One AI-Powered Simulation Predicts That The Coronavirus Will Kill Up To 52 Million People

Could it be possible that we are right on the verge of one of the worst pandemics in human history?  For years, the experts have been warning us that one is coming.  In fact, Bill Gates has repeatedly warned that this is one of the greatest potential threats that humanity is facing.  We don’t know if this coronavirus outbreak will evolve into the sort of deadly pandemic that Gates was talking about, but without a doubt when the next great global pandemic strikes we could potentially see tens of millions of people die.  In fact, somewhere between 50 million and 100 million people died during the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 when the population of the world was much smaller.  The following comes from Wikipedia(Read More...)

The Shocking Truth About The Coronavirus Is Slowly But Surely Starting To Emerge

Initially, a lot of people were trying to convince us that this mysterious new coronavirus was not much of a threat.  Those people have now been proven wrong, and the number of cases continues to escalate at a staggering rate.  We should still hope that the measures that are being taken to reduce the spread of the virus will work, because nobody should want to see this develop into a full-blown worldwide pandemic.  But at this point it has become clear that this outbreak is not going to be easy to control.  The virus spreads very easily from person to person, it can survive for up to five days on surfaces, it has an incubation period of up to 14 days, and people can spread it even if they aren’t showing any symptoms at all.  That makes this an exceedingly dangerous virus, and we will be talking about this crisis for a long time to come. (Read More...)

Armies Of Unidentified Drones Are Appearing Over The Western U.S. At Night, And It Is Really Freaking People Out

Since just before Christmas, armies of unidentified drones have been appearing each night in the skies above Colorado, Nebraska and Kansas.  The drones are approximately 6 feet wide and they have red and white lights, but nobody knows where they are from or who owns them.  This is a story that is now receiving national attention, and the FBI, the FAA and the U.S. Air Force are all investigating this mystery.  According to eyewitnesses, these drones can move “much faster than a regular aircraft”, and that would seem to indicate that they are highly sophisticated.  So far, the U.S. military, every government agency that has been asked, and many of the major companies in the area have all denied operating the drones.  Federal, state and local law enforcement officials have been doing all that they can to solve this mystery, but so far they have come up completely empty. (Read More...)

1 Billion Animals Dead: Under A “Blazing Red Sky” In Australia, Apocalyptic Wildfires Are Killing Koalas, Kangaroos And Countless Other Creatures

An entire continent is being transformed into “a charred, apocalyptic nightmare”, and experts are telling us that a billion animals may have already died so far in the horrific wildfires that are raging all across Australia.  Extremely strong winds and record high temperatures are going to create ideal conditions for the fires to spread even more this week, but officials will do all that they can to try to get them under control.  At this point, 146 fires are burning all over the country.  With temperatures in some communities reaching 120 degrees Fahrenheit, and with winds expected to hit 80 mph or higher in some areas this week, things appear certain to get even worse before they start to get better.  The total number of acres burned already represents an area larger than the entire nation of Switzerland, and this crisis is far from over. (Read More...)

Upside Down Kingdom: Kanye West Is Preaching The Gospel, But Pope Francis Is Telling People Not To Evangelize

Pope Francis has certainly said a lot of controversial things over the years, but what he just told a group of Christian high school students is the most controversial of all.  I know that may be hard to believe, because some of the statements that Pope Francis has made in recent years have definitely been extremely bizarre.  For example, he has said that “Muslim terrorism does not exist”, he told a gay man that “God made you that way”, and he has referred to Christian fundamentalists as “a scourge”.  But what he has just said tops all of those previous statements.  According to Breitbart, Pope Francis told a group of high school students that he was visiting with that they should never try to convert others to Christianity… (Read More...)

“Pig Ebola” Is Now Running Wild In Indonesia, And It Has Already Killed About One-Fourth Of The World’s Pigs

The global pig population is being absolutely decimated by a disease that does not have a cure.  African Swine Fever, also commonly referred to as “Pig Ebola”, is raging out of control in dozens of countries all over the globe.  It has a mortality rate of close to 100 percent, and once it hits an area even the pigs that are able to survive the disease are killed off in order to prevent it from spreading elsewhere.  Unfortunately, African Swine Fever just continues to pop up in more locations.  As you will see below, it is now sweeping through the heavily-populated nation of Indonesia.  Nearly 270 million people live in Indonesia, and they are heavily dependent on pork as a source of protein.  But of course the same thing could be said about almost all of the countries where African Swine Fever is currently raging. (Read More...)

Could It Be Possible That “Winter Storm Ezekiel” Is Meant As Some Sort Of A Harbinger For America?

The most powerful winter storm to hit the west coast in ages has been dubbed “Winter Storm Ezekiel”, and this “historic storm” is going to make Thanksgiving travel an absolute nightmare for millions of people.  Heavy snowfall combined with winds gusts of “over 70 mph” will create severe blizzard conditions in some areas, and travel will be close to impossible on certain portions of Interstate 80 and Interstate 5.  This is a very dangerous storm, and it is extremely unusual to be witnessing this sort of weather along the west coast in November.  Meteorologists are telling us that Winter Storm Ezekiel is likely to “undergo bombogenesis” before it comes ashore, and that would officially make it a “bomb cyclone”(Read More...)

The Social Decay That We See All Around Us Is Absolutely Breathtaking

Throughout human history we have seen great nations rise and fall, and for many of them it was not actually an external threat that took them down.  When the social decay inside a society gets bad enough, it is just a matter of time before that society falls apart.  That is why what is happening to the United States is so deeply troubling.  Everywhere around us there is evidence that the social order in this country is rotting.  At one time we were the most respected nation on the entire planet, but now we have become the laughingstock of the world.  And instead of setting a good example for the rest of us, our leaders are some of the greatest examples of corruption and filth. (Read More...)