8 Signs That Extremists Are Taking Over Our Country

It is happening all around us.  Our nation is being radically transformed by people with extreme ideologies, and that should deeply alarm all of us.  According to Google, an extremist is “a person who holds extreme or fanatical political or religious views, especially one who resorts to or advocates extreme action”.  Sadly, that definition accurately describes many that hold prominent positions of power in our society today.  In so many cases, individuals that have political beliefs that most ordinary Americans would consider to be very radical are going to extraordinary lengths to impose their views on all of the rest of us.  The following are 8 signs that extremists are taking over our country… (Read More...)

The Strain Of The Bird Flu That Is Killing Cats In Texas Is Causing “Brain Hemorrhaging” And “Blindness”

The information that I am about to share with you is very alarming.  According to the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, even though there are some minor differences “feline lungs are structured just like human lungs, operate in the same way, and serve the same purpose.”  So the fact that H5N1 has been able to spread into the “lungs, brains, hearts, and eyes” of more than 20 cats in Texas is not a good sign at all.  According to the CDC, some of the cats that caught H5N1 at one farm in Texas ended up blind(Read More...)

The Record-Breaking Natural Disasters That We Are Witnessing In Texas And California Right Now Are Truly Historic

If you think that what we are witnessing is “normal”, I honestly don’t know what to say.  Over the past few years, the United States has been getting pummeled by one major natural disaster after another.  The number of billion dollar natural disasters in 2023 established a new all-time record high for a single year, and 2024 is certainly off to a roaring start.  It seems like each new week brings multiple new disasters, and right now we are watching a couple of whoppers.  The blizzard that has started to hammer the state of California is so immense that it is difficult to believe that it is actually real, and the Stonehouse Creek Fire in the panhandle of Texas has officially become the largest fire in the entire history of that state(Read More...)

Have You Seen Tucker’s Interview With Vladimir Putin? The Reason Why The Elite Are Freaking Out Is Because They Don’t Want Peace

This week, the biggest news story in the entire world is Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin.  Honestly, it was kind of a bizarre interview, and  you can watch it for yourself below.  But I give Tucker Carlson a ton of credit for going to Russia and sitting down with Putin.  I think that the real reason he did this is because he wanted to see for himself if there is any hope of avoiding a cataclysmic conflict between our two nations.  Every day we get even closer to the unthinkable, and so it would make sense for both sides to pursue a peaceful way out of this mess.  But at this point the western elite are not interested in peace, and they don’t want any talk of peace in the media.  So they are going to great lengths to discredit Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin, because they don’t want their carefully crafted narratives to be disrupted. (Read More...)

Scientists Have Been Making Amazing DNA And Soft Tissue Discoveries That Should Completely Alter How We View The Ancient History Of Earth

If new discoveries completely disprove old theories, shouldn’t those old theories be discarded?  For decades, scientists have been assuring us that many of the fossils that they have been digging up are extremely old.  In some cases those fossils are supposed to be tens of millions of years old, and in other cases they are supposed to be hundreds of millions of years old.  But in recent years new discoveries have thrown that entire paradigm into question.  For example, scientists that examined the fossilized shell of a sea turtle that was discovered in Panama “found something surprising and perhaps impossible”(Read More...)

Pastor John Kilpatrick Just Issued An Ominous Prophetic Warning About What Is Coming That You Must Hear

For only the third time in his 53 year ministry, Pastor John Kilpatrick has issued an urgent prophetic warning to the public.  The first warning came just before 9/11, the second warning came just before the COVID pandemic, and now this new warning is the third one.  Kilpatrick has ominously declared that “the land is going to manifest the sins that are proliferating” in our nation.  He says that there will be problems with “earthquakes”, “volcanoes” and “the weather”.  Of course this lines up perfectly with what Perry Stone was just shown and with what I warn about in my latest books.  Our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and we will soon witness unprecedented shaking. (Read More...)

A Shocking New Survey Reveals The Greatest Threats That Preppers In The U.S. Believe We Are Facing

I was very surprised by the results of a survey of preppers that was recently conducted by Fortitude Ranch.  The CEO of Fortitude Ranch, Drew Miller, says that preppers are “folks who watch events and read up on threats” and so they have a really good feel for what is really going on out there.  Today, millions of Americans are preparing for the collapse of society because we really are facing very serious existential threats which could cause the complex systems that we depend upon on a daily basis to fail at any time.  So I was very interested to examine the results of this new survey, because it gives us some insight into what the prepping community is thinking right now. (Read More...)

The IDF Is Making Major Progress In Gaza, And That Makes Intervention By Hezbollah Much More Likely

If Hamas had been able to hold off the IDF, the entire Islamic world would have greatly rejoiced and Hezbollah would have no need to escalate the war to the next level.  But instead, the opposite is happening.  The IDF has successfully surrounded Gaza City, the perimeter is being tightened with each passing day, and the tunnels that Hamas is hiding in are being systematically destroyed.  On top of everything else, the bunker of the top military commander of Hamas has been “isolated”, and we are being told that he will soon be dead.  All of this is going to create tremendous pressure on Hezbollah, because radical Muslims all over the globe are calling for the terror group to intervene before Hamas is completely wiped out.  Of course there has already been fighting day after day along the northern front.  In fact, video footage of a massive explosion that just happened in southern Lebanon is being widely shared on social media. (Read More...)