If You Believe Life Will “Return To Normal”, You Have A Fundamental Misunderstanding Of The Times In Which We Live

Despite all of the craziness that is going on out there, many pundits are trying to convince us that life will soon “return to normal” and that great days are just around the corner.  They are telling us this despite the fact that the state of Texas has been in a state of collapse this week, the real economy continues to implode, the unemployment numbers are going up, civil unrest continues to rage in our streets on a nightly basis, and our entire planet continues to become even more unstable.  Those that believe that happy days are here again have a fundamental misunderstanding of the times in which we live.  This isn’t a period of time when America is going to “build back better”.  Rather, this is a time when America is going to go even deeper into “the perfect storm”. (Read More...)

Why Are Volcanoes All Along The “Ring Of Fire” Suddenly Starting To Pop Off Like Firecrackers?

While most of us are preoccupied with other matters, the “Ring of Fire” is starting to shake quite dramatically.  Within the past couple of days, we have seen numerous volcanoes along the “Ring of Fire” shoot hot volcanic ash thousands of feet into the air.  That list of volcanoes includes Popocatepetl in MexicoSangay in EcuadorKlyuchevskaya on the Kamchatka Peninsula, Sabancaya in Peru, Raung in Indonesia, Reventador in Ecuador, and Fuego in Guatemala.  Overall, 28 volcanoes around the globe are currently erupting right now, and most of those are located somewhere along the “Ring of Fire”. (Read More...)

Dangerous New Pestilences Are Breaking Out All Over The Globe

Did you hear about the outbreak of the new “mystery disease” in Tanzania?  What about the alarming new outbreak in Congo?  New developments in South Africa are making headlines all over the globe as well.  Despite all of our advanced technology, humanity remains extremely vulnerable to outbreaks of disease, and many believe that the COVID pandemic is just the beginning.  Fearsome new bugs are constantly being cooked up in labs all over the planet, and it is inevitable that there will be more “accidents” that result in more of these bugs getting released in the future.  As we have seen, a single virus can rapidly spread throughout the entire world, and it is just a matter of time before a pandemic comes along that will wipe out tens of millions of people. (Read More...)

Why Mitch McConnell Backed Away From Trying To Convict Trump

Mitch McConnell really wanted to convict Donald Trump and ban him from ever running for office again, but he was forced to back off.  In fact, he just voted for a motion that declared that convicting Trump at this point would be unconstitutional.  That represents a stunning reversal by McConnell, because earlier this month he was telling other Republicans that he wanted Trump gone.  Putting the pieces together, it appears that McConnell really did try to get to 67 votes so that Trump would be convicted, but political reality forced him to back down in a major way.  Now a weakened McConnell will try to move forward as the minority leader in the Senate, and the future of his political career is very much in doubt. (Read More...)

Nashville Suicide Bomber Anthony Quinn Warner Is A Perfect Example Of The Hopelessness That Pervades Our Society

What a sad, sad man Anthony Quinn Warner was.  He was unmarried, he didn’t appear to have any close friends, he had been involved in a legal conflict with own mother over real estate, and his death was completely and utterly meaningless.  I think that he was trying to draw attention to himself by blowing up his RV in front of the AT&T building in downtown Nashville, and millions of Americans now know who he is, but nobody will remember him fondly.  Instead, they will remember him as the man that blew out the windows in at least 41 buildings and devastated a significant portion of the downtown area of one of America’s most iconic cities. (Read More...)

Special Report: Evangelical Christianity In Crisis

The evangelical movement in the United States has reached a moment of reckoning.  To the surprise of many readers, this is actually not an article about Donald Trump.  Yes, evangelicals have become very closely linked to President Trump over the past four years, and this has deeply affected how many outsiders view the evangelical movement.  But no matter what happens politically, evangelical churches will just continue to keep doing what they have been doing.  In the long-term, the success of evangelical Christianity in America does not depend on the political success of Donald Trump. (Read More...)

A 9 hour wait? Early voting is shattering previous levels as voters flock to the polls in droves

Would you be willing to wait more than 9 hours to cast a vote on the very first day of early voting?  As you will see below, that is precisely what just happened in Georgia.  We have become accustomed to seeing long lines to vote on Election Day, but in 2020 we are witnessing colossal lines to vote three weeks before the election.  And this is happening even though tens of millions of Americans will be casting their votes through the mail this year.  The numbers that I am going to share with you in this article are eye-popping, and they seem to indicate that there is an unprecedented amount of interest in this election.  In recent months there has been a tremendous nationwide effort to encourage people to vote in 2020, and it appears that it is working. (Read More...)

Should We Celebrate Halloween?

Every year, Americans spend billions of dollars celebrating a holiday that is deeply rooted in ancient pagan religious practices and that is considered to be one of the most important days on the entire calendar by Satanists, Wiccans and other occultists.  Today, most people believe that our “Halloween traditions” are just good fun, but almost all of the most important traditions can be directly traced back to rituals that the ancient Druids would conduct during the festival of Samhain.  For the Druids, this was a time when the veil between the living and the dead was the thinnest, and many of the practices that they instituted were designed to facilitate communication with spirits on the other side.  In early America, the colonists were strictly forbidden from celebrating Halloween for religious reasons, but today only a very small percentage of the population rejects the holiday.  In fact, one recent survey found that 74 percent of young parents believe that “Halloween is more important than ever this year”(Read More...)