Scientists have discovered a way to store a patient’s vaccination history “under the skin at the same time as the vaccine”

Researchers have found a way to leave a “mark” under the skin that will enable medical authorities to know whether someone has been vaccinated or not.  This “mark” is created using a specialized dye that is not visible to the naked eye, and the dye is delivered under the skin as part of the vaccination process.  If that sounds quite creepy to you, that is because it is very creepy.  Scientists at MIT wanted to create an easy method for keeping track of vaccinations in parts of the world where electronic databases are not commonly used, and what they came up with is extremely alarming(Read More...)

A Previously Unknown “Mystery Disease” That Causes Sores On The Skin Has Already Spread To 700 People In Africa

Something is happening in Senegal that we need to watch very closely.  Hundreds of fishermen have developed “a mysterious skin disease” after coming back from sea, and so far nobody can identify what it is.  But the fact that so many are catching it is causing some experts to become very alarmed.  At first it was reported that about 100 people were infected, then the number was 200, and then there were numerous reports that 500 victims had been identified, and now the latest reports indicate that more than 700 people have been infected.  The following comes from an African news source(Read More...)

74% of families with children making less than $100,000 have “experienced serious financial problems” during this crisis

The reason why so many people are clamoring for Congress to get another stimulus bill passed is because an unprecedented number of households are in desperate financial need right now.  As you will see below, millions of Americans missed their rent or mortgage payments last month, millions missed their student loan payments, and millions are falling into poverty.  The economic downturn that was sparked by the coronavirus pandemic has stretched on far longer than most people originally anticipated, and many Americans are simply running out of money at this point.  In fact, one survey that was conducted not too long ago found that 40 percent of all households have “used up all or most of their savings” and 74 percent of families with children that make less than $100,000 a year have “experienced serious financial problems” during this crisis… (Read More...)

Our society is in the process of breaking down all around us

Have you noticed that people don’t treat one another with the same level of respect and civility that they once did?  Everywhere I look, people are treating one another badly, and this should greatly alarm all of us.  Perhaps we can blame some of this on the pandemic, because the restrictions that authorities have implemented around the nation have definitely put people in a bad mood.  And of course the fact that this is an election year is certainly not helping things.  But I am seeing people that are supposedly on the same side treating each other with extreme contempt.  Conservatives are fighting with conservatives, liberals are fighting with liberals, Christians are fighting with Christians, and over the past year I have been seeing families break up all over the place.  Hearts are growing so cold, and all of the strife and discord that we are witnessing makes me wonder what things will be like when economic conditions in this nation really start falling apart. (Read More...)

All Of The Bad News In 2020 Is Causing A Shockingly High Number Of Americans To “Seriously Consider” Suicide

This is a very difficult article for me to write, but I definitely need to write it.  All over the country, people are considering suicide because of all the bad things that have happened this year, and things are only going to get even more challenging in 2021 and beyond.  This greatly grieves me, because suicide is never the answer to anything, and I wish that I could sit down individually with every person that is considering suicide and get them to understand this.  Our lives are meant to be lived with purpose, passion and great joy, and that doesn’t change when times get very difficult.  In fact, when challenging times come that is when bright lights are needed the most. (Read More...)

A Sizable Earthquake Just Hit Los Angeles, And The Clock Is Ticking For The West Coast Of The United States

Every time the west coast shakes, it is another reminder that a day of reckoning is fast approaching.  Someday time will run out and “the Big One” will finally strike, and the devastation will be far more immense than most people would dare to imagine.  Over the last 7 days, there have been 1,957 earthquakes in California and Nevada, but the one that everyone is talking about is the magnitude 4.2 earthquake that just shook up Los Angeles.  According to ABC News, this quake was large enough to trigger “alerts from the state’s new quake warning system”… (Read More...)

Scientists Discover That The One Big Assumption That Everyone Has Been Making About COVID-19 May Be Dead Wrong

Over the past several months, there has been a tremendous amount of debate about almost every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic.  People have been eager to debate about the severity of the virus, they have been eager to debate about the wisdom of the lockdowns, and they have been eager to debate about the effectiveness of wearing masks.  But the one thing that everyone could pretty much agree on is that eventually this pandemic would end.  Virtually all of us assumed that one way or another eventually most of the population would develop COVID-19 antibodies and that once we got to that point the pandemic would fizzle out.  Unfortunately, it appears that was not a safe assumption to make. (Read More...)

They Are Telling Us That The 2nd Wave Of The Coronavirus Is Here, And The Stock Market Is Totally Freaking Out

Are you ready for the next wave of COVID-19?  Actually, the mainstream media is telling us that it is already here, and that has sparked another round of fear and panic on Wall Street.  But the fact that the number of confirmed cases is rising again should not surprise anyone.  As restrictions were lifted, it was inevitable that the virus would begin spreading more rapidly, and that is precisely what we have witnessed.  During the 24 hour period that just ended, there were more than 136,000 new cases reported around the globe, and that is the highest one day total that I have seen so far.  Here in the United States, there were 23,300 newly confirmed cases, and that represented an increase of over 2,000 from the previous 24 hour period.  Concern that this could be the dreaded “second wave” that the mainstream media keeps talking about pushed stock prices dramatically lower on Thursday(Read More...)