“Coronavirus Anxiety” Is Running Rampant All Over America, And This Could Be Only Just The Beginning…

All across the United States people are getting really stressed out about COVID-19.  Every effort to contain the virus has failed, cases have started to pop up all over America, and the latest numbers show that it is 34 times more deadly than the flu.  And what makes this particular coronavirus even more frightening is the fact that it is so easy to catch.  You can become infected simply by breathing in the air around you, it can live on solid surfaces for days, and some victims can carry it around for weeks before ever showing any symptoms.  As this virus continues to spread, literally no public place will be safe, and that is really freaking a lot of people out. (Read More...)

11 Of The Most Outrageous Things Establishment Democrats Are Saying About Bernie Sanders

The Democratic establishment has officially shifted into panic mode.  In 2016, they watched a bold political outsider shred a divided field of establishment Republican candidates on his way to winning the White House.  Now they have one and only one shot of denying Donald Trump a second term, and the same thing that happened to the Republicans in 2016 is now happening to them.  So far, Bernie Sanders is trouncing a divided field of establishment Democratic candidates, and that is a huge problem for party leadership for a number of reasons.  For one thing, most top establishment Democrats absolutely detest Sanders.  Secondly, most of them don’t believe that he has a prayer of actually beating Trump in November.  So they are desperate to find a way to deny Sanders the nomination, but with each Sanders victory that is going to become increasingly difficult to do. (Read More...)

10 Very Important Questions That The Mainstream Media Should Be Asking About This Coronavirus Outbreak

Why is the mainstream media so scared of asking difficult questions about this coronavirus outbreak?  At one time the United States had the greatest investigative journalists in the entire world, but today it is very rare to see any of our major news outlets go much beyond the basic facts of a story.  In particular, the coverage of this coronavirus outbreak has been absolutely abysmal.  Other than dutifully repeating the basic information being fed to them by the CDC and the Chinese government, mainstream media coverage of this crisis has amounted to little more than assuring everyone that everything is going to be just fine.  As a result, Americans are increasingly turning to independent journalists for some honest coverage of this outbreak, because they know that they aren’t getting the whole truth from the usual suspects. (Read More...)

Trump Does Not Trust The Coronavirus Numbers That Are Coming Out Of China

For weeks, the mainstream media has insisted that the coronavirus numbers coming out of China are entirely accurate and that anyone that dares to question them is putting out “fake news”.  Even as we have gotten to the point where it has become mind-numbingly obvious that the Chinese are not being straight with us, the mainstream media has not wavered.  Well, now even the White House is questioning the accuracy of the numbers.  President Trump has tried to be publicly supportive of Chinese President Xi Jinping during this outbreak, and he probably would have overlooked a little fudging of the numbers.  But at this point things have gotten so absurd that a White House official has told CNBC that the administration does not “have high confidence in the information coming out of China”… (Read More...)

Coronavirus Nightmare: Chinese Hospitals Are Turning Away Hordes Of Sick People Because There Is No Room For Them

The mainstream media in the western world isn’t telling you that Chinese hospitals are being absolutely overwhelmed by the number of sick people showing up for treatment.  So the truth is that the official numbers that the Chinese government is putting out are almost meaningless at this point because hordes of sick people are being turned away from the hospitals because there is no room for them.  On Wednesday, Chinese officials took the unprecedented step of attempting to quarantine the entire city of Wuhan, but what good is that going to do if most of the sick people are turned away by the hospitals and sent back to circulate among the general population?  There are about 11 million people living in Wuhan, and there will only be about 2,000 hospital beds available for those that have caught this mysterious new coronavirus.  And considering the fact that officials are now admitting that this virus is being spread through “respiratory transmission”, it looks like this could become a complete and utter public health nightmare very rapidly. (Read More...)

After Investigating 1,000 Near Death Experiences, This Author Came To The Conclusion That Life After Death Is Very Real

Does life after death really exist?  The answer to this question has fundamental implications for every man, woman and child on the entire planet, and yet most people don’t spend very much time thinking about it.  If this life is not the end, so much of the petty stuff that we spend so much time obsessing over in this life really doesn’t matter, and instead we should be focusing on the things that actually do matter for the life to come.  However, if this life truly is the end, we might as well eat, drink, party and enjoy this life as much as possible because it is all we’ve got.  Of course that is the approach most of us seem to be taking in recent years, but a growing body of evidence clearly indicates that life after death really does exist.  For example, a study that was conducted by Gallup concluded that literally millions of people have had “near-death experiences”(Read More...)

There Will Be A “Blue Moon” Just 3 Days Before The U.S. Presidential Election

“Blue moons” don’t come along very often, and many are wondering if the “blue moon” that we will witness just 3 days before the presidential election in November is significant in some way.  We live at a time when so many people are watching for “signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars”, and we have certainly seen some very strange things in the sky in recent months.  But in this case, the moon will not actually change color.  In fact, it will look exactly like it normally does, but it will be called a “blue moon” because it will be the second full moon to happen in a one month time period.  The following comes from the Farmers’ Almanac(Read More...)

14 Gifts That You Should Definitely NOT Give To Your Liberal Friends

Have you ever been given a gift that totally offended you? In today’s highly charged political environment, it can be so easy to “trigger” someone, and the gifts in this article could definitely “trigger” your liberal friends. So while they may be absolutely hilarious, I would definitely not give anything on this list to anyone other than a Trump supporter. Hopefully political civility will make a major comeback in America someday, but for now our nation is very deeply divided. The other day I was doing some research, and I came across a recent survey that found that politics is the number one source of stress for Americans today. And unfortunately the amount of stress that we are experiencing about politics is only going to intensify as we approach the 2020 election. (Read More...)