An Ultra-Violent Migrant Gang Is Shooting Police Officers, Trafficking Young Women And Raping Kids

The chaos that we are witnessing in the streets is the direct result of the decisions that our politicians have made.  As I discussed yesterday, allowing millions upon millions of migrants that are not being properly screened to come pouring over our wide open borders is not a good idea.  There are certainly many migrants that are coming here because they want to work hard and create a better life for themselves.  But of course there are others that are coming here for other reasons.  Throwing the back door wide open for vast numbers of criminals that intend to cause all sorts of mayhem once they arrive in our major cities is extremely foolish.  We are literally committing national suicide, and many of our leaders don’t seem to care. (Read More...)

The Russians Are About To Lower Their Threshold For Nuking The West. What Does That Mean For Us?

If you are determined to push a bear into a corner, you better know what you are doing.  Right now, Ukraine is begging the Biden administration to allow it to use long-range missiles provided by the United States to strike targets deep inside of Russia.  Since the Ukrainians have eventually gotten just about everything else that they have wanted from us, they will probably get approval for this at some point too.  So how do you think the Russians would respond if missiles that are provided by the United States start falling in their major cities and killing innocent civilians?  Do you think that the Russians may consider us to be responsible? (Read More...)

Silver Trumpets Blown On Temple Mount/Shocking Shroud Of Turin Discovery/Did An Earthquake Prevent An Attack On Israel?

So much is going on in the world right now that it is truly difficult to keep up with it all.  I have a number of things that I wanted to share with you today, and so I decided to throw all of it into one article.  Before I get into some of the developments from the other side of the world, let me give you a quick update on what is happening in Chicago.  Yesterday I wrote about how law enforcement authorities were bracing for enormous anti-Israel protests, and it is a good thing they were prepared to intervene because on Monday a group of crazed protesters successfully breached the security perimeter that was supposed to protect the DNC… (Read More...)

3 Major Bombshells Just Dropped That Everybody Should Be Talking About Right Now

The past couple of weeks have truly been historic.  Take a moment and just consider some of the major events that we have witnessed.  Donald Trump got shot, Joe Biden dropped out of the race for president, and Kamala Harris quickly became the new presumptive nominee.  It is hard to remember a time when so much has happened in such a short period of time.  Now more bombshells have dropped, but because so much else is going on they are not getting the attention that they deserve.  The following are 3 major bombshells that everybody should be talking about right now… (Read More...)

In California “Unprecedented Land Movement” Of About A Foot Per Week Is Breaking Gas Lines, Cracking Roads And Causing Homes To Sink

What in the world has been happening in Rancho Palos Verdes?  When I heard that the land was “moving” there, it immediately got my attention, because I have been warning about geological instability along the California coast for more than a decade.  What is taking place has been described as an ongoing “landslide”, but that term simply does not do it justice.  Others are calling what we are witnessing “land movement” on a massive scale, and I think that is much more accurate.  According to FOX 11 in southern California, this “land movement” is breaking gas lines, cracking roads and causing homes to sink… (Read More...)

Did DEI Almost Get Donald Trump Killed?

All throughout human history, leaders of nations have been guarded by elite warriors.  That only makes sense, because there is so much to lose if a king or a president is killed.  So considering the fact that we are currently the most powerful country on the entire planet, you would think that the people that are protecting our national leaders would be extraordinarily impressive.  But actually the opposite is true.  On Saturday, we had a bunch of obvious DEI hires trying to protect Donald Trump, and he almost died. (Read More...)

Here Is The Trump Shooting Prophecy That Everybody Is Talking About

Was the attempt on Donald Trump’s life prophesied in advance?  Right now, so many people are talking about a podcast that was posted by Steve Cioccolanti on YouTube on March 14th, 2024.  During that podcast, Cioccolanti interviewed Brandon Biggs and Amanda Grace.  It is what Biggs had to say starting at the 11 minute mark that is getting so much attention.  I have even been seeing lots of non-Christian sources talking about this, and Cioccolanti’s original podcast now has over 1.2 million views.  A number of my readers have contacted me about this prophecy, and so I felt that it was important for me to address it. (Read More...)

10 Burning Questions That Every American Should Be Asking About The Trump Shooting

The people that guard our leaders are supposed to be the most highly trained security personnel in the world.  So how could something like this have happened?  As I mentioned in a previous article, I have been trying to put the pieces together.  To me, it appears that we either just witnessed incompetence on an epic scale or something more insidious was going on out there.  The American people deserve answers, and hopefully we will get them.  But I think that one thing is clear.  I don’t see any possible way that the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, can be allowed to keep her job.  There is no way that this shooting would have happened the way that it did if competent people were running the show. (Read More...)