Is ‘San Andreas’ A Cryptic Warning About What Is Going To Happen In America’s Future?

San Andreas Movie PosterHollywood has a long history of inserting political messages, social commentaries, subliminal effects and even cryptic warnings about the future into big budget films.  So is someone attempting to use “San Andreas” to tell us something?  For many years, doomsayers have been warning that the “Big One” is going to come along and rip the coastline of California to shreds.  Up until this moment, it hasn’t happened, but without a doubt we have moved into a time of increased geological activity all over the globe.  As you read this article, 42 volcanoes around the planet are currently erupting.  That means that the number of volcanoes erupting right now is greater than the 20th century’s average for an entire year.  In addition, we have been witnessing a great deal of very unusual earthquake activity lately.  Just in the United States, we have seen unusual earthquakes hit Michigan, Texas, Mississippi, California, Idaho And Washington within the last month or so.  Could it be possible that our planet has entered a period of heightened seismic activity?  And could it also be possible that someone behind “San Andreas” is aware of this and is trying to warn us about what is coming in our future? (Read More...)

Prepare Your Homes And Neighborhoods For The Violence That Is Going To Sweep America

Crime - Bloody Handprint - Public DomainThe thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted on a daily basis is beginning to disappear, and a new era of chaos and anarchy is coming to our cities.  I don’t know if you have noticed, but violence is increasing on the streets of America.  Over Memorial Day weekend, 29 people were shot in Baltimore and 55 people were shot in Chicago.  But of course the trend that I am talking about is much broader than that.  According to the FBI, the number of police officers “feloniously killed” in the line of duty rose by an astounding 89 percent in 2014.  We live at a time when Americans are becoming extremely angry and extremely frustrated, and this is only going to intensify as economic conditions worsen.  But already we have seen some of this anger and frustration boil over into violence in Ferguson and in Baltimore.  And you know what?  The vast majority of Americans expect more of the same in the coming months.  According to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey that was recently released, 96 percent of all Americans believe that there will be more civil unrest in America this summer.  What we have seen up until now is just the warm up act.  The main event is still to come. (Read More...)

The Elite Have A Great Fear Of Death

Death Skull - Public DomainIf there is one thing that the elite of the world fear more than anything else, it is death.  They spend an extraordinary amount of time and energy attempting to shield themselves from potential threats, to separate themselves from the general population and to do whatever they can to extend their lifespans.  They travel with multiple bodyguards, they install “safe rooms” in their homes, they buy private islands on the other side of the world and they invest huge amounts of money into life extension technologies and research.  They do all of these things in a desperate attempt to battle an enemy that they have never been able to defeat – death.  And in this day and age, the elite are becoming more paranoid than ever.  They know that as the gap between the wealthy and the poor has exploded that they have become bigger targets than ever.  So firms that provide private security, “safe rooms” and high tech “security bunkers” for the elite are doing a booming business these days.  Many of the elite live in constant fear and absolutely crave security, and they are willing to pay big bucks to get it. (Read More...)

What Is Causing The Strange Trumpet Sounds In The Sky All Over The World?

Strange Sounds In The Sky - Public DomainAll over the globe, people are recording extremely loud sounds coming from the sky.  In many instances, these ominous noises sound like someone is blowing a trumpet.  So what are we supposed to make of these “apocalyptic” sounds?  Should we be concerned?  Well, what we do know is that this is truly a global phenomenon.  In addition to being heard at locations all over the United States and Canada, these sounds have also been recorded in Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, England, Costa Rica, Ukraine and France.  If you go to YouTube and type in “strange sounds”, you will literally get hundreds of results from all over the planet.  Of course there are many scientists that insist that there must be a “rational explanation” for these strange sounds.  Some theories have suggested fracking, “rock bursts”, venting of high-pressure gas, atmospheric pressure or the natural “background noise” of our planet as the causes of these sounds, but so far none of those theories have been proven.  But two things seem certain – these noises sure are creepy, and they just keep on happening. (Read More...)

Is This Global Drought Being Caused By The Systematic Destruction Of The Hydrologic Cycle?

Global Drought - Public DomainHave you noticed that severe drought seems to be gripping much of the planet right now?  You probably have.  But why is this happening?  Could it be possible that we are doing this to ourselves?  Many want to try to link the rise and fall of precipitation levels to temperature variations, but there is something much more obvious that they are overlooking.  Trees play an absolutely critical role in our water cycle, and every single minute the amount of land that is deforested around the globe is equivalent to 36 football fields.  By extracting water from the soil and releasing it into the atmosphere, trees provide a critical link in the hydrologic cycle that we all depend upon.  If there were no more trees, life on this planet would become exceedingly difficult for humanity.  So the fact that we are literally ripping the lungs out of the planet is a very big deal. (Read More...)

In Iraq, ISIS Is Winning And The United States Is Losing

ISIS Takes RamadiDuring the Iraq war more than 4,000 U.S. soldiers died, countless others were severely injured, and the total cost to U.S. taxpayers was more than 2 trillion dollars.  But now whatever the U.S. military accomplished during that war is being completely undone by ISIS.  On Monday, we learned that ISIS had fully taken control of the strategically important city of Ramadi.  Despite nine months of airstrikes by the U.S. military, ISIS continues to move forward and take new territory.  Just a few years ago, American soldiers fought some incredibly bloody battles on the streets of Ramadi, but now that city is in the hands of the most ruthless terror organization on the entire planet.  And since it is only about 70 miles from Baghdad, Ramadi is going to make a fine staging area for an all-out assault on the capital.  No matter how you cut it, the cold, hard reality of the matter is that the United States is losing in Iraq and ISIS is winning.  So what will the U.S. do if ISIS actually takes control of the entire country? (Read More...)

79 Members Of Congress Have Been In Office For At Least 20 Years

US Capitol Building - Public DomainNo wonder Washington never changes – 79 members of Congress have been there since Bill Clinton’s first term in the White House.  This list includes names such as Reid, Feinstein, McConnell, McCain, Pelosi, Boehner, Rangel and Boxer.  In this article, I am going to share with you a complete list of the members of Congress that have been “serving” us for at least 20 years.  They believe that they are “serving” us well, but without a doubt most Americans very much wish that true “change” would come to Washington.  In fact, right now Congress has a 15 percent approval rating with the American people, and that approval rating has been consistently below 20 percent since mid-2011.  So of course we took advantage of the 2014 mid-term election to dump as many of those Congress critters out of office as we possibly could, right?  Wrong.  Sadly, incumbents were re-elected at a 95 percent rate in 2014.  This just shows how broken and how corrupt our system has become.  The American people absolutely hate the job that Congress is doing, and yet the same clowns just keep getting sent back to Washington again and again. (Read More...)

10 Pictures That Show How America Is Becoming A Lot Like Nazi Germany

Prison Fence - Public DomainThe history books tell us about how evil and wicked the Nazis were, so why aren’t we more alarmed that the United States is becoming more like Nazi Germany with each passing day?  More than three years ago, I wrote an article entitled “25 Signs That America Is Rapidly Becoming More Like Nazi Germany” which got a ton of attention.  Unfortunately, nothing has gotten better since I first published that piece.  Government control freaks are still watching us, tracking us, recording our phone calls and monitoring our emails.  TSA thugs at our airports are still fondling the private parts of our women and children and laughing while they do it.  Our police and our military are still training for civil unrest and martial law in America.  And even though our politicians are socializing our economy and destroying our constitutional freedoms, the American people keep sending most of them back to Washington time after time.  It is an incredibly sad thing to watch the country that you love slowly die right in front of your eyes. (Read More...)