Why Have They Put Miles And Miles Of Creepy Black Fencing Around Lahaina?

What are they trying to hide?  Tall black fencing that stretches for miles and miles has been hastily constructed around the perimeter of Lahaina, and this has created a tremendous amount of speculation.  Are they trying to keep people out?  Are they trying to keep people from seeing what really happened in Lahaina?  There are so many questions that all of us should be asking right now.  An independent journalist has captured video footage of this giant black fence that has been put up, and it is super creepy(Read More...)

A Single Demographic Group Is Keeping The Democrats Competitive

If it wasn’t for single women, the Democrats would be in a world of hurt.  During the 2022 midterm elections, Republicans won married men, married women and unmarried men by wide margins.  But their overwhelming success with unmarried women enabled the Democrats to avoid the “red wave” that so many had been talking about.  I think that the numbers that I am about to share with you say a lot about the current condition of our society.  And if we are not able to find a way to reverse certain trends, the outlook for the future is quite bleak. (Read More...)

The Rise Of The “Superbugs” Is A Catastrophic Long-Term Health Crisis That Threatens To Kill Hundreds Of Millions Of People

The rise of the “superbugs” is here.  The death toll is already in the millions each year, and it won’t be too long before “superbugs” are killing tens of millions of people each year.  In my last book I identified a number of long-term trends that threaten to collapse our society, and now you can add this one to the list.  The clock really is ticking for humanity, but most people in the general population simply do not understand what we are facing.  They just assume that life will go on as it always has, but that is simply not going to be possible. (Read More...)

The Grotesque Experiments That Mad Scientists Around The Globe Are Conducting On Human Cells Are Absolutely Sickening

Just because we have the technology to do certain kinds of things does not mean that we should actually be doing them.  In theory, science is supposed to be constrained by morality, but in our day and time just about all constraints have been removed.  As a result, mad scientists all over the globe are running wild.  In fact, some of them are now conducting extremely grotesque experiments on human cells that are absolutely sickening.  For example, one team of scientists in Australia just received a giant pile of money so that they can continue to monkey around with ways of “merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence”(Read More...)

Here Come The Grasshoppers…

It was just a matter of time before the grasshoppers joined the party.  In 2023, global crops have been devastated by plague after plague.  Farmers in the U.S. and elsewhere have had to deal with seemingly endless drought, unprecedented heat, nightmarish flooding and horrifying outbreaks of disease.  In fact, citrus greening disease is one of the primary reasons why the orange harvest in Florida is only going to be about half as large as it was last year.  It has just been one thing after another for our farmers, but ravenous hordes of insects has been one plague that has been noticeably absent from the list.  Unfortunately, that has now changed. (Read More...)

Allowing The Criminals To Run Wild In The Streets Of Our Major Cities Is Only Going To Make Things Worse…

The chaos that we are witnessing in our streets is the direct consequence of the incredibly bad decisions that our leaders have been making for decades.  Traditional morality has been banished from our public schools, gang members and drug dealers are constantly pouring across our wide open borders, and in many of our largest cities hardened criminals are let back out into the streets time and time again.  As a result, property crime is out of control, violent crime has risen to very frightening levels, we are in the midst of the worst drug crisis in the history of our country, and sexual predators are seemingly everywhere.  I wish that I could call what we are experiencing a “crime wave”, but I can’t because a “crime wave” is just temporary.  Sadly, what we are enduring appears to be due to a permanent shift in our culture, and I believe that conditions are only going to get worse during the years ahead. (Read More...)

Can You Explain What Has Gone Wrong With America?

At this point, nobody can deny that we are a society in decline.  In America today, you can buy a U.S. Senator for 10,000 dollars, test scores for 13-year-olds have dropped to alarmingly low levels, and the CDC is telling us that more people than ever are getting depressed.  Our streets are filled with crime, the ranks of the homeless are absolutely surging, and we are facing the worst drug crisis in the entire history of our nation.  Meanwhile, corruption is seemingly everywhere.  The guy in the White House and his son have made millions of dollars in an epic influence-peddling scheme that stretched over many years, and the mainstream media doesn’t seem to care.  Of course they know exactly what it is like to be bought and paid for, because the only reason the big news networks can survive is because of the millions of advertising dollars that the pharmaceutical industry continues to inject into their dying carcasses. (Read More...)

The UN’s New Fact-Checking System Called “iVerify” Will Be Used To Crack Down On “Misinformation” All Over The World

Our world is becoming a creepier place with each passing day.  Most of us just want to live our lives in peace without excessive governmental interference, but unfortunately the control freaks that are running things just can’t help themselves.  Ultimately, they aren’t going to be happy until they are able to watch, track, monitor and control virtually everything that we write, say and do.  This is one of the big reasons why they are gearing up to introduce “central bank digital currencies” all over the western world.  Such digital currencies will make it much easier for them to control us financially.  And a new tool that was just introduced by the UN will make it much easier for them to control what we write on the Internet… (Read More...)