14 Absolutely Horrible Things That Were Said About Trump After He Was Diagnosed

There was a time when a moment like this would have brought the entire nation together in unity.  Decades ago, news that the president of the United States was the victim of a deadly virus and had been rushed to the hospital would have been received with grave seriousness.  But in 2020, much of the population responded to the news that President Trump had been infected by the coronavirus with jokes, sarcasm and death wishes.  In fact, there were so many death wishes for Trump on Facebook and Twitter that major news outlets all over the U.S. were doing news stories about it.  We have never seen anything like this before, and it says a lot about where we are headed as a nation. (Read More...)

Federal Authorities Have Already Documented Two Cases In Which Votes Have Been “Discarded” In Key Swing States

The integrity of our elections is of paramount importance, because if our ability to choose our own leaders is compromised that undermines everything that our system of government is based upon.  So every American should be hyper-sensitive to any allegation that our votes are being tampered with, because any attack on the voting process is an attack on all of us.  This is one issue that should be able to unite Republicans and Democrats, and hopefully people across the political spectrum will report anything suspicious that they notice over the coming weeks.  And as I become aware of troubling incidents, I will share them with my readers, because the integrity of our elections is definitely one of my hot button issues. (Read More...)

The Open Supreme Court Seat Is A Final Test For Trump, Senate Republicans And America’s Conservatives

The sudden passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg shocked the entire country, and it has set up a battle for the ages in Washington.  Democrats are promising to fight with everything that they have got to keep that seat from being filled before the election, but in the end there isn’t that much they can do.  The Republicans control the White House and the U.S. Senate, and so they have the power to fill that seat if they wish to do so.  Unfortunately, there are already cracks in Republican solidarity.  Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins have both publicly stated that they will not support a confirmation vote before election day, and two more defections would push Republicans below the 50 votes that they need to confirm a nominee.  But for the purposes of this article, I will assume that there will be no more defections. (Read More...)

Why We Are Facing The Biggest Election Nightmare In Modern American History No Matter Who Ends Up Winning

It looks like we are headed for the most chaotic presidential election in modern U.S. history.  According to some estimates, somewhere around 40 percent of all U.S. voters will vote by mail this year.  That means that tens of millions of votes will be going through the postal system, and that has the potential to create all sorts of problems.  For one thing, it is going to take a lot of extra time to open those ballots and count them.  For states that allow mail-in votes to be counted in advance, that shouldn’t delay final results by too much, but in other states we are facing the possibility of a nightmare scenario.  There are certain states that are not allowed to start counting any ballots until the polls close on election day, and that includes key swing states such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania(Read More...)

Something That Is Absolutely Critical To Remember Over The Next Several Months

A victory is not a victory if you betray your core values in the process of achieving that victory.  This is not the article that I was expecting to write today, but this is one of those times when I have been taken in a direction that I did not anticipate.  Today, everyone can see that America is very deeply divided.  Anger, frustration and hatred are rising all around us, and we are rapidly approaching the election in November.  As November approaches, I believe that things are going to get very heated.  And when an election gets heated, it can be very tempting to hate the people on the other side.  But we must not give in to that temptation, because Americans are not supposed to be hate-filled people.  In the end, our lives will be defined by how much we love, and that includes how much we love those that are our enemies.  I know that such talk is very rare in America today, and that is why articles like this are so desperately needed. (Read More...)

America Has Never Experienced A Heatwave Quite Like This

Every summer is hot, and every summer there are heatwaves, but what we are witnessing in 2020 is rewriting all of the rules.  It has been blistering hot across the Southwest, and record after record is being broken.  In a year when we have had a seemingly endless series of things go wrong, we definitely didn’t need a historic heatwave to hit us, and it is causing all sorts of problems.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we will be getting any relief for at least a few more days, because it is being reported that record-setting heat is “expected to last throughout the week”… (Read More...)

We Are In The Process Of Completely Losing America

When I was growing up, I was taught to love America.  My father was in the U.S. Navy, our family spent six years overseas as he served at a military base in a foreign land, and every day I would say the Pledge of Allegiance at the local school for military children that I attended.  It was during this period of time that Ronald Reagan was first elected president of the United States, and the things that he said about the greatness of America’s values really inspired me.  Of course no nation has ever been perfect, but at one time the United States was united by a common set of values that we were constantly striving to live up to.  And one of the reasons why I am often so hard on America in my articles is because I want us to rediscover those values and start trying to live up to them once again. (Read More...)

COVID-19 Shows America Is Vulnerable To Biological Terror, And Weaponized Viruses Are Surprisingly Easy To Make

In this article, I want to talk about something that has been on my heart for quite a while.  Over the last several months, we have all seen the chaos that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused all over the globe.  Overall, more than 16 million confirmed cases have been reported worldwide, and more than 650,000 people have died.  But of course those raw numbers do not tell the entire story.  This virus has struck fear into the hearts of billions of people all over the world and has thrown the entire global economy into a devastating economic depression.  After watching what COVID-19 has done to us, it is inevitable that many of those that wish to do us harm will be inspired to look into the feasibility of purposely releasing viruses that are even deadlier than COVID-19 inside the United States.  Thanks to dramatic leaps in technology over the last couple of decades, it has become very easy to create and weaponize viruses, and once such a biological weapon is released we may never even know who attacked us. (Read More...)