China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho

Thanks to the trillions of dollars that the Chinese have made flooding our shores with cheap products, China is now in a position of tremendous economic power.  So what is China going to do with all of that money?  One thing that they have decided to do is to buy up pieces of the United States and set up “special economic zones” inside our country from which they can continue to extend their economic domination.  One of these “special economic zones” would be just south of Boise, Idaho and the Idaho government is eager to give it to them.  China National Machinery Industry Corporation (Sinomach for short) plans to construct a “technology zone” south of Boise Airport which would ultimately be up to 50 square miles in size.  The Chinese Communist Party is the majority owner of Sinomach, so the 10,000 to 30,000 acre “self-sustaining city” that is being planned would essentially belong to the Chinese government. The planned “self-sustaining city” in Idaho would include manufacturing facilities, warehouses, retail centers and large numbers of homes for Chinese workers.  Basically it would be a slice of communist China dropped right into the middle of the United States. (Read More...)

War Zones: As The Economy Dies, Murders, Shootings, Robberies And Looting Erupt All Over America

As the U.S. economy falls apart and millions of Americans descend into despair we are seeing some really shocking things start to happen all over America.  The mainstream media keeps telling us that crime is under control, but they are also the ones that keep telling us that we are in the midst of an “economic recovery”.  Unfortunately, the truth is that the economy is slowly dying.  Today, an all-time record 44 million Americans are on food stamps.  That number is 18 million higher than it was just four years ago.  When people can’t get jobs and when people feel deprived they get desperate.  The incidents that you are about to see and read about below are very disturbing.  Many American communities are rapidly turning into war zones.  Sadly, it is mostly young people that are involved in the crimes and the violence that are now sweeping America. (Read More...)

40 Signs The Chinese Economy Is Beating The Living Daylights Out Of The U.S. Economy

It is time to face the truth.  The Chinese economy is simply beating the living daylights out of the U.S. economy.  Whether you want to call it a rout, a slaughter or a thrashing, the reality is that the Chinese are absolutely embarrassing America on the global economic stage.  At this point, the Chinese are playing economic chess while the Americans are playing economic checkers.  China is poised to blow past the United States and become the largest economy in the world.  Not only that, some economists are projecting that the Chinese economy could be three times larger than the U.S. economy by mid-century.  The age of U.S. economic dominance is ending, and most Americans still don’t even understand what is happening. (Read More...)

America Is Rapidly Bleeding Wealth And Jobs: 28 Statistics About The Gutting Of The U.S. Economy That Will Blow Your Mind

Red alert! Over 40 billion dollars of America’s national wealth is being shipped out of the country every single month.  Our economy is being gutted and we are bleeding wealth and we are bleeding jobs.  This is a distress call.  Is anyone listening?  Thousands of our factories and millions of our jobs are being shipped overseas.  Over the past decade over 6 trillion dollars have been transferred into the hands of foreigners.  Our national government is so broke that they constantly have to go and beg those foreigners to lend us back some of that money in order to finance our exploding debt. The number of good jobs continues to decline and there are millions upon millions of my countrymen that are unemployed.  Can anybody help us? Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! (Read More...)

Are You Addicted To Bad News?

Are you addicted to bad news?  Do you have an addiction to “gloom and doom”?  Well, if so, then 2011 has been a banner year for you so far.  There are plenty of websites out there that do nothing but track the latest doom.  Some people actually seem to enjoy it when a new disaster strikes.  But we shouldn’t rejoice over bad news.  Millions of people are deeply hurting around the world because of all of the horrible things that have happened so far this year.  Tens of millions more are going to be deeply suffering soon as our world becomes increasingly unstable.  It is important to tell the truth about what is going on in our world because we sure aren’t getting it from the mainstream media, but we should never get to the point where we are totally addicted to the news cycle and are “hungry” for another piece of bad news to report.  Our world is falling apart and that is a very sad thing.  There are going to be come incredibly sad times to come.  But that doesn’t mean we have to be depressed.  It is when things are the darkest that the greatest heroes are needed.  Instead of cursing the darkness, let us all decide to be lights in the darkness. (Read More...)

Christian Church Burnings Are Happening All Over The World And The U.S. Media Is Deadly Silent About It

Did you know that hundreds of church burnings have taken place all over the globe so far in 2011?  For a large percentage of those of you that are reading this article, this is the first that you have heard of it.  And do you want to know why?  News stories about church burnings and the persecution of Christians around the world are not “politically correct” enough to get into the mainstream media most of the time.  Have you ever noticed that an overwhelming percentage of news stories about Christianity in the mainstream media are negative?  There seems to be an unspoken rule that you should never report on anything that would portray the Christian faith in a positive light – even if it is reporting on how churches are being mercilessly burned to the ground.  Others fear that reporting on church burnings would somehow justify the endless wars in the Middle East.  But the truth is that many of the regimes that the U.S. government has put in place or is propping up are actively involved in the persecution of Christians.  Whatever religion you belong to, and whatever your political philosophy is, we should all be able to agree that church burnings are evil.  If you cannot agree that there is something wrong with burning churches to the ground then something is wrong. (Read More...)

If You Are Against Raising The Debt Ceiling You Are Part Of Al-Qaeda?

Are you against raising the debt ceiling?  If so, according to former Bush Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill you are actually part of al-Qaeda.  Yes, seriously.  During an interview on Bloomberg TV the other day, O’Neill actually made the following statement: “The people who are threatening not to pass the debt ceiling are our version of al-Qaeda terrorists. Really. They’re really putting our whole society at risk by threatening to round up 50 percent of the members of the Congress, who are looney, who would put our credit at risk.”  For a high ranking Bush administration official to equate Tea Party activists with al-Qaeda is extremely frightening.  Just remember what the Bush administration did to anyone supposedly associated with al-Qaeda.  They shipped them off to Guantanamo Bay and waterboarded them into oblivion.  It also shows how out of touch the Bush administration really was with the conservative base of the Republican Party.  The Bush administration ran up record setting deficit after record setting deficit and now any conservatives that dare to want some assurances that we are actually going to do something about our rampant debt problem are labeled as “al-Qaeda terrorists”.  Of course the Obama administration is essentially doing the exact same thing.  The current Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, has been running around frothing at the mouth and declaring that we are going to experience financial armageddon if the debt ceiling is not raised.  This whole episode is yet another example that shows what a fraud the false left/right political paradigm in this country really is. (Read More...)

Why Investors Are Buying Silver As If There Is No Tomorrow

The price of silver has been absolutely exploding lately.  It has reached heights not seen since the Hunt Brothers attempted to corner the silver market over three decades ago.  But this time there are no Hunt Brothers to blame for the stunning rise in the price of silver.  So exactly why are investors buying silver as if there is no tomorrow right now?  Well, the truth is that there are a lot of reasons.  Investors have been flocking to precious metals such as gold and silver as the value of paper currencies has declined.  The euro is incredibly weak right now and the U.S. dollar appears to be on the verge of a major collapse.  In fact, the entire financial system is highly unstable right now.  In such an environment, investors seek some place safe to park their money, and right now gold and silver are seen as safe harbors.  But gold and silver have not been going up in price at the same pace.  So why is silver outperforming gold so significantly? (Read More...)