“There Is A Sophisticated Disinformation Campaign Targeting The U.S. Populace Which Is Extremely Unethical And Immoral”

Highly advanced aircraft of unknown origin have been flying around in our skies for a long time, and now a whistleblower has come forward with claims that the U.S. government has actually been able to retrieve “intact and partially intact vehicles”.  If what is he is alleging turns out to be accurate, it has the potential to change everything.  But this whistleblower is also warning that there has been a concerted effort by elements inside the intelligence community to keep this information away from Congress and away from the U.S. population as a whole.  They don’t want us to know the truth, and that should greatly alarm all of us. (Read More...)

Jesus Is Your Only Hope

Our society trains us not to think about the things that really matter.  Instead, we are constantly directed to think about whatever is going to make us happy in the moment, and if we don’t know what that is society certainly has a lot of suggestions for us.  Of course all of the things that bring a bit of temporary happiness can never fill the deep hole of emptiness and pain that most people carry around with them.  Surveys tell us that people have never been more depressed than they are right now, suicide rates have never been higher, and both legal and illegal drugs are being abused at levels that are absolutely unprecedented.  Even though we are literally surrounded by things that are supposed to make us happy, our society has never been unhappier than it is at this moment. (Read More...)

Oklahoma Farmer: “I Think We’re To The Dust Bowl, About The Same Or Worse.”

Our food prices aren’t just going up because our leaders pumped way too much money into the system.  All over the world, crops are failing, and that includes right here in the United States.  Earlier this year, CNN warned that we are in the midst of “the worst food crisis in modern history”, and so we really need this to be an extremely successful year for our farmers.  Unfortunately, that just isn’t happening in much of the country.  In fact, one wheat farmer in Oklahoma says that his farm is experiencing “the most severe drought I’ve ever seen”(Read More...)

Will The Discovery Of The Ark Of The Covenant Soon Be Publicly Revealed To The Entire World?

When the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant is finally announced by the Israeli government, it will be the greatest archaeological bombshell in the history of the world.  Authorities in Israel have known where it is located for a long time, but trying to remove an object of such immense importance from deep under the Temple Mount was always going to be complicated.  In fact, when the Israelis finally unveil the Ark they may not even admit where it was hidden all this time due to conflicting claims of jurisdiction over the Temple Mount.  If the Israelis openly admit that they took the Ark from under the Temple Mount it could potentially set off riots all over the Islamic world.  This is such a sensitive topic, and it really will be a miracle when the discovery of the Ark is finally revealed. (Read More...)

World War III Alert: The Russians Are Making A Major Breakthrough And The Ukrainians Are Becoming Increasingly Desperate

The conflict in Ukraine has reached such a dangerous phase.  For several months, the front lines in Ukraine were relatively stable, and that was a good thing because it meant that both sides were less likely to make really desperate moves.  But now Russian forces are making a major breakthrough.  The Ukrainians had poured countless troops into Bakhmut in an all-out attempt to keep the city, and they were able to successfully hold it for months.  But now Russian forces have almost entirely encircled Bakhmut, and once Bakhmut falls there is going to be nothing but flat terrain between the Russians and the Dnieper River.  If Russian forces actually reach the Dnieper River, the Ukrainians are going to become extremely desperate, and it is likely that they may try something extremely stupid in a desperate attempt to pull western forces into the war. (Read More...)

Are They Telling Us What Is Coming Next?

Why are global authorities suddenly so concerned that the bird flu might start spreading widely among humans?  And why is the mainstream media suddenly filled with extremely alarming stories about the disease?  Just a few days ago, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, made headlines all over the globe when he ominously warned that “we must prepare” for the possibility of a bird flu pandemic among humans.  Why is he issuing such a warning now?  Does he know something that the rest of us do not?  If such a pandemic were to erupt, the consequences could potentially be catastrophic.  The COVID pandemic paralyzed the planet for a couple of years even though the death rate was very low.  Well, the death rate for bird flu in humans can be around 50 percent depending on the strain, and so just imagine the panic that would ensue if it were to start spreading widely. (Read More...)

Mass Exodus: Vast Hordes Of Americans Are Fleeing Blue States With High Crime Rates

As our society continues to deteriorate all around us, rising crime has become one of the primary reasons why so many Americans are choosing to relocate to a different part of the country.  According to the National Association of Realtors, there was a tremendous amount of domestic migration in 2022.  Some people are choosing to relocate for better employment opportunities, some are choosing to relocate to states with lower tax rates, and some are choosing to relocate for health reasons.  But to me, one of the most striking trends is the fact that red states with low crime rates are seeing tremendous population growth, while blue states with high crime rates are losing residents at a staggering pace. (Read More...)

One Way Or Another, The Population Of The Globe Will Soon Be Much Smaller Than It Is Right Now

This week it is being reported that the human population of our planet has now reached 8 billion.  We should all remember this moment, because soon the population of the globe will start getting much smaller.  In “End Times”, I explain that we are moving into one of the most chaotic times in all of human history.  There will be wars and rumors of wars, economic collapse, worldwide famines, horrifying pestilences and great natural disasters.  Needless to say, in such a future the global population would fall very rapidly.  But for purposes of this article, let’s imagine that none of those things will happen for the foreseeable future.  For a moment, let’s imagine that conditions will be pretty much like they are today for decades to come.  Unfortunately, even in such a wildly unrealistic scenario the human population of our planet would still plummet dramatically in the years ahead.  In fact, if current trends continue there will be hardly anyone left by the end of this century no matter what happens. (Read More...)