An Alarming New Variant That Is “Taking Off” In Europe Causes A Disgusting Red Rash On The Skin

Are we on the verge of another major health scare?  When COVID first erupted several years ago, it was often difficult to identify who had it.  But now a new variant has emerged that is really “taking off” in Europe, and a disgusting red rash is one of the primary symptoms.  The variant is currently known as “JN.1”, although I am sure that they will give it a fancy new name once it spreads widely enough.  We have hardly heard anything about this new variant in the United States, but they are really buzzing about it on the other side of the Atlantic.  “JN.1” is a direct descendant of the Pirola variant, and one doctor told the Express that Pirola can “cause visible facial symptoms” such as “a red rash that might appear on your face”… (Read More...)

When Hamas Decided To Kill And Abuse Women, Children And The Elderly, They Made Peace Impossible

Hamas has crossed lines that can never be uncrossed, and they have nobody to blame but themselves for what is about to happen.  Throughout human history, it has always been acceptable for soldiers to attack other soldiers.  But when they launched their surprise attack against Israel, Hamas showed no restraint whatsoever.  Even though they knew that the whole world would be watching, they mercilessly killed and abused women, children and the elderly.  And now footage has been released of them beheading captives.  From this point forward, Hamas will be considered the moral equivalent of ISIS, and that is because they have behaved just like ISIS did. (Read More...)

The Military Industrial Complex Is Making Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars, And They Need A Military Draft In The U.S. To Take Things To The Next Level

It would be difficult to overstate the importance of the Military Industrial Complex to our society.  It employs millions of people, and it brings in hundreds of billions of dollars each year.  The Military Industrial Complex has always been one of the central pillars of our economy, and these days business is booming thanks to the war in Ukraine and the possibility of a war with China.  Needless to say, those that run the Military Industrial Complex want the gravy train to continue, and so politicians that are pro-war are showered with campaign contributions.  In both major parties, politicians that are pro-war greatly outnumber those that are anti-war, and that is not likely to change any time soon. (Read More...)

A Virus That Has A Death Rate Of 40 To 75 Percent Is Infecting And Killing People In India

For years, the World Health Organization has considered the Nipah virus to be a “priority pathogen” because it has the potential to cause a worldwide pandemic.  Thankfully, up to this point that has not happened, but now an outbreak in India is making headlines all over the globe.  Two victims have already died, and there are four others that have tested positive.  A five kilometer containment zone has been established around the homes of the two men that died, and schools and businesses in the region are being forced to shut down.  Authorities are hoping that such extreme measures will stop this outbreak before it can really get going.  But as you will see below, that may not be so easy. (Read More...)

Archaeologists Are Making Bombshell Discoveries In The Land Of Israel

I am so excited about some of the incredible archaeological discoveries that are being made in the land of Israel.  In our time, we get to see ancient locations that literally haven’t been seen for centuries.  But even more importantly, many of the discoveries that are being made in the land of Israel confirm important details of Biblical accounts.  In particular, some of the things that archaeologists have found at the ancient city of Shiloh are absolutely amazing.  But first, I want to discuss the excavation work that has been happening at the Pool of Siloam.  Ancient steps that Jesus literally stepped on are being uncovered for the first time in nearly 2,000 years, and the site will soon be open to the general public.  The following comes from Fox News(Read More...)

Details Of Saudi Arabia’s Shocking Plan To Divide The Holy Land

One of the most important international agreements in modern history is being secretly negotiated behind the scenes, and once it is publicly announced it could fundamentally change the geography of the Middle East.  I wrote about this last week, but I have learned more since that time.  As part of a blockbuster deal to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, the Saudis want to achieve some sort of a diplomatic breakthrough for the Palestinians.  That won’t be an independent Palestinian state, because Benjamin Netanyahu would never accept such an outcome.  But the Saudis have floated another plan that might be acceptable to Netanyahu’s government, and it would result in a historic division of the Holy Land. (Read More...)

Why Was A Barricade Blocking The Only Paved Road Out Of Lahaina?

Just when you think that this story can’t get any worse, somehow it does.  It is being reported that the wildfires that we just witnessed in Maui were the deadliest wildfires in the entire history of the United States, and according to Moody’s Analytics they caused somewhere between four and six billion dollars in economic damage.  But if authorities had responded more competently, the outcome could have been much different.  In fact, the fire that ultimately completely destroyed Lahaina could have been controlled if fire crews had not “left the scene even though the fire was still burning”(Read More...)

You May Not Believe Some Of The Shocking New Revelations That Are Coming Out About The Fires In Hawaii

The more that I dig into this story, the more it smells.  A few days ago, I wrote an article about some of the unanswered questions that many of us had about the fires in Hawaii.  We are now getting answers to some of those questions, and what we are finding out is deeply disturbing.  It appears that so many more lives could have been saved.  Authorities are telling us that more than a hundred people have been killed, but eyewitnesses on the ground are telling us that there are hundreds of dead bodies scattered all over the place.  In the end, the death toll could potentially be in the thousands. (Read More...)