Deep inside, most of us know that something is coming. Many of us may not know exactly what it is that is heading our way, but there are millions of Americans that feel so alarmed about what they sense is on the horizon that they are taking extreme measures to get prepared. Of course the list of potential catastrophic disasters is endless – economic collapse, civil unrest, historic earthquakes, power grid failure, Islamic terror, Hillary getting into the White House, etc. There are so many things that could bring this country to its knees, and there are lots of preppers out there that are feverishly preparing their homes and their families for doomsday. But there are others that are taking very different approaches. As you will see below, some preppers have decided that the best thing to do is to run for office, while others are getting out of the United States completely. (Read More...)
Cell Phone Addiction: 15 Numbers That Show The Ridiculous Obsession Americans Have With Their Phones
Have you ever had a family gathering, a social function or a business meeting ruined by someone that was obsessed with checking their cell phone? I see this wherever I go, and it is one of the reasons why I don’t like to leave the house much. No matter who is around and no matter how important what they are supposed to be doing may be, many Americans feel a deep, dark compulsion to constantly check their smartphones. As you will see below, the average user checks his or her phone 35 times a day, but of course there are some people that are well into the triple digits. Cell phone addiction is very real, and that is why there are actually rehab programs for this sort of thing. Unfortunately, we simply can’t put the entire country into rehab, and this problem just keeps getting worse with each passing year. (Read More...)
Scientists Explain Why It Is Inevitable That America Will Be Hit By Absolutely Monstrous Earthquakes
Have you noticed that the crust of the Earth is starting to become a lot more unstable? Over the past couple of months, major earthquakes have shaken areas all over the planet and major volcanoes have been erupting with a frequency that is more than just a little bit startling. Here in the United States, the state of Oklahoma absolutely shattered their yearly record for quakes last year, we just saw a very disturbing earthquake right along the New Madrid fault just recently, and as you will see below one scientist is telling us that the San Andreas fault in southern California “looks like it’s locked, loaded and ready to go”. (Read More...)
Something Big Coming In 2016?: Five Prominent Watchmen Issue Exceedingly Ominous Warnings
Is a great shaking about to hit America? Is 2016 going to turn out to be one of the major turning points in our history? On The Economic Collapse Blog and End Of The American Dream, I am constantly warning my readers about what is coming, but today I want to shift the focus to what other watchmen are telling us. And as you will see below, when I use the term “watchmen” I am also including women. All five of the individuals that I am featuring in this article are people that I highly respect, and all five of them have issued extremely ominous warnings about our future. So hopefully you are ready to receive what you are about to hear, because their messages are not to be taken lightly. (Read More...)
Foreshock? A Significant Earthquake Just Hit The New Madrid Fault Seismic Zone
Could the earthquake that just struck the New Madrid fault seismic zone near the town of La Center, Kentucky be a “foreshock” for a much bigger quake yet to come? Very early on Sunday morning, a magnitude 3.5 earthquake hit western Kentucky, and it was felt in parts of three other states as well. In fact, it is being reported that the quake could be felt all the way over in Miller, Missouri, which is 267 miles away. The New Madrid fault seismic zone is six times larger than the more famous San Andreas fault zone in California, and it covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. Scientists tell us that the New Madrid fault is about 30 years overdue for a major event, and because of the nature of the Earth’s crust in that part of the country, a major earthquake would do significant damage all the way to the east coast. (Read More...)
UN Rejects Israel’s Claim To The Golan Heights As Top Rabbis Await The Messiah’s Imminent Arrival
The UN Security Council has unanimously rejected Israel’s claim to sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and this is likely to cause tensions in the Middle East to rise even higher. On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boldly declared “that the Golan Heights will remain under Israel’s sovereignty permanently.” After close to 50 years of control over the Golan Heights, this should not have been much of a shock. But the Arab world immediately went into an uproar, and the UN Security Council has taken action. In a unanimous decision, the UN Security Council has announced that Israel’s claims to the Golan Heights are “null and void and without international legal effect.” (Read More...)