The Government Is Going To Start Treating Domestic “Extremists” The Same As ISIS Or Al-Qaeda Terrorists?

Many Americans were perfectly fine with Islamic terrorists being shipped off to Guantanamo Bay where they would be endlessly waterboarded and tortured in countless other ways.  But now members of Congress are talking about “applying the same penalties” to domestic “extremists” here in the United States.  Does that mean that American citizens will soon be grabbed off the streets and sent to prison camps indefinitely without a trial?  Personally, I am very much against terrorism wherever it is found all over the globe, but what some of our politicians are proposing to do to fight “domestic extremism” goes way over the line.  Once you are done reading this article, I believe that you will share my concerns. (Read More...)

The Reason Why A Lot Of People Are Leaving San Francisco Might Surprise You

Over the past year we have seen a mass exodus from major cities along the west coast, but what is happening to San Francisco is particularly sad.  Once upon a time, San Francisco was one of the most beautiful cities on the entire planet.  There is so much culture there, and the rolling hills make it a place like no other.  And thanks to the tech boom in Silicon Valley, it has become one of the most prosperous cities in the whole country.  So why have hordes of San Francisco residents decided to leave and never look back? (Read More...)

When Corporations Become More Powerful Than The Government, Our Definition Of “Big Brother” Needs To Change

Throughout human history, our God-given liberties and freedoms have often been brutally crushed by oppressive governments, and that is still happening all over the world today.  But in our time, an additional threat to our liberties and freedoms has emerged.  Global corporations just continue to get larger and more powerful, and in recent years they have been increasingly using that power to shape society.  This is a very dangerous trend, because in the western world many of the constraints that our national governments are forced to operate under simply do not apply to corporations.  This gives them an enormous amount of leverage, and they are using it. (Read More...)

Are Trump’s Lawyers Tanking The Impeachment Trial On Purpose?

Do they secretly want Trump to lose?  To me, that appears to be the best explanation for the utter incompetence that has been displayed by Trump’s lawyers so far.  Yes, they didn’t have that much time to prepare.  But these are very experienced attorneys that have spent decades perfecting their skills in court.  Even with minimal preparation, these veterans should have been able to put up a competent defense.  But instead, we witnessed the sort of a performance that we might expect from Lionel Hutz from the Simpsons.  Something seems really off, and that does not bode well for Trump. (Read More...)

In Order To Have A “Tolerant Society”, The Elite Believe They Must Be Intolerant Of All Dissenting Views

When information becomes a “threat”, even thinking the wrong thing can be dangerous.  Over the past several weeks, I have heard the word “misinformation” uttered in the same sentence as “terror” or “terrorists” countless times.  In the old days, the “extremists” and the “terrorists” were on the other side of the globe, but now we are being told that they live among us.  So how can we identify them?  Well, we are being told that “the bad guys” can be identified by what they believe.  Those that do not embrace the propaganda that big tech and the corporate media are relentlessly pushing are being systematically “deplatformed”, “canceled” and pushed to the fringes of society.  But apparently that is not nearly enough, because the New York Times is now asking for the Biden administration to appoint a “reality czar” that will be given authority to deal with “misinformation” and “extremism”. (Read More...)

H.R. 127: A New Bill In Congress Would Literally End Your 2nd Amendment Rights Permanently

If a new bill that has been introduced in Congress eventually becomes law, the 2nd Amendment will still be in the U.S. Constitution, but for all practical purposes the rights that it is supposed to guarantee will be dead and gone.  H.R. 127 was submitted on January 4th, and if you have not read it yet you can find the full text right here.  It contains a lot of technical language, and so in this article I am going to try to break down what it means very simply.  Now that the Democrats control the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, there is going to be a major push to ram through some form of gun control legislation.  If it is not this bill, it will be another one, so we need to be diligent. (Read More...)

Why Mitch McConnell Backed Away From Trying To Convict Trump

Mitch McConnell really wanted to convict Donald Trump and ban him from ever running for office again, but he was forced to back off.  In fact, he just voted for a motion that declared that convicting Trump at this point would be unconstitutional.  That represents a stunning reversal by McConnell, because earlier this month he was telling other Republicans that he wanted Trump gone.  Putting the pieces together, it appears that McConnell really did try to get to 67 votes so that Trump would be convicted, but political reality forced him to back down in a major way.  Now a weakened McConnell will try to move forward as the minority leader in the Senate, and the future of his political career is very much in doubt. (Read More...)

A Terrifying New Bill In Congress Would Eliminate The Possibility Of Turning America Around In 2024, 2028 Or Ever Again

Have you heard about H.R. 1?  If not, I would urge you to read the text of the bill immediately.  It is called the “For The People Act”, and you can find it right here.  The text of this bill specifically states that Congress has the “ultimate supervisory power over federal elections”, but of course anyone that is familiar with what the U.S. Constitution actually says knows that this is not true.  The states are supposed to have final authority over their own election laws, and H.R. 1 is a blatant attempt to usurp that authority.  Unfortunately, in the aftermath of the riot at the U.S. Capitol there are very few politicians in Washington that still have a willingness to stand up for election integrity.  H.R. 1 is almost certainly going to get through the House of Representatives, and it has a really good chance of getting through the Senate as well. (Read More...)