A Harbinger For Trump? The Last Full Moon Of The Decade Will Happen On 12/12 At Exactly 12:12 AM

Is the clock about to strike midnight for the United States of America?  What I am about to share with you is definitely very strange.  If you are convinced that anything unusual that happens in our world “is just a coincidence”, that belief may be challenged by this article.  Because we are about to witness an event that is extremely improbable mathematically.  The very last full moon of this entire decade will happen on December 12th at precisely 12:12 AM eastern time.  There are 31 days in the month of December, there are 24 hours in a day (although we use the number 12 to designate two of those hours), and there are 60 minutes in an hour.  So doing some quick math, I discovered that there is just a 1 in 691,920 chance that the last full moon of this decade would randomly fall on 12/12 at exactly 12:12 AM eastern time.  Could it be possible that someone is trying to tell us something?  This phenomenon is so weird that even ABC News is reporting on it(Read More...)

Experts Warn That There Has Been “A Dramatic Rise” In Anal Cancer In The United States

A shocking new study that was just released has discovered that an epidemic of anal cancer is sweeping across America.  At one time this sort of cancer was very rare in the United States, but experts are telling us that a shift in sexual behavior has caused “a dramatic rise” in the disease in this country.  Of course this is not the only type of cancer that has been exploding in recent years.  These days, just about everyone knows somebody with cancer, and it is truly a major national crisis.  In fact, scientists tell us that about a third of all women and about half of all men will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives(Read More...)

When Did Halloween Become So Sick, Twisted And Gory?

Have you noticed that each year the overall tone of Halloween just continues to get darker and darker?  The movies keep getting more graphic, the decorations keep getting more gory and even the costumes keep getting more twisted.  When I was growing up, I remember watching relatively benign cartoons such as “It’s A Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”, and on Halloween night we would put on our silly store-bought costumes and go trick-or-treating.  It was always a little bit difficult breathing through the stupid plastic masks, but my siblings and I were eager to gather lots of candy from the neighbors.  Of course as a child I had no idea what the real meaning of Halloween was, and so I eagerly participated in the festivities.  During those years, I just thought it was a time to dress up as my favorite cartoon character and eat candy until I felt ill. (Read More...)

The Percentage Of Christians In America Has Hit An All-Time Low

The decline of the Christian faith in the United States continues to accelerate, and the latest numbers that we just got are absolutely staggering.  Most European countries are already considered to be “post-Christian” nations, and the U.S. appears to be headed down the exact same path.  But when America was originally founded, it is estimated that 98 percent of the colonists were Christians.  The Christian faith played a critical role in the development of our form of government, and down throughout history every generation of Americans was overwhelmingly Christian.  But now things are changing in a major way.  According to a brand new survey that was just released by the Pew Research Center, only 65 percent of Americans now consider themselves to be “Christians”, and that represents the lowest level ever recorded… (Read More...)

As Halloween Approaches, Thousands Of Witches Will Cast A “Binding Spell” On Donald Trump On October 25th

I know that the headline will sound very strange to a lot of my readers, but this is actually happening.  On October 25th at 11:59 PM, thousands of witches will simultaneously conduct a ritual which is meant to “bind” Donald Trump.  Unlike a “curse” or a “hex”, a “binding spell” is not meant to cause harm.  Rather, the witches hope to prevent President Trump from doing harm to the United States by his actions, and so they actually believe that they are doing something very positive for the country.  But a closer examination of this “binding ritual” reveals some very disturbing details.  For example, those participating in the ritual are instructed to call on “demons of the infernal realms” for help in binding Trump… (Read More...)

This Is How 21 Celebrities Responded On Twitter When They Found Out An Impeachment Inquiry Is Going To Happen…

Well, that sure escalated quickly.  Rather than waiting until the end of the week, on Tuesday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi decided to announce that a formal impeachment inquiry is being initiated.  Needless to say, leftist celebrities all over America greatly rejoiced at this news.  In fact, for many of them it was essentially the equivalent of having Thanksgiving, Christmas, a birthday party, the Super Bowl and winning the lottery all rolled into one giant drug-fueled celebration.  After “suffering” so much since Donald Trump won the election in November 2016, this surprise announcement gave many of them hope that they may soon be rid of their orange-haired tormentor forever.  Of course in the end the only thing that is really going to matter is what the 53 Republicans in the Senate decide to do once the House inevitably votes to impeach, but for the moment the Hollywood elite couldn’t be happier. (Read More...)

U.S. Prepares To Strike Iran As The Middle East Braces For World War 3 To Erupt

President Trump is using the phrase “locked and loaded” to describe our current stance toward Iran, and the big news networks appear to believe that some sort of U.S. military action could be imminent.  We just witnessed the worst attack on Saudi oil production facilities in history, and it would seem to be extremely unlikely that the U.S. and Saudi Arabia would allow this to pass with no response.  Houthi rebels in Yemen have publicly taken responsibility for the attacks, but as you will see below, U.S. officials have already completely rejected that explanation for a variety of reasons.  At this point, we are being told that the attacks probably originated either from Iranian-backed Shia rebels in southern Iraq or from Iran itself.  And if the U.S. strikes back by conducting airstrikes inside Iran, that could literally cause World War 3 to erupt.  We are so close to a major war breaking out, but most Americans are still not paying attention. (Read More...)

This Is What Social Media Is Doing To Us…

Scientific study after scientific study is showing that too much time on social media can be extremely harmful both mentally and physically.  But even though most of us know this, very few of us actually alter our behavior in a meaningful way.  When Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and other major social media platforms first emerged, we welcomed them with open arms.  They were a lot of fun and they allowed us to interact with family, friends and society as a whole in ways that we had never been able to do before.  But they were also extremely addictive, and they rapidly became transformed into dumping grounds for just about everything toxic, negative and malevolent that you can possibly imagine.  Today, many of us spend far more time on social media than we do with real people, and as you will see below, that has enormous implications for our future. (Read More...)