Making Billions Of Dollars From The Pandemic “For Years To Come”

Is it ethical for companies to make billions of dollars in profits from the worst public health crisis that this generation has experienced so far?  I think that this is a question that more people should be asking.  Governments around the world are shelling out enormous mountains of money to fight this pandemic, and if much of that money ends up lining the pockets of people that are already exceedingly wealthy, that is something that a lot of people are going to have a big problem with.  On Tuesday, we learned that Pfizer brought in 3.5 billion dollars from selling COVID vaccines during the first quarter of this year, and it is estimated that about 900 million dollars in profits were made on that revenue… (Read More...)

Where Is The Outrage? Every Single Day, Christians Are Being Tortured, Beaten And Killed All Over The Globe

As you read this article, Christians all around the world are facing absolutely horrific persecution.  They are forced to work as slave labor in concentration camps in North Korea, they are being chased from their homes in some parts of India, they live in constant fear of Islamic terror attacks throughout vast stretches of Africa, and countless numbers of believers are suffering in secret brainwashing facilities in China right now.  No group is more persecuted all over the globe than Christians are, but there is very little outrage in the western world about this.  In fact, the corporate media will never tell you about most of the things that I am about to share with you.  To the corporate media, Christians are the main enemy of “progress” in the western world, and so pointing out the brutal persecution of Christians all over the planet definitely does not suit their agenda. (Read More...)

Are Trump’s Lawyers Tanking The Impeachment Trial On Purpose?

Do they secretly want Trump to lose?  To me, that appears to be the best explanation for the utter incompetence that has been displayed by Trump’s lawyers so far.  Yes, they didn’t have that much time to prepare.  But these are very experienced attorneys that have spent decades perfecting their skills in court.  Even with minimal preparation, these veterans should have been able to put up a competent defense.  But instead, we witnessed the sort of a performance that we might expect from Lionel Hutz from the Simpsons.  Something seems really off, and that does not bode well for Trump. (Read More...)

Dangerous New Pestilences Are Breaking Out All Over The Globe

Did you hear about the outbreak of the new “mystery disease” in Tanzania?  What about the alarming new outbreak in Congo?  New developments in South Africa are making headlines all over the globe as well.  Despite all of our advanced technology, humanity remains extremely vulnerable to outbreaks of disease, and many believe that the COVID pandemic is just the beginning.  Fearsome new bugs are constantly being cooked up in labs all over the planet, and it is inevitable that there will be more “accidents” that result in more of these bugs getting released in the future.  As we have seen, a single virus can rapidly spread throughout the entire world, and it is just a matter of time before a pandemic comes along that will wipe out tens of millions of people. (Read More...)

“If You Are Not Wearing At Least Five Masks, You Are A Killing Machine”

Why only wear one mask when you could be wearing four or five?  For months, Americans have passionately debated the merits of wearing a mask in public to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.  Well, now the focus of the debate has shifted, because some health authorities are telling us that people should be seriously considering wearing more than one mask in public.  It turns out that wearing just one mask only provides a limited amount of protection, and we are being told that if you want maximum protection you should be donning multiple masks. (Read More...)

Global Persecution: The Number Of Christians Killed For Their Faith Increased By 60 Percent In Just One Year

For years I have been warning that Christian persecution was rising all over the globe, but we have never seen anything like the past year.  Christians are being slaughtered all across Africa, they are being taken to concentration camps in North Korea, thousands of churches have been brutally shut down under a new wave of persecution in China, and millions of believers throughout the Middle East must live knowing that each new day may be their last.  Of course most Americans have never heard about any of this because the mainstream media won’t cover it. (Read More...)

When We Teach Our Kids That Life Has No Value, This Is How They Act…

The endless chaos in our streets is directly related to how we have been raising our children for the past couple of decades.  Bad beliefs lead to bad actions, and we have been teaching our kids values that are fundamentally flawed.  In particular, our children are endlessly taught that life has no value in a multitude of ways.  They view thousands of murders on television and in the movies as they grow up, the news glorifies politicians that tell them that it is a good thing to slaughter the unborn, and western nations are increasingly embracing the idea that older people should be willing to ask for the “plug to be pulled” once their “usefulness” is over.  Throughout their lives, our kids are trained to believe that they evolved from animals and that there is nothingness after they die, and the logical conclusion of such a worldview is that the period of time between birth and death is rather meaningless. (Read More...)

Famine Is “Knocking On The Door”

Unless there is some sort of unforeseen miracle, millions of people could literally starve to death in 2021.  We are facing a global food crisis that is unlike anything we have ever seen before in modern times, and 2021 is going to be the year when it starts to become extremely painful all over the globe.  But don’t take my word for it.  David Beasley is the head of the UN World Food Program, and so he is in a better position to assess the global hunger crisis than any of us.  According to Beasley, 2021 “is literally going to be catastrophic” and his organization is facing “the worst humanitarian crisis year since the beginning of the United Nations”… (Read More...)