They Are Developing A “Digital Passport” For International Travel That Will Show If You Have Been Vaccinated

International travel will soon look far different than it once did.  Now that multiple vaccines for COVID-19 have been rushed through the development process, it is just a matter of time before they start being widely distributed.  In fact, we are being told that the rollout for COVID-19 vaccines here in the United States will likely begin some time in the middle of December.  There will be millions of people that will be quite eager to rush out and get injected, but of course there will be millions of others that never intend to get vaccinated under any circumstances.  Unfortunately, those that choose not to get vaccinated could soon find themselves being unable to travel internationally. (Read More...)

A Previously Unknown “Mystery Disease” That Causes Sores On The Skin Has Already Spread To 700 People In Africa

Something is happening in Senegal that we need to watch very closely.  Hundreds of fishermen have developed “a mysterious skin disease” after coming back from sea, and so far nobody can identify what it is.  But the fact that so many are catching it is causing some experts to become very alarmed.  At first it was reported that about 100 people were infected, then the number was 200, and then there were numerous reports that 500 victims had been identified, and now the latest reports indicate that more than 700 people have been infected.  The following comes from an African news source(Read More...)

Coffee Is For Closers

It is put up or shut up time.  More than two weeks have passed since November 3rd, and the Trump legal team only has a very limited amount of time left to stop Joe Biden from being elected president.  The Electoral College votes on December 14th, but the real deadline is December 8th because the selection of electors must be completed by that date.  Of course it is possible that the U.S. Supreme Court could push back that deadline, but it has never happened before in all of U.S. history.  So basically the Trump legal team has only between now and December 8th to pull off a colossal legal miracle, and so far their record in lawsuits around the country is 1 win and 30 losses.  Needless to say, that is not good. (Read More...)

New Strains Of COVID Could Render Vaccines Completely Useless, And 2 Dangerous New Strains Are Already Spreading

What if all of the assumptions that people are making about this COVID pandemic are completely wrong?  When Pfizer announced that they had developed a successful vaccine for COVID, the world cheered.  And then when Moderna announced that they had developed a successful vaccine for COVID, the world cheered even more.  But COVID has been mutating, and scientists assure us that it will keep mutating.  So what happens if the vaccines that are being developed end up being completely useless against new mutant strains of the virus?  Would that put us all the way back to square one (or even worse)? (Read More...)

Special Report: Evangelical Christianity In Crisis

The evangelical movement in the United States has reached a moment of reckoning.  To the surprise of many readers, this is actually not an article about Donald Trump.  Yes, evangelicals have become very closely linked to President Trump over the past four years, and this has deeply affected how many outsiders view the evangelical movement.  But no matter what happens politically, evangelical churches will just continue to keep doing what they have been doing.  In the long-term, the success of evangelical Christianity in America does not depend on the political success of Donald Trump. (Read More...)

A Biden presidency would “resurrect” hopes for a Palestinian state

For the past four years, the Palestinians have been deeply frustrated with the White House.  The U.S. embassy in Israel was moved to Jerusalem, the Palestinian mission in Washington D.C. was shut down, and financial aid to the Palestinians was reduced.  Last January, President Trump introduced his plan for a two-state solution, but it was immediately rejected by the Palestinians.  Everyone knows that the Palestinians absolutely hate Trump and they were never going to agree to any deal that involved him.  So that meant that as long as Trump was in the White House, it was extremely unlikely that we would see a Palestinian state. (Read More...)

#CancelFoxNews – Do you agree that Fox News has gone way too far to the left?

I have never seen conservatives more angry at Fox News than they are right now.  Fox News was launched on October 7th, 1996 and it immediately struck a chord with millions upon millions of conservatives that were deeply frustrated with the endless liberal bias of the mainstream media.  But over the years the network has changed.  Yes, they still have Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, and both of them are excellent.  But the network as a whole has just continued to drift left, and at this point it is hard to distinguish Fox News from CNN most of the time. (Read More...)

From coast to coast, cities all across America are bracing for complete and utter chaos

What we are experiencing at this moment is being referred to as “the calm before the storm”.  All over the country, businesses are temporarily shutting down, stores are being boarded up and National Guard troops are being deployed.  There has never been a presidential election like this in modern American history, and most Americans are anticipating some sort of nightmare scenario. In fact, the final Yahoo News/YouGov poll of the 2020 campaign found that a whopping 77 percent of all voters expect that “violence will break out” after the election… (Read More...)