The People’s Party? Are We Witnessing The Birth Of A New Far Left Political Party In The United States?

Are we witnessing the birth of another new political party in the United States?  The election of Barack Obama was the spark which fueled the rise of the Tea Party back in 2009, and since that time the Tea Party has become a major league force inside the Republican Party.  Now the Occupy Wall Street movement is rapidly becoming more organized and many believe that “The People’s Party” is going to be to the Democrats what the Tea Party is to the Republicans.  Others believe that “The People’s Party” could accomplish what a lot of organizations in the past have tried and failed to do – launch a third political party which could successfully break the stranglehold that the “two party system” has on American politics.  It would certainly not be an easy thing to do, but there can be no doubt that Occupy Wall Street is now a major political force in America.  The Occupy Wall Street movement has spread to 100 cities inside the United States and to nearly 1000 cities around the world.  Certainly as the weather gets colder the protests will die down, but there are an increasing number of signs that Occupy Wall Street is becoming very organized and that it plans to be a major political force for years to come. (Read More...)

Buckle Up: America Is Getting Very Angry And The Protests Are Going To Become Much More Frightening

The Occupy Wall Street protests and the rise of the Tea Party movement have both changed America, but you haven’t seen anything yet.  You better buckle up, because America is getting very angry and as the economy continues to decline the economic protests are going to become much more frightening in the years ahead.  Americans have become very accustomed to prosperity.  Now that our prosperity is vanishing, people are starting to become very angry.  The scary thing is that the vast majority of our population now lives in tightly congested urban areas.  That makes the potential for mass rioting and civil unrest much greater.  Back in 1910, 72 percent of Americans lived in rural areas.  Today, only 16 percent of Americans live in rural areas.  So what happens when you have millions of incredibly angry people crammed into tightly congested metropolitan areas?  Well, we are about to find out. (Read More...)

Even The CEOs On Obama’s Job Creation Panel Are Shipping Jobs Out Of The United States

There are 27 members on Barack Obama’s job creation panel, and most of them are corporate executives.  The formal name of the panel is the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, which is kind of ironic considering the fact that many of the CEOs on the panel have been rapidly shipping jobs out of the United States.  So what hope is there that things are going to turn around if many of the folks that are supposed to be helping Barack Obama create U.S. jobs are actively destroying them instead?  And how is the American middle class ever supposed to recover if corporate executives keep taking their jobs away and sending them to the other side of the world where it is legal to pay slave labor wages?  These issues go to the very heart of America’s economic problems, and yet very few of our leaders are talking about them.  But they should be talking about these things, because the economy is the number one issue for most American voters right now. (Read More...)

Things Are So Bad In America That Now Even Sesame Street Muppets Are Poverty-Stricken And Hungry

Big Bird, Elmo, Cookie Monster, Bert and Ernie are about to get a new friend.  This new character comes from a family that is poverty-stricken and that struggles to get enough food.  She is going to teach the other residents of Sesame Street the facts about hunger in America.  Her name is Lily, and she will be appearing on a special one hour primetime special of Sesame Street that will focus on the plight of hungry children all over the nation.  You can see video of this new Sesame Street character right here.  This is yet another sign that things are so bad in America that nobody can really deny the reality of what is happening anymore.  When you have more than one out of every five children living in poverty and one out of every four children on food stamps, it would be an injustice to call it anything less than a national crisis.  Our economy is dying because of our foolishness and our children are paying the price. (Read More...)

Occupy Wall Street: Mass Economic Riots Are Now Here And America Will Never Be The Same

Is Occupy Wall Street going to represent a major turning point in U.S. history?  Over the past several years, many people have been warning that we would see mass economic riots in the United States if the economy continued to get worse.  Well, the economic riots are now here and America will never be the same.  The Occupy Wall Street protests are starting their third week and now similar protests have sprung up in major cities all over the United States.  An increasing number of Americans have totally lost faith in the system and are looking for an outlet for their frustrations.  Occupy Wall Street is a spark that has started a fire, but most Americans do not understand where all of this is going.  In the years ahead, millions more Americans will lose their jobs, millions more Americans will lose their homes to foreclosure and millions more Americans will find themselves drowning in debt.  As the economy continues to decline, millions upon millions of Americans will become even more frustrated.  In particular, young Americans are really starting to become angry about the economy and our deeply corrupt financial system.  Eventually we are going to see an explosion of anger and frustration on the streets of America that is going to be absolutely unprecedented.  Occupy Wall Street is just the beginning.  If most Americans could see what is coming next, it would chill them to their cores. (Read More...)

Don’t Worry, The Federal Reserve Just Wants To Be Your “Online Friend”

According to CNBC, the Federal Reserve “is planning on monitoring what you say about it on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook”.  Apparently we are not supposed to be alarmed though, because as the CNBC headline states, the Federal Reserve just “wants to be your Facebook friend“.  In fact, the CNBC article says that anyone that feels threatened by the fact that the Federal Reserve will be monitoring what we say on Facebook and Twitter is just “paranoid“.  Well, if it came out that Barack Obama was setting up a system that would identify “key bloggers” and monitor “billions of conversations” on the Internet to see what was being said about him, wouldn’t there be thousands of articles expressing outrage?  Sure there would be.  The Federal Reserve is supposed to be an independent central bank that is above politics.  So why in the world would they need to perform “sentiment analysis” on what is being said about them on “Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Forums and YouTube“?  The Federal Reserve obviously intends to identify the negative things that are being said about it and the specific people that are saying those things.  So is it really being “paranoid” to point out that all of this is more than a little bit creepy? (Read More...)

Why Are Rick Perry And Mitt Romney Getting About Twice As Much Talking Time During The Republican Debates As The Other Candidates?

Considering the fact that no real votes will be cast until next year and considering the fact that the polls are constantly changing, shouldn’t all of the candidates participating in the Republican debates be given roughly the same amount of time to talk?  After all, what kind of a “debate” is it when certain candidates are given double (or sometimes even triple) the amount of talking time?  Why is it that Rick Perry and Mitt Romney have been getting about twice as much talking time as the other candidates during the Republican debates?  It is amazing that more people are not calling into question the credibility of these “debates”.  Whether you support one of the Republican candidates or not, we should all be able to agree that one of the goals for these debates should be to treat the candidates as fairly and evenly as possible.  Unfortunately, as the numbers you are about to see indicate, that is definitely not happening. (Read More...)

New World Trade Center Tower To Be Made With Glass From China And Steel From Germany

Did you know that the new World Trade Center tower is being constructed with glass from China and steel from Germany?  1 World Trade Center, also known as “The Freedom Tower”, is not just another skyscraper.  It is essentially a national monument.  But that doesn’t mean that we are above awarding construction contracts to the lowest bidder.  The new World Trade Center tower will contain 250 tons of steel from Germany and the lower floors will be surrounded with blast-resistant glass from China.  This is yet another example of how the U.S. economy is being hollowed out.  Once upon a time, the United States produced more steel and glass than anyone else in the world.  But now we are being deindustrialized at a blinding pace.  We have lost tens of thousands of factories and millions of jobs over the past decade.  We are going to have a trade imbalance of about a half a trillion dollars this year.  Meanwhile, our federal, state and local governments are going into massive amounts of debt in order to keep funding government activities at a level that our hollowed out economy simply cannot support any longer. (Read More...)