particles Are In Our Air, Our Water And Our Bodies And They Are Literally Destroying The Earth

No matter where you go, you won’t be able to escape the nightmarish plague of microplastics that is absolutely devastating our environment.  Microplastics are in the air that you breathe, they are in the water that comes out of your faucet, they are in the rain that falls from the sky, and there are countless microplastic particles inside your body right now.  When you throw away a piece of plastic, you probably never think about it again, but it doesn’t go away.  In fact, a plastic trash bag that you may have thrown out decades ago could have disintegrated into thousands upon thousands of tiny microplastic particles at this point.  Needless to say, humanity as a whole produces giant mountains of plastic waste each year, and things have already gotten so bad that microplastic particles can now be found “from the highest mountains to the deepest marine trenches”(Read More...)

Hordes Of Demoralized Police Officers Are Quitting Their Jobs, And America’s Streets Are Less Safe As A Result

The United States has never faced a more severe law enforcement crisis than it is facing right now.  All over the nation, police officers are quitting in droves, and many of those jobs are going unfilled because of the difficulty in recruiting new applicants.  Since the death of George Floyd, police officers have been relentlessly demonized by the corporate media, police budgets have been dramatically slashed in major cities all across the country, and many prominent politicians have publicly expressed disdain for their local law enforcement authorities.  In such an environment, serving the community as a police officer is not an attractive option, and it makes perfect sense why so many officers have been throwing in the towel on their once promising careers. (Read More...)

Is There A Reason Why Demonic Possession Seems To Be Getting A Lot More Common In Our Society?

In this article, I am going to share some things with you that defy “rational explanation”.  As our society has become increasingly obsessed with the occult, experts that deal with cases of demonic possession report that they have seen a huge surge in demand in recent years.  Many of those that reach out for help are absolutely desperate, because often the torment caused by the demons is almost unbearable.  Unfortunately, the movies, television shows, books and video games that draw so many of our young people to the world of the occult just keep getting even darker and even more “realistic”.  So it is quite likely that the surge in demonic activity in our society will only continue to escalate. (Read More...)

There Is A “Crisis Of Masculinity” In The United States

When I was growing up in the 1970s, society was definitely beginning to change, but there were still plenty of men that knew how to be men.  In those days, if men wanted to be masculine that was okay.  And if women wanted to be feminine, that was okay too.  But now everything has completely changed.  Any effort to promote traditional gender roles is frowned upon, and masculinity in particular is under attack.  In our society, “male” has become a label with highly negative connotations, and if you exhibit masculine traits you are considered to be part of the problem.  Sadly, these negative messages about masculinity are constantly reinforced by the countless hours that Americans spend watching television and movies each year. (Read More...)

A Highly Resistant New COVID Variant That Originated In Brazil Is Being Compared To “An Atomic Bomb”

Global health authorities had been hoping that 2021 would be the year when the COVID pandemic was brought under control, but COVID just keeps mutating over and over again.  I have written articles about other new COVID variants in the past, but now scientists are warning us that a highly resistant new variant in Brazil could be the most dangerous one of all.  In fact, down in Brazil it is being compared to “an atomic bomb”.  This new variant is known as “P.1”, and according to a new study that was just released it is “between 1.4 and 2.2 times more transmissible than other variants”.  But that isn’t why this variant is considered to be so dangerous.  What is really alarming experts is the fact that tests have shown that P.1 is “able to evade 25-61 percent of protective immunity elicited by previous infection”.  If those that are supposed to have built up immunity against COVID are not protected, that could potentially render all existing vaccines useless against this new strain. (Read More...)

American Culture Has Fundamentally Changed Over The Past Several Decades

For as long as I have been alive, there has been an epic struggle for control over America’s values.  It has been referred to as “the culture war”, and it is often framed in political terms, but the truth is that it runs much deeper than that.  Literally every moment of every day, forces on both sides are engaged in a relentless battle for your mind.  Virtually everything you watch on television, listen to on the radio and look at on the Internet is designed to shape how you view the world.  Our education system, our largest corporations and politicians in both major parties are also used as tools in the culture war.  Both sides would like to achieve victory, but as you will see below, only one side has been making significant progress. (Read More...)