Shocking Evidence That Indicates That Somebody Is Trying To Orchestrate An Internal Uprising Inside The United States

Violence has erupted in major cities all over America yet again today, and we are being told to brace ourselves for more rioting, looting and civil unrest in the days ahead.  The death of George Floyd was a great tragedy, and the vast majority of Americans agree that we do not want to see that sort of police brutality in our nation, and so this should actually be a moment that brings our country together.  But instead, America is being torn apart.  The protests against police brutality have been hijacked by sinister forces, and they are attempting to channel the outrage over George Floyd’s death in a very violent direction.  As you will see below, law enforcement authorities all over the U.S. are telling us that they have identified a highly organized effort to orchestrate violence, and this appears to be happening on a nationwide basis. (Read More...)

The High Cost Of Locking Down America: “We’ve Seen A Year’s Worth Of Suicide Attempts In The Last Four Weeks”

Locking down much of the country may have helped to “flatten the curve” a bit, but it has also had some very serious consequences that public health officials did not anticipate.  Humans were created to be social creatures, and forcing us to isolate ourselves from one another for weeks on end has turned out to be quite problematic.  This has especially been true for those that live alone.  Today, the U.S. has a higher percentage of one person households than ever before, and keeping those individuals totally isolated in their own homes is not that different from putting prison inmates in solitary confinement for an extended period of time.  In both cases, it can be just a matter of time before people mentally break. (Read More...)

As The World Is Distracted By COVID-19, A Series Of Large Earthquakes Is Rocking “The Ring Of Fire”

Within the past several days, large earthquakes have been striking all along the outer rim of the Pacific Ocean, and many are wondering if all of this activity could potentially be building up to something really big.  Those that follow my work on a regular basis know that I have been deeply concerned about seismic activity on the west coast for a long time, and scientists assure us that it is just a matter of time before “the Big One” hits us.  According to Wikipedia, approximately 81 percent of all large earthquakes take place along the Ring of Fire, and of course the west coast of North America accounts for a large stretch of it.  As you can see from this map, the California and Alaska coastlines have been absolutely peppered by quakes in recent days, but nobody is really talking about these quakes because everyone is so focused on COVID-19 right now. (Read More...)

According To A Shocking New Survey, 52% Of Small Businesses “Expect To Be Out Of Business Within Six Months”

Anyone that was hoping for a “quick recovery” for the U.S. economy can forget about that right now.  Yes, many states are attempting to “reopen”, but in most cases it will be a multi-stage process that takes many months to complete.  Meanwhile, fear of COVID-19 is going to keep many Americans from conducting business as usual even after all of the restrictions have been finally lifted.  Even now, many of the stores, restaurants and movie theaters that have reopened are seeing very, very few customers.  Unfortunately, millions of small businesses are not going to be able to survive in such a depressed economic environment for very long. (Read More...)

Millions Of Americans Are Now Making Far More Money Being Unemployed Than They Did When They Were Actually Working

More than 26 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits in recent weeks, and a lot of them will now be bringing home much more money than they did while they were actually working.  Needless to say, this is going to create a perverse incentive for people to stay unemployed for as long as possible.  Just think about this for a moment.  If you could earn more money sitting on your sofa gobbling down chips and watching Netflix, what possible motivation would you have to go back to work?  Many low paid workers are going to want to ride this gravy train all the way to the end, and as you will see below, this is already causing big problems for businesses all across America. (Read More...)

Have You Noticed How Much Delight They Are Taking In Shutting Down Churches All Over The United States?

Did you think that you would ever see the day when police in America would be patrolling church parking lots on Sunday morning in order to keep people away?  And did you think that you would ever see the day when Christians would be threatened with having their license plates recorded if they did attend church?  That is what the Democratic governor of the state of Kentucky just did, and he is getting a lot of national backlash over that move.  When “shelter-in-place” orders were first instituted all over the nation, most of them seemed quite reasonable, and we assumed that our leaders would use common sense in enforcing them.  But in recent days it has become clear that in many areas of the country churches and other Christian gatherings are specifically being singled out, and in some cases authorities have seemed to take quite a bit of glee in cracking down on Christians.  This sort of tyranny was never part of the bargain, and believers all over America are rightly pushing back against it. (Read More...)

Shocking New Study Concludes That The “Best Case Scenario” For A COVID-19 Pandemic Is 15 Million Dead

Over the past week, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 outside of China more than tripled once again.  Hopefully it is extremely unlikely that such a rapid growth rate will continue, because if it does, there will be more than a million confirmed cases outside of China just a month from now.  I don’t even want to imagine the level of fear that would cause, and needless to say that would be absolutely devastating for the entire global economy.  Of course if we do get to a million confirmed cases, there won’t be any way to keep it from spreading everywhere on the entire globe, and the ultimate death toll could be unimaginable. (Read More...)

10 Very Important Questions That The Mainstream Media Should Be Asking About This Coronavirus Outbreak

Why is the mainstream media so scared of asking difficult questions about this coronavirus outbreak?  At one time the United States had the greatest investigative journalists in the entire world, but today it is very rare to see any of our major news outlets go much beyond the basic facts of a story.  In particular, the coverage of this coronavirus outbreak has been absolutely abysmal.  Other than dutifully repeating the basic information being fed to them by the CDC and the Chinese government, mainstream media coverage of this crisis has amounted to little more than assuring everyone that everything is going to be just fine.  As a result, Americans are increasingly turning to independent journalists for some honest coverage of this outbreak, because they know that they aren’t getting the whole truth from the usual suspects. (Read More...)