Yes, Kids Really Would Drink Water Directly From A Garden Hose In The Old Days…

Is this really so shocking?  Yes, when I was growing up I would drink water directly from the garden hose that was used to water the lawn.  In fact, kids all over America would drink water directly from a garden hose in the old days.  It wasn’t a big deal.  In fact, if I get thirsty later I might just go outside and take a few sips.  Apparently there are some people on social media that find this quite unacceptable.  They seem to think that drinking out of a garden hose is unsafe, and they wonder what we were thinking.  Well, the truth is that it was a completely different world back then.  The following video really helps to put everything into perspective… (Read More...)

10 Shocking Public Freakouts That Will Have You Shaking Your Head

Have you noticed that people seem to be a lot more prone to losing their temper these days?  In a civilized society, those that disagree are supposed to resolve their differences in a calm, rational manner.  But now we live in a world where people fly into a rage at the slightest provocation.  Without a doubt, the last several years have been rough on everyone, and I have never seen as much anger and frustration as I am witnessing right now.  So what will our society look like if conditions continue to deteriorate and people just keep getting even angrier and even more frustrated? (Read More...)

World War III Alert: The Russians Are Making A Major Breakthrough And The Ukrainians Are Becoming Increasingly Desperate

The conflict in Ukraine has reached such a dangerous phase.  For several months, the front lines in Ukraine were relatively stable, and that was a good thing because it meant that both sides were less likely to make really desperate moves.  But now Russian forces are making a major breakthrough.  The Ukrainians had poured countless troops into Bakhmut in an all-out attempt to keep the city, and they were able to successfully hold it for months.  But now Russian forces have almost entirely encircled Bakhmut, and once Bakhmut falls there is going to be nothing but flat terrain between the Russians and the Dnieper River.  If Russian forces actually reach the Dnieper River, the Ukrainians are going to become extremely desperate, and it is likely that they may try something extremely stupid in a desperate attempt to pull western forces into the war. (Read More...)

Will 2023 Be A Year Of Global War? China And Russia Are Both Making Mobilization Moves That Are Raising Red Flags

Why are China and Russia both suddenly so concerned about mobilizing troops?  What we are witnessing right now is unlike anything that we have seen since World War II.  The Russians are mobilizing hundreds of thousands of fresh troops as they prepare for a new offensive in Ukraine, and meanwhile NATO countries are getting ready to send heavy tanks to the Ukrainians for the first time since the war started.  But why have the Chinese decided that a nationwide mobilization may soon be necessary?  Is China expecting a war?  It is being reported that anyone in China that is “18 years or older” could potentially be subject to mobilization under a brand new law which will go into effect next month. (Read More...)

14 Videos That Will Make You Want To Scream Out “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?”

Every day we continue to get even more evidence that our society is going completely and utterly insane.  I really wish that this wasn’t true.  I really wish that we could just hit the rewind button and go back several decades to a time when most people tried to behave normally and there wasn’t rampant corruption all around us.  Unfortunately, our social decay has shifted into “turbo mode” over the past several years, and at this point a lot of Americans actually celebrate the evil that is gnawing away at the foundations of our society like cancer.  Some of the videos that I am about to share with you are really creepy, some of them are quite funny, and some of them are incredibly alarming.  But ultimately they all have something to say about where we currently are as a society.  The following are 14 videos that will make you want to scream out “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?”… (Read More...)

There Are Clues That Indicate Russia Could Be Preparing A Surprise Lightning Strike To Take Kiev

Is the war in Ukraine about to pass the point of no return?  When Russia announced that it would be mobilizing large numbers of troops, a lot of people assumed that those troops would be sent to bolster existing defensive lines.  But it appears that may not be necessary.  The Ukrainian counter-offensives have mostly petered out at this point, and the Russians have even taken some new territory in recent days near Bakhmut.  In order to make the gains that they did in September, the Ukrainians were forced to sacrifice a staggering amount of personnel and vehicles, and now their forces are over-extended and exhausted. (Read More...)

Incredibly Reckless Moves That Biden And His Minions Are Making Could Get Millions Of Americans Killed

Do we really want to go to war with Russia and China at the same time?  Because if we stay on the path that we are currently on, that is precisely what is going to happen.  The incompetence that we are witnessing in Washington right now is extremely alarming, because it has very serious implications for our future.  If a full-blown global war erupts, the consequences won’t just be felt on the other side of the planet.  Russia and China both have multitudes of ways that they can hurt us, and a simultaneous war with both of them could easily result in millions of Americans ending up dead.  In fact, most of the U.S. population could end up dead if there is a large scale nuclear exchange.  So the stakes are incredibly high, and right now our current crop of leaders is the worst that we have ever had in the entire history of this country. (Read More...)

Unusual Diseases Are Killing Animals In Large Numbers All Over America

It isn’t just humans that are being hit extremely hard by deadly pestilences.  In recent weeks, I have written numerous articles about the strange diseases that have been causing severe illness and death among human populations in various parts of the globe.  But there are other plagues that have suddenly erupted that aren’t affecting us at all.  Instead, they are devastating animal populations, and so they get less media coverage.  But the truth is that some of these diseases are extremely serious.  For example, tens of millions of our chickens and turkeys are already dead due to an unprecedented bird flu pandemic.  That deeply impacts each one of us, because now chicken and turkey are much more expensive at the grocery store.  And one or more of the diseases that I am going to talk about in this article could make the jump to humans, and if that happens we could potentially be facing a big time nightmare. (Read More...)