The Big List Of 33 Things That Are Going To Happen In September 2015

33 SignIs September 2015 going to be a month that changes history?  For months, there has been an unprecedented amount of buzz all over the Internet about what is going to happen in September.  And without a doubt, we are going to witness a convergence of events during that month that is quite remarkable.  What I have attempted to do in this article is to put together a list of things that we know will happen next month.  Some of the lists that I have seen contain things that cannot be proven or that are simply inaccurate.  And of course it is very likely that some things will happen in September that we cannot anticipate right now.  I am just providing the information that I have at this time, and it is up to you and your family to prepare for what you believe will happen.  The following is my big list of 33 things that are going to happen in September 2015… (Read More...)

The Mystery Of September 23: Why Does 9/23 Keep Popping Up All Over the Place?

23 Twenty Three - Public DomainWhat is going to happen on September 23rd, 2015?  For months, there has been an incredible amount of buzz on the Internet about the month of September, and in particular there has been a tremendous amount of speculation about the date of September 23rd.  For a long time I didn’t pay much attention to all of this chatter, because I like to stick to things that I can prove.  In law school, I was trained to be very analytical and to greatly value hard evidence.  If you follow my articles regularly, you have probably noticed those traits reflected in my writing.  Well, today I am going to discuss some things that I cannot prove.  I am going to share with you some things that other people are reporting, and I humbly submit them for your consideration.  Personally, I do not know what is going to happen on September 23rd, but I have come to the conclusion that there are just way too many “coincidences” to ignore.   Ultimately, you need to do your own research and come to your own conclusions. (Read More...)

10 Things That Are Going To Happen Within 15 Days Of The End Of The Shemitah

Time Background Clock - Public DomainIs a great shaking coming to America?  An amazing convergence of events is going to take place during the last several weeks of September 2015.  Many are suggesting that this could indicate that something really big is about to happen.  In fact, some vendors of emergency food are reporting shortages because so many people are stocking up on food and supplies in anticipation of what is coming.  And of course the list I am about to share with you is not necessarily exhaustive.  There are events that are currently unknown or unanticipated that could also fall during this time frame.  But without a doubt, the incredible confluence of events that we already know will happen appears to be unlike anything that we have ever experienced before. (Read More...)

The Universe Is Steadily Deteriorating And So Is The Human Race – Why Is This Happening?

Lens Flare Earth - Public DomainDid you know that scientists have come to the conclusion that “the universe is slowly dying”?  In fact, they have found that the universe is only producing about half as much energy as it once did, and they have also found that the level of energy is continuing to fade.  Not only that, our sun also appears to be dying.  Solar activity has slowed down to a level not seen for about 100 years, and scientists are not quite sure what to make of it.  Pretty much all scientists agree that the sun will die “one day”, but could it be possible that it is happening faster than any of them ever imagined?  In addition, in this article I will include information about how the human race itself is deteriorating.  There is a common misconception that humanity has been constantly improving and getting better, but scientists have discovered that the exact opposite is actually true.  So why is this happening?  Why is everything steadily decaying and deteriorating? (Read More...)

Will The Large Hadron Collider Open Up A Portal To Another Dimension?

CERN Aerial ViewWhat in the world is going on over at CERN? Are scientists playing around with forces that they simply do not understand?  Some of the things that I am going to share with you in this article are deeply disturbing. The European Organization for Nuclear Research (also known as CERN) is purposely smashing particles into one another at astonishingly high speeds.  If you think that sounds incredibly dangerous, you are not alone.  Scientists all over the world have suggested that the bizarre experiments taking place at CERN could either open a black hole, destroy the entire world or open up a portal to another dimension.  But none of those concerns have been taken seriously.  Instead, scientists at CERN just continue to smash more and more particles into each other at higher and higher speeds. (Read More...)

The Assault On Donald Trump Shows That Our 2 Party System Is Really A 1 Party System

Donald Trump CircleWere you sickened by the Republican debate the other night? The hype leading up to the debate was unbelievable. Never before had there been so much interest in a debate this early in an election season, and it turned out to be the most watched program on Fox News ever. A record-shattering 24 million Americans tuned in, and what they witnessed was an expertly orchestrated assault on Donald Trump. From the very first moments, every question that was launched at Trump was an “attack question”. And then the laughable “focus group” that followed was specifically designed to show that “ordinary people” were “changing their minds” about Trump. By the end of the evening, it was abundantly clear that Fox News had purposely intended to try to destroy Trump’s candidacy. (Read More...)

In September 2015, Agenda 21 Will Be Transformed Into The 2030 Agenda

United Nations - Public DomainIf you didn’t like “Agenda 21”, then you really are not going to like “The 2030 Agenda”.  Next month, the United Nations is going to launch “The 2030 Agenda” at a major conference that will be held from September 25th to September 27th in New York City.  The Pope is actually traveling to New York to deliver an address which will kick off this conference.  Unlike Agenda 21, which primarily focused on the environment, the 2030 Agenda is truly a template for governing the entire planet.  In addition to addressing climate change, it also sets ambitious goals for areas such as economics, health, energy, education, agriculture, gender equality and a whole host of other issues.  As you will see below, this global initiative is being billed as a “new universal Agenda” for humanity.  If you are anything like me, alarm bells are going off in your head right about now. (Read More...)