Obama Is Using The Threat Of A UN Resolution That Would Divide The Land Of Israel To Blackmail Netanyahu

Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - Public Domain
Barack Obama has sunk to a new low.  He is using the threat of a UN Security Council resolution that would divide the land of Israel and give full UN recognition to a Palestinian state to blackmail Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  Many had expected France to submit this resolution to the Security Council for a vote in September, but the French made it very clear that they were not going to go ahead unless they had U.S. approval.  So that means that all of the power is in Obama’s hands, and apparently he is not shy about using it as leverage in order to get what he wants.  And apparently one thing that Obama wants is for the Israeli government to keep any new settlement construction from happening in “Palestinian areas” of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. (Read More...)

September 25, 2015: The UN Launches A ‘New Universal Agenda’ For Humanity

Puzzle Last Piece - Public DomainOne of the biggest steps toward a one world government that we have ever seen is happening this week, and yet barely anyone is even talking about it.  In fact, it is even being called a “new universal Agenda” for humanity.  Those are not my words – those are the words that the United Nations is using.  If you don’t believe this, just go look at the official document for this new UN agenda.  You won’t have to read very far.  The phrase “new universal Agenda” is right near the end of the preamble.  Officially, the name of this ambitious new program is “the 2030 Agenda“, and it is being hyped as a way to get the whole world to work together to make life better for all of us.  And a lot of the goals of this new agenda are very admirable.  For example, who wouldn’t want to end global poverty?  But as you look deeper into what the UN is trying to do, you find some very disturbing things. (Read More...)

The September 28 Blood Supermoon, The Ring Of Fire And The Coming Great Japan Earthquake

Blood Moon - Public DomainOn September 28th, we will witness the last of the four blood moons that fall on Biblical festival dates during 2014 and 2015.  This blood moon will be a “supermoon” and it will be clearly visible from the city of Jerusalem.  According to Google, a supermoon is “the coincidence of a full moon or a new moon with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth.”  In recent years, there have been some that have suggested that there is a link between supermoons and increased seismic activity on our planet.  But others have written articles that claim to debunk this theory.  Personally, I have read what both sides of the argument have to say, and I do not know which side of the argument is correct.  But what I do know is that seismic activity along the Ring of Fire has picked up dramatically in recent years.   (Read More...)

Are We Living In The Last Days?

Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse - Public DomainCould it be possible that we are living in the period of time that the Bible refers to as “the last days”?  And if so, what does that mean for our future?  As we approach the final months of 2015, it seems like more people are talking about apocalyptic scenarios than ever before.  The mainstream media is doing articles on “end of the world fears“, and it is being reported that 41 percent of all Americans believe that “we are living in what the Bible calls the last days.”  For those that believe, the signs are everywhere – geopolitical instability, moral decay, steadily increasing numbers of natural disasters and a global financial system that could fall apart at any moment.  Others mock the idea that we could be living in “the last days”, and many of them point to the amazing technological progress that humanity is making and the unprecedented prosperity that we have been enjoying in recent times.  If things are actually “getting better”, they argue, then how could we possibly be living in the end times described in the Bible?  And of course atheists are convinced that God doesn’t exist at all, and that all of this apocalyptic talk is just a bunch of religious nonsense.  So what is the truth? (Read More...)

10 Things That Are Going To Happen Within 15 Days Of The End Of The Shemitah

Time Background Clock - Public DomainIs a great shaking coming to America?  An amazing convergence of events is going to take place during the last several weeks of September 2015.  Many are suggesting that this could indicate that something really big is about to happen.  In fact, some vendors of emergency food are reporting shortages because so many people are stocking up on food and supplies in anticipation of what is coming.  And of course the list I am about to share with you is not necessarily exhaustive.  There are events that are currently unknown or unanticipated that could also fall during this time frame.  But without a doubt, the incredible confluence of events that we already know will happen appears to be unlike anything that we have ever experienced before. (Read More...)

The Most Evil Government In American History

Evil Demon Demonic - Public DomainAmerica is not a great nation, and it hasn’t been for a very long time.  Any government that gives hundreds of millions of dollars each year to an organization that systematically murders babies, harvests their internal organs and ships them off to laboratories where they are used in experiments can hardly be called “great”.  Back in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as “the evil empire”, but today it is the Russians that are calling us “evil” and “godless”.  And you know what?  When Vladimir Putin called us “godless” he was 100 percent correct.  Someday when history judges us, we will fully deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China and Hitler’s Germany.  Our consciences have been so seared that we have absolutely no sense of perspective anymore.  We get all bent out of shape over the killing of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe, but the trafficking of the body parts and internal organs of millions of our own babies hardly elicits any reaction at all. (Read More...)

If The American Dream Is To Own A Home, Then It Hasn’t Been In Worse Shape Since 1967

Home House For Sale Mortgage MortgagesThanks to the “Obama recovery”, the rate of homeownership in the United States has fallen to the lowest level in 48 years.  The percentage of Americans that own a home is widely considered to be a key indicator of the health of the middle class, and we have just learned that during the second quarter of 2015 that number dropped from 63.7 percent to 63.4 percent.  It is now the lowest that it has been since 1967.  Unlike a lot of other government economic statistics, this one is fairly difficult to manipulate.  Either someone owns a home or they do not.  And what the homeownership rate is telling us is that the percentage of Americans that can qualify for a mortgage has been falling dramatically.  Just take a look at the following chart.  This is not just a decline – this is a complete and utter collapse… (Read More...)

The Last Days Of ‘Normal Life’ In America

Sheeple - Public DomainIf you have got family and friends that you would like to visit before things start getting really crazy, you should do so within the next couple of months, because these are the last days of “normal life” in America.  The website where I have posted this article is called “End of the American Dream“, but perhaps I should have entitled it “The End of America” because that is essentially what we are heading for.  The debt-fueled prosperity that so many of us take for granted is about to come to a screeching halt, and we are about to enter the hardest times that any of us have ever known.  And I am not just talking about economics either.  Based on all of the intel and information that I have gathered, we are about to enter a “perfect storm” that is going to shake this country in just about every possible way that it can be shaken.  So I hope that you will truly savor this summer – days like this will not come around again any time soon. (Read More...)