Establishment Democrats Are Looking For A “Savior” To Enter The Race, But Will They Give Us A Devil Instead?

Establishment Democrats are becoming extremely nervous, because they are starting to realize that the field of candidates currently running for the Democratic nomination is exceedingly weak.  The campaign is nearly a year old, there have been nationally televised debates month after month, and at this point only three candidates in the field have any chance of winning.  All of the other candidates have completely flopped, and establishment Democrats are deeply concerned about the weaknesses of the three candidates that are still standing.  Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are considered to be way too liberal to win a general election, and Joe Biden has been slipping in the polls and his fundraising numbers have been absolutely terrible.   With just a few months left until voting begins, many establishment Democrats are now desperate for a “savior” to come along and bail them out, and that could potentially result in a very familiar name entering the race. (Read More...)

Avigdor Lieberman Is Israel’s New “Kingmaker”, And He Will Use That Leverage To Make Sure Israel Goes To War With Hamas

Last November, Avigdor Lieberman resigned as Israel’s defense minister when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to reject Lieberman’s plan for a military operation in Gaza and agree to a ceasefire with Hamas instead.  At the time, Lieberman called the ceasefire a “surrender to terrorism”, and of course it didn’t last very long at all.  Hamas has continued to bombard Israel with rockets in the months since then, and this has once again brought Israel and Hamas to the brink of war.  But everything was on hold until Tuesday’s election, and it appears that the outcome of that election is going to make war with Hamas much, much more likely. (Read More...)

7 Unanswered Questions About Jeffrey Epstein’s Death That The Mainstream Media Needs To Be Talking About

Did Jeffrey Epstein commit suicide or was he murdered?  This is a question that is being debated by millions of Americans right now, and without a doubt this is the biggest story of this news cycle.  Unfortunately, the mainstream media is already dropping the ball.  Instead of going wherever the evidence leads them, there already seems to be a tremendous effort to marginalize any explanations for his death other than “suicide”.  And it may turn out that “suicide” is where the evidence takes us, but while things are unclear we should not be afraid to ask the hard questions. (Read More...)

The Shaking Won’t Stop: There Have Been More Than 10,000 Earthquakes In California And Nevada In The Last 7 Days

The ground is constantly shaking in southern California right now, and this has many concerned that another large earthquake may be coming.  I have been keeping my eye on Cal Tech’s recent earthquake map, and as I write this article it says that there have been 10,053 earthquakes in California and Nevada over the past 7 days.  I have never seen that number so high, and southern California is being hit by yet another new earthquake every few moments.  Most of the earthquakes are happening out in the Ridgecrest area where we witnessed the magnitude 6.4 earthquake that hit on July 4th and the magnitude 7.1 earthquake that hit on July 5th.  But as you can see from Cal Tech’s map, there has been a tremendous amount of seismic activity along the San Andreas fault as well.  As I discussed the other day, the San Andreas fault is “locked and loaded” and it is way overdue for “the Big One”.  Could it be possible that all of this earthquake activity is leading up to something really big? (Read More...)

The Jeffrey Epstein Sex Scandal Has Some Of The Biggest Names In America Shaking In Their Boots Right Now

Are we about to see some of the biggest names from Hollywood, Wall Street and Washington actually go to prison?  As I discussed in the first part of this series, the prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein has the potential to erupt into the biggest scandal that America has ever seen.  The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York intends to put Epstein away for the rest of his life, and the only hope that Epstein has of ever tasting freedom again is to cooperate with the prosecutors.  That would mean giving up everything that he knows about all of his famous friends, and the end result would be big name after big name going to prison.  For years, Epstein hosted wild parties at his homes all over the world where his famous guests would have sex with underage girls.  For years, Epstein would fly his famous friends on his private plane to his very secluded private island where his famous friends would have sex with underage girls without having to worry that they would be caught.  And according to Miami Herald investigative reporter Julie Brown, sometimes Epstein’s famous friends would call him up and let him know what hotel they were staying at so that he could send a girl over(Read More...)

“The Biggest Animal Disease Outbreak We’ve Ever Had On The Planet” Has Already Killed Millions – And There Is “No Way To Stop It”

We have never seen an animal disease outbreak like this before, and it is rapidly getting worse.  African Swine Fever, also referred to as “pig Ebola”, has already wiped out millions upon millions of pigs and it continues to spread to even more countries.  There is no vaccine and there is no cure, and so essentially we don’t have any way to stop this disease.  At this point, the only solution is to kill all the pigs wherever the virus is found and desperately hope that it doesn’t spread anywhere else.  But that approach clearly hasn’t been working, and according to a recent Fox News report this epidemic has now become the “biggest animal disease outbreak we’ve ever had on the planet”(Read More...)

Alabama Passes A Bill Making Abortion A Felony, Potentially Setting Up A Historic Showdown In The Supreme Court

They actually did it.  On Tuesday night, the Alabama Senate passed a bill that would actually make abortion a felony in the state of Alabama.  Needless to say, pro-abortion forces all over the nation are officially freaking out about this new law.  They know that it is intended as “a direct challenge” to Roe v. Wade, and they know that this bill could potentially set up a historic showdown in the U.S. Supreme Court.  As this bill was being debated, actress Alyssa Milano called for women all across America to conduct a national “sex strike” because she believes that “whoever controls reproduction has power”.  Of course she has been greatly mocked for calling for such a strike, but the truth is that the left is going to do all that they can to derail this effort. (Read More...)

Environmental Apocalypse: Up To 1 Million Species Are At Risk Of Extinction According To A Shocking New UN Report

Our planet is dying.  According to an absolutely stunning 1,500-page UN report that was just released, we are about to see plant and animal species go extinct on a scale that is hard to imagine.  This report was spearheaded by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, and it was based on literally thousands of different scientific studies.  Every species that is lost brings humanity one step closer to extinction, because if there were no other plants or animals on this planet humanity would not be able to survive.  We are utterly dependent on our natural environment, and that natural environment is being destroyed at a pace that is absolutely staggering.  In fact, this new UN report says that up to a million species “are at risk of extinction”(Read More...)