Why Is So Much Seismic Activity Suddenly Rocking Our Planet?

Should we be alarmed by all of the seismic activity that is suddenly happening all over the globe?  I don’t know if you have noticed, but major earthquakes and earthquake swarms have been shaking key areas of our planet in recent weeks.  On Monday, it was Japan’s turn.  It was being reported that a magnitude 6.5 earthquake had been detected southeast of Honshu, Japan and that immediately got my attention.  Whenever a significant earthquake hits Japan, I am always reminded of the looming threat of Mt. Fuji.  One of these days, Mt. Fuji is going to come roaring back to life and Tokyo will be absolutely devastated.  Let us hope that such a cataclysm can be put off for as long as possible. (Read More...)

Is Joe Biden Just Incompetent, Or Is He Killing The U.S. Economy On Purpose?

Joe Biden keeps telling us that he wants a strong economy, but he keeps doing things that he knows will hurt the economy.  How can we explain this?  One possibility is that he is simply extremely incompetent.  Perhaps he really does want to improve the economy, but all of the economic decisions that he makes turn out badly because he lacks competence.  Considering how much he has declined physically and mentally, and considering the lack of quality in the team that he has surrounded himself with, that is not a completely implausible theory.  But others would suggest that nobody could do this much damage to the U.S. economy unless it was being done on purpose.  Biden just keeps making more moves that have people scratching their heads, because it almost seems as if he doesn’t even care about the political consequences of his actions. (Read More...)

“It’s A Trap” – They Are Making Frances Haugen Into A Superstar For A Reason

All of a sudden, Frances Haugen is one of the most famous people in America.  But does she deserve to be?  Of course not.  As you will see below, Haugen is a far left activist that has donated money to Democrats dozens of times.  She is being advised by Obama’s former deputy press secretary, and her political views would place here squarely within the radical fringes of the progressive movement.  But now people all over America are talking about her, and many are regarding her as some sort of a hero. (Read More...)

Has The Next Major Pandemic Already Started? A New “Mystery Illness” In India Is Killing Dozens Of People

Many have talked about “the next pandemic” in theoretical terms, but could it be possible that it is already here?  The mainstream media in the United States is not talking about the outbreak of a very alarming “mystery disease” in India yet, but if it continues to spread they soon will be.  Dozens are already dead, and the death toll just continues to rise.  Top health authorities in India are insisting that there is no reason to panic, but that is what Chinese authorities told us at the beginning of the COVID pandemic too.  There is still so much that we don’t know about this outbreak, but in this article I am going to share with you what I have been able to find out so far. (Read More...)

It Is So Dry In California That The Drinking Water Is Literally Starting To Taste Like Dirt

What would you do if the water coming out of your faucets tasted like dirt?  I know how crazy that sounds, but this is actually happening in the capital city of California right now.  Conditions are incredibly dry because of the endless megadrought in the region, and water levels have dropped to very low levels.  As a result, there is a much higher concentration of something called “geosmin” in the water than usual.  For those that are not familiar with “geosmin”, it is one of the organic compounds that makes soil smell the way that it does.  So at this moment, millions of California residents have water coming out of their taps that smells and tastes like dirt. (Read More...)

A New Epidemic Of “Black Fungus” Is Attacking Thousands As It Sweeps Across India

You might want to become familiar with “black fungus”, because cases are popping up all over India right now.  In recent months, India has become the epicenter for the COVID pandemic, and many COVID patients are also developing Mucormycosis (also known as “black fungus”).  If “black fungus” attacks you, there is a really good chance that you are either going to be disfigured for life or die.  In fact, the mortality rate for “black fungus” is far, far higher than it is for COVID.  Even if you don’t die, the damage that “black fungus” can cause can be completely and utterly devastating.  The following comes from CBS News(Read More...)

The Shaking In California Is Getting WORSE As Hundreds And Hundreds Of Earthquakes Cause Alarm On The West Coast

Are we getting close to a major seismic event on the west coast?  Within the past several days, we have seen hundreds of earthquakes happen in southern California, there have been large earthquakes offshore near the Cascadia Subduction Zone, and there has been a very alarming swarm of earthquakes at Mt. Hood.  We haven’t seen this much seismic activity along the west coast in quite a long time, and many are concerned that this could be leading up to something really big. (Read More...)

Global Supplies Of Wheat, Corn And Soybeans Are “Shrinking”, And This Is Causing Hunger To Explode All Over The Planet

It turns out that things are even worse than we originally thought.  Did you know that global supplies of wheat are shrinking?  If that wasn’t bad enough, global supplies of corn and soybeans are shrinking as well.  As a result, prices for all three have been soaring and the number of hungry people around the planet is rapidly rising.  The COVID pandemic, widespread crop failures and global supply chain disruptions are some of the factors that are being blamed for this growing crisis.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that things will get much better any time soon.  In fact, Forbes is telling us that we should not expect to see things turn around “until late 2022 – or beyond”(Read More...)