Which Is Better – A Society With Loose Sexuality Or A Society With Strict Rules For Sexuality?

There are very few subjects that get people more fired up than the subject of sexuality.  In fact, almost all of the highly contentious “social issues” that have America so deeply divided today have something to do with sexuality.  Many Americans are pretty clueless when it comes to the economy, but when it comes to abortion, sex education, gay marriage, teen pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases almost everyone has a very strong opinion.  If you try to convince someone that they are wrong about any of these issues, most of the time you will be fighting a losing battle.  Most Americans simply do not want to be told what to do when it comes to sexuality.  But attitudes toward sexuality have definitely changed in America over the decades.  In the early part of the 20th century most Americans followed strict rules when it came to sexuality, but then along came the “sexual revolution” and all of that changed.  Today, most Americans consider the loose sexuality in our society to be a very good thing.  Most Americans are glad that they can have sex with any other willing adult partner (or partners) any time they want to.  But has this been good for America?  Is it better to have a society with loose sexuality or a society with strict rules for sexuality? (Read More...)

USA #1? 40 Embarrassing Things That America Is The Best In The World At

Is the USA still #1?  Well, there are many things that America is still the best in the world at, but unfortunately a lot of those categories are nothing to be proud of.  Once upon a time the United States was the greatest nation on earth, but now we are a nation that is in a horrific state of decline.  Just consider a few of the embarrassing things that America leads the world in: obesity, crime, divorce, teen pregnancy, child abuse deaths and government debt.  The statistics that you are about to read below are incredibly disturbing.  Most people that write these kinds of articles about the decline of America hate this country.  But that is not the case with me.  I was born and raised in America and I love this nation deeply.  It is time to realize that we will never be able to start fixing our problems until we take a really good look in the mirror and realize just how far we have fallen.  America is not the country that it once was.  America is a complete and total mess and just “tweaking” a few things here and there is not going to return this nation to its former glory.  We have forgotten the things that once made us great, and if we do not return to them we will continue to fall apart as a nation. (Read More...)

Buying The Vote: 12 Facts About Super PACs That Will Blow Your Mind

In American politics, it takes an enormous amount of money to win campaigns, and the rise of the “Super PACs” is allowing the wealthy to exert even more influence over the political process than they did before.  When you examine the results of federal elections over the past several decades, you quickly discover that the candidate that raises the most money almost always wins.  Wealthy individuals are limited by law as to how much money they can give directly to a political campaign, but there are no limits on how much money they can give to Super PACs.  During the 2012 election season, some of these Super PACs actually have more money than the campaigns of the candidates that they support do.  Buying the vote is not illegal in America, and these Super PACs are buying huge amounts of advertising in key states.  Unfortunately, most Americans have never learned to think for themselves.  Instead, they let the television do much of their thinking for them.  If their trusted friend, the television, tells them to vote a certain way, then that is what they are likely to do.  Super PACs are much more likely to run negative ads than the actual candidates are, and we have already seen very negative ads dramatically move the poll numbers in some of the states.  Sadly, as long as very negative ads keep working people are going to keep using them. (Read More...)

Perpetual Debt Machine: U.S. National Debt Is 5000 Times Larger Than When The Federal Reserve Was Created

Have you noticed that very few people in the mainstream media ever directly criticize the Federal Reserve?  But why should that be the case?  Criticizing top politicians from both major political parties has become a national pastime.  Most Americans love to throw mud at either the Republicans or the Democrats.  But we are told that the Federal Reserve is “above politics” and that it is absolutely vital that the Fed remain “independent”.  The reality is that the Federal Reserve has more control over the performance of the U.S. economy than the president even does, and yet most Americans never spend much time thinking about the Fed at all.  It is almost as if someone has instructed us to “ignore the man behind the curtain” and most of us just blindly obey.  With the economy in such a mess and with the national debt exploding so dramatically, isn’t it about time that we had a national conversation about the performance of the Federal Reserve?  Isn’t it about time that we evaluated whether the Federal Reserve is doing a good job or not? (Read More...)

Insanity! Is Barack Obama Going To Unilaterally Slash The Size Of The U.S. Nuclear Arsenal By Another 80 Percent?

Barack Obama wants to disarm America.  There simply is no other way to explain his reckless behavior.  On Tuesday it came out that the Obama administration is considering plans to unilaterally slash the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal by up to 80 percent.  From a military standpoint, this is utter insanity.  Early in his presidency, Barack Obama signed a treaty with Russia that restricts both nations to a maximum of 1,550 deployed strategic nuclear warheads.  But now Obama wants to cut the size of the U.S. arsenal down to as low as 300, without requiring the Russians to do anything.  In addition, we don’t even have a treaty with the Chinese, and we have no idea how many deployed nuclear warheads they have.  For all we know, it could be in the thousands.  Unfortunately, very few people are speaking up about this.  Most Americans just assume that we have such a massive nuclear arsenal that nobody would ever dare to mess with us.  Well, that was true back in the 1980s, but that is not true today.  If Barack Obama does unilaterally slash the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal by 80 percent, that would make another world war much more likely.  If we are sitting there with far fewer nukes than Russia and China have, they will not fear us nearly as much. (Read More...)

According To The FBI, Internet Privacy Is Now Considered To Be Suspicious Activity

When you use the Internet in a public place, do you prefer to have as much privacy as possible?  Well, that makes you a potential terrorist.  According to the FBI, Internet privacy is now considered to be suspicious activity.  If you are out in public and you attempt to keep snoopers from peeking at your computer screen, then according to the FBI they should gather as much information about you as they can and they should report you to the authorities immediately. If this seems completely and totally ridiculous to you, then you are not alone.  Millions of Americans have become deeply concerned about the constantly expanding definition of “suspicious activity” in the United States.  Sadly, the federal government is now engaging in an all-out attempt to have us all spy on one another.  All over America, the Department of Homeland Security is running ads promoting the “See Something, Say Something” campaign.  They even had 8,000 stadium workers at the Super Bowl this year go through special training on how to spot potential terrorists.  So the next time you see a hot dog vendor, keep in mind that he might also be part of a special anti-terrorism task force. (Read More...)

What Do You Do When The Country Where You Live Is Literally Going Insane?

Do you ever get the feeling that the world around you is going crazy?  If you live in America today and you are not in a television-induced coma, then you have probably had that feeling.  It seems like almost everywhere you turn these days, there is someone that is seriously losing it.  It is not just our politicians either.  In every profession and on every level of society there are lots of people that appear to be a few fries short of a Happy Meal.  So what do you do when the country where you live is literally going insane?  When paranoia, fear and delusional thinking are commonplace, it is very difficult for a society to function normally.  And unfortunately, some of the craziest people out there are working for the federal government. These days you literally do not know who you can count on.  If you contact someone in a position of authority, that person may help you or that person may turn out to be a raving lunatic.  Once upon a time, there was a feeling that most people in America shared a set of common values, but those days are long gone.  These days, it seems like nearly everyone has their own idea of what “right and wrong” are, and so when you meet someone you never know what you are going to get.  What may seem “totally insane” to you may seem perfectly normal to the person that you are trying to interact with. (Read More...)

Have You Ever….

Have you ever wondered what our world is going to look like five or ten years down the road?  Well, today our world is changing at a pace that is faster than ever before, and the decisions that we all make right now are going to have a dramatic affect on the years ahead.  In many ways, 2012 represents a huge turning point for America.  There will be a presidential election, 33 seats in the U.S. Senate will be contested and every single seat in the U.S. House of Representatives will be up for grabs.  But the changes that are happening in America go much deeper than politics.  Anger and frustration are growing to frightening levels, and we have become a deeply divided nation.  Our affluence is rapidly crumbling and our national values are being transformed at a staggering pace.  America is drowning in debt, addicted to entertainment and full of people that think they know it all.  America is arrogant, cocky, smug, brash and full of pride.  But if we continue down the road that we are currently on, we will be greatly humbled someday.  It is just a matter of time. (Read More...)