Bain Capital Owns Clear Channel (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Etc.)

Wouldn’t it be great if a Republican presidential candidate could just buy the support of just about every major conservative talk show host in America?  Well, it may not be as far-fetched as you may think.  Clear Channel owns more radio stations (850) than anyone else in the United States.  They also own Premiere Radio Networks, the company that syndicates the radio shows of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck, among others.  Needless to say, Clear Channel basically owns conservative talk radio in the United States.  So who owns Clear Channel?  Well, it turns out that Bain Capital is one of the primary owners of Clear Channel.  Yes, you read that correctly.  The company that Mitt Romney ran for so long is one of the “big bosses” over virtually all conservative talk radio in America.  Of course Mitt Romney is not running Bain Capital anymore.  He is a “retired partner”, but he still has a huge financial stake in Bain Capital.  We’re talking about millions upon millions of dollars.  If you doubt this, just check out page 34 of this public financial disclosure report.  So if you have been wondering why so many conservative talk show hosts are being so incredibly kind to Mitt Romney, this just might be the answer. (Read More...)

Mainstream Media Lies: 23 Things That Are Not What They Seem To Be On Television

Most Americans believe the lie that the mainstream media is “fair and balanced” and is looking out for the interests of average Americans.  Well, that simply is not true.  Those in the mainstream media serve those that are providing them with paychecks.  The reality is that just 6 gigantic corporations collectively own most of the major mainstream media outlets in this country.  Reporters are simply not going to be allowed to report stories that are severely damaging to those corporations or to the owners of those corporations.  In addition, reporters are simply not going to be allowed to report stories that are severely damaging to those that spend millions of dollars on advertising (such as pharmaceutical companies) on those mainstream media outlets.  At this point, our “news” is absolutely packed with propaganda.  Way too often, things are not what they seem to be on television.  The mainstream media lies, lies and then lies some more.  They give us the version of “reality” that their owners want us to have. (Read More...)

Vendetta: Newt Gingrich Has Made It His Personal Mission To Destroy Mitt Romney

Newt Gingrich is so angry right now that his head just might explode.  Less than a month ago, Gingrich had a massive lead in Iowa.  At one point he was averaging 31 percent support in Iowa polls.  But after an unprecedented onslaught of negative advertising his numbers began to drop like a rock.  Ultimately, he finished in fourth place in Iowa with only 13 percent of the vote.  Pro-Romney “Super PACs” spent over $3 million on negative ads that just ripped Gingrich to shreds.  Of course considering his track record, that is not hard to do.  But Newt Gingrich is not someone that is just going to “forgive and forget”.  Gingrich honestly believed that he was going to win Iowa.  In fact, he was so confident at one point that he told ABC News that he would “be the nominee“.  Now that his dreams have been shattered by pro-Romney forces, Gingrich has apparently decided that he is going to make it his personal mission to destroy Mitt Romney.  The next few weeks of the Republican race should be very entertaining as Gingrich pursues this vendetta. (Read More...)

No Christmas For Millions Of American Families This Year

For millions of American families, there will be no Christmas this year.  The sad truth is that an increasing number of families simply do not have money for Christmas presents or any other luxuries right now.  The number of Americans that fell into poverty set a new all-time record last year and extreme poverty is at the highest level ever measured in the United States.  This Christmas, a lot of American families will be deciding whether to spend the little money that they do have on food, heat or medicine.  All over America, the poor are getting poorer and each year the economic pain seems to get even worse.  But there are also many American families that will have no Christmas this year for other reasons.  Some are just sick and tired of all of the materialism that is involved in Christmas.  Others are trying to be “politically correct” and don’t want to offend anyone.  There are even a growing number of Americans that are Christians but that believe that Christians should not celebrate Christmas for spiritual reasons.  Once upon a time, Christmas was pretty much considered to be a nearly universal holiday in the United States, but that just is not the case anymore.  There are millions upon millions of Americans that simply will not be celebrating Christmas at all this year. (Read More...)

China Keeps Slapping America In The Face And America Just Keeps Taking It

If you were playing a game against a dishonest opponent and you allowed that opponent to lie, cheat and steal as much as they wanted to, who do you think would win?  Today, China is absolutely crushing the United States on the global economic stage, but they are hardly playing fair.  They shower their own firms with huge government subsidies, they brazenly steal technology, they publicly violate intellectual property rights, they manipulate currency rates so that foreign firms cannot compete with Chinese prices and they slap ridiculously high tariffs on many classes of foreign goods.  In short, they basically do everything that they can get away with to give themselves a trade advantage.  This predatory behavior has caused an enormous transfer of wealth from the United States to China.  It isn’t as if it is just some sort of an “accident” that we now owe China about a trillion dollars.  The truth is that China just keeps slapping America in the face and America just keeps taking it.  We are like an abused spouse that just keeps coming back for more.  It is disgraceful and it needs to stop. (Read More...)

All Hail The United States Of Germany? The Rest Of Europe Is Facing Either German Domination Or Financial Collapse

It has now become very clear who dominates Europe.  As European officials prepare to gather for one of the most important summits in EU history, it has become apparent that either the German plan for a new EU treaty is going to be adopted or there is not going to be a deal at all.  Germany wants to impose strict new fiscal restraints on all of the eurozone nations.  This would include a new 3 percent budget deficit rule with automatic sanctions on any violators.  The European Court of Justice would be given power to decide whether or not an individual nation was complying with the 3 percent rule or not.  A highly controversial new tax on all financial transactions is also being proposed, along with a number of other repressive new regulations that are designed to more tightly integrate Europe.  Germany says that if all 27 EU nations are not willing to go along with a new treaty then it is prepared to strike an agreement with just the 17 nations that make up the eurozone.  But not everyone is thrilled with what Germany is trying to do.  Critics are saying that the German proposals (which are also being backed by the French) would mean a massive loss of sovereignty for most of the nations that make up the eurozone, and they would essentially turn the eurozone into “the United States of Germany”. (Read More...)

30 Signs That The United States Of America Is Being Turned Into A Giant Prison

If you live in the United States of America, you live in a giant prison where liberty and freedom are slowly being strangled to death.  In this country, the control freaks that run things are obsessed with watching, tracking, monitoring and recording virtually everything that we do.  Nothing is private anymore.  Everything that you do on the Internet is being monitored.  All of your phone calls are being monitored.  In fact, if law enforcement authorities suspect that you have done something wrong, they will use your cell phone microphone to listen to you even when you think your cell phone is turned off.  In many areas of the country, when you get into your car automated license plate readers track you wherever you go, and in many major cities when you are walking on the streets a vast network of security cameras and “smart street lights” are constantly watching you and listening to whatever you say.  The TSA is setting up “internal checkpoints” all over the nation, Homeland Security is encouraging all of us to report any “suspicious activity” that our neighbors are involved in and the federal government is rapidly developing “pre-crime” technology that will flag us as “potential terrorists” if we display any signs of nervousness.  If you are flagged as a “potential terrorist”, the U.S. military can arrest you and detain you for the rest of your life without ever having to charge you with anything.  Yes, the United States of America is rapidly being turned into a “Big Brother” prison grid, and most Americans are happily going along with it. (Read More...)

The Russian Bear Is Back, The Soviet Union Is Being Revived And The Cold War Is Not Over

If you believe that the United States is the “sole superpower” in the world, then you really need to read the rest of this article.  Most Americans have very little idea what is actually going on in the rest of the world and how the global balance of power is shifting.  For example, can you name the country that is the number one oil producer in the world, the number one oil exporter in the world, the number one exporter of natural gas in the world and that also has the second most powerful military in the entire world?  In case you need a hint, it is not Saudi Arabia, it is not China and it is not the United States.  The correct answer is Russia.  The Russian Bear is back in a big way.  Did you know that Russia is rapidly becoming one of the top suppliers of oil to the United States?  Russia has vast natural resources, a national debt that is very low (ratio of publicly held debt to GDP is less than 10%) and an economy that has boomed over the past decade.  Russia is busy flexing its muscles in many different ways.  For example, many are pointing out that the “Eurasian economic union” that Russia is putting together is a significant move in the direction of a revival of the Soviet Union.  Russia is also rapidly modernizing its military and developing very powerful new weapons systems.  Most Americans believe that the Cold War is over and that Russia is a toothless bear that no longer represents a threat.  It is difficult to find words to describe how wrong that assessment of the situation is. (Read More...)