Just when you think that 2020 has been filled with enough trouble, even more stuff starts happening. Coming into this week, we were already dealing with a new COVID-19 surge which has pushed the number of daily cases to the highest levels we have seen so far, a global economy which is in the process of imploding all around us, massive civil unrest in U.S. cities from coast to coast, and giant swarms of locusts that are wiping out farms all the way from eastern Africa to parts of India. Unfortunately, now we have several more items to add to our growing list. (Read More...)
Right Now There Is A “Mad Rush” To Get Out Of The Cities
So many wealthy people are rushing to move away from the big cities that it is creating a bit of a “real estate boom” in many suburban areas, small towns and rural communities. Fear of COVID-19, a collapsing economy and the tremendous urban violence that we have witnessed in recent weeks have combined to create a frenzy of activity. Last week, my wife and I heard from a friend in New York City that is all of a sudden desperate to move to another state, and I certainly can’t blame him for wanting to relocate. If I was in his shoes, I would be wanting to move too. But at this point so many people are all thinking the same thing that the demand for housing in certain areas threatens to greatly exceed the supply. In fact, one real estate agent in the San Francisco area is describing it as “a mad rush to get out of the city”… (Read More...)
The Conservative Effort To Reshape The Supreme Court Has Completely And Utterly Failed
It is time to admit the truth. Throughout my entire lifetime, Republican presidential candidates have promised us that if we help get them elected they will move the Supreme Court in a more conservative direction. But it hasn’t happened. A Republican has been in the White House for 31 of the last 51 years, and yet the left has enjoyed a virtually uninterrupted string of historic Supreme Court victories throughout that entire stretch. And even though a majority of the justices on the Supreme Court right now have been appointed by Republicans, the left continues to win one major victory after another. (Read More...)
Rumors Of Wars: China, India, North Korea, South Korea, Israel And Turkey All Move Toward War
As if we didn’t have enough already going on in 2020, now we are facing the possibility that several regional wars may erupt. China and India had both been pouring troops into a disputed border region, and now there has been an incident where they were actually killing each other. On the Korean peninsula, North Korea just blew up “a joint liaison office” that it had used for talks with the South Korean government. And in the Middle East, Turkey is warning of grave consequences if Israel goes ahead with a plan to annex portions of Judea and Samaria. If a major regional war erupts at even one of these flashpoints, it will be another devastating blow for a global economy that is already imploding, and there is a very strong probability that the U.S. and other major western powers could be drawn into the conflict. (Read More...)
Police Officers All Over America Are Quitting Their Jobs Because Of The George Floyd Protests
Even during the best of times, being a police officer in one of America’s major cities is extremely stressful, and these are definitely not the best of times. In 2020, the entire profession has become the target for a vast nationwide outpouring of anger and hatred. It doesn’t matter if you are a good officer or a bad officer, because everyone is being lumped together. Every single person that puts on a police uniform understands that they are putting their lives on the line every single day, but now that is even more true than ever. All over the U.S., police officers are being attacked, abused and targeted for violence, and I can’t even imagine what it is like to never be able to let your guard down because someone could assault you at any moment. And even if you never get physically attacked, most officers must still endure the mental torment of knowing that vast numbers of people want them dead simply because they have chosen to serve in the police. For Winchester, Tennessee police officer Dustin Elliott, that was one of the main factors that caused him to quit his job… (Read More...)
They Are Telling Us That The 2nd Wave Of The Coronavirus Is Here, And The Stock Market Is Totally Freaking Out
Are you ready for the next wave of COVID-19? Actually, the mainstream media is telling us that it is already here, and that has sparked another round of fear and panic on Wall Street. But the fact that the number of confirmed cases is rising again should not surprise anyone. As restrictions were lifted, it was inevitable that the virus would begin spreading more rapidly, and that is precisely what we have witnessed. During the 24 hour period that just ended, there were more than 136,000 new cases reported around the globe, and that is the highest one day total that I have seen so far. Here in the United States, there were 23,300 newly confirmed cases, and that represented an increase of over 2,000 from the previous 24 hour period. Concern that this could be the dreaded “second wave” that the mainstream media keeps talking about pushed stock prices dramatically lower on Thursday… (Read More...)
As Businesses Flee The Violence, Will Major U.S. Cities Be Transformed Into Economic Wastelands?
Urban communities all over the U.S. are now facing the possibility of a mass exodus of businesses, and many local leaders are freaking out because they realize what such a mass exodus will mean for their cities. In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, peaceful protests were held in more than 300 cities all across America, and a recent CNN poll found that 84 percent of all Americans supported those peaceful protests. Unfortunately, rioting, looting and violence also erupted in major cities from coast to coast, and very little was done to suppress that violence. As a result, the core areas of many of our largest cities now resemble war zones, and in the months ahead there will be a constant threat that the violence could flare up again at any time. (Read More...)
As U.S. Cities Crumble, Demand For Rural And Suburban Properties Is Soaring
Have the events of 2020 caused you to consider moving somewhere else? If so, you are definitely not alone. The COVID-19 pandemic, a historic economic downturn and extremely violent riots in major cities all across America are fueling a sudden surge in interest in rural and suburban properties. This represents a major shift, because prior to 2020 we had seen a tremendous boom in real estate prices in large cities such as New York, San Francisco and Seattle. Now a lot of those buyers have become very motivated sellers, but there just isn’t a lot of demand for tremendously overpriced homes in core urban areas that are currently being torn to pieces by rioters. (Read More...)