7 Key Events That Are Going To Happen By The End Of September

7 SignIs something really big about to happen?  For months, people have been pointing to the second half of this year for various reasons.  For some, the major concern is Jade Helm and the unprecedented movement of military vehicles and equipment that we have been witnessing all over the nation.  For others, the upcoming fourth blood moon and the end of the Shemitah cycle are extremely significant events.  Yet others are most concerned about political developments in Washington D.C. and at the United Nations.  To me, it does seem rather remarkable that we are seeing such a confluence of economic, political and spiritual events coming together during the second half of 2015.  So is all of this leading up to something?  Is our world about to change in a fundamental way?  Only time will tell.  The following are 7 key events that are going to happen by the end of September… (Read More...)

Why Has NASA Announced That A Meteor Is NOT Going To Hit The Earth In September?

Meteors Apocalypse - Public DomainInternet buzz about a giant meteor that is going to strike our planet in September has become so intense that NASA has been forced to issue a statement publicly denying that it is going to happen.  NASA insists that the agency knows of “no asteroid or comet currently on a collision course with Earth”, and that “no large object is likely to strike the Earth any time in the next several hundred years”.  To be honest, NASA should perhaps hold off on making such bold statements concerning what will happen in the future considering the fact that the Chelyabinsk meteor that exploded over Russia in 2013 took them totally by surprise.  In any event, what we do know is that our region of space is absolutely packed with meteors and asteroids.  At this point, approximately 10,000 major near earth objects have been discovered by scientists, and about 10 percent of them are one kilometer or larger in size.  If any of those big ones were to hit us, we would be looking at another Tunguska event or worse.  Very large meteors have struck our planet before, and they will hit us again.  It is only a matter of time. (Read More...)

The Bilderberg Group: Founded By A Nazi And Continuing The Agenda Of The Nazis

Secret Meetings To Shape The WorldWhen you want to discover what an organization is really all about, it is important to dig down to the roots.  And when you uncover the roots of the Bilderberg Group, you find some very unsettling things.  It turns out that the Bilderberg Group has had Nazi connections from the very beginning, and it continues to advance the agenda of the Nazis to this very day.  This year, the Bilderberg Group is meeting from June 11th to June 14th at the Interalpen Hotel which is near the city of Telfs, Austria.  This organization has so much power that even several days before the event police are keeping everyone (including reporters) 10 kilometers away from the hotel.  If this is just a group of private citizens getting together to chat about world issues, why all the security?  What is so special about this group of people that rates such extraordinary measures?  And why are they so bound and determined to keep all of the rest of us away from them? (Read More...)

Why Is The Army Hiring People To Provide ‘Emergency Support To Disaster Stricken Areas Throughout The US’?

Natural Disaster - Public DomainDoes the Army expect that there will soon be “disaster stricken” areas all over the country?  As you will see in this article, a job advertisement has been posted on a federal website seeking workers that “will provide emergency support to disaster stricken areas throughout the US“. This was originally reported by Shepard Ambellas of Intellihub, but it is not receiving nearly as much attention as it perhaps should.  What parts of the nation does the U.S. Army believe will soon be “disaster stricken”?  By itself, this job ad wouldn’t be raising that many eyebrows, but when you combine this with the unusual number of “military training exercises” that are taking place all around the country and with the very strange movements of military equipment that have been reported recently, it gives the appearance that the U.S. military is feverishly making preparations for something big. (Read More...)

Egg Shortage In America As Bird Flu Has Already Killed 45 MILLION Chickens And Turkeys

Eggs - Public DomainDid you know that 25 percent of all egg production in the United States has already been taken offline due to the bird flu crisis?  You aren’t hearing much about this in the mainstream media, but at this point bird flu has claimed the lives of 45 million chickens and turkeys in America.  When I wrote about this a month ago, the number of dead birds was sitting at about 20 million.  In just 30 days, the death toll has risen by an astounding 20 million.  This is a major crisis and it is already causing egg shortages around the country, and yet very few people seem alarmed about this?  Why is that? (Read More...)

Has Caitlyn Jenner Become The Most Popular Woman In America?

Caitlyn JennerAt the age of 65, Caitlyn Jenner has become far more famous than Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner ever was.  She is the most high-profile American to ever identify as transgender, and right now she is getting a global tsunami of media attention – most of it extraordinarily positive.  When Caitlyn’s Vanity Fair cover was released on Monday, it was front page news for almost every major news source in the western world.  But it isn’t just the media that is fawning over her.  Within just a few hours, Caitlyn Jenner received more than 100,000 likes on a brand new Facebook page that she set up for her new identity.  On Twitter, the euphoria was even greater.  Within fours hours and three minutes of setting up her new Twitter account, she had a million followers.  That beat the official world record that had previously been held by Barack Obama.  As I write this, she now has more than 2.2 million followers.  So precisely why has Caitlyn Jenner become such an overnight sensation, and could it be possible that she is now the most popular woman in America? (Read More...)

Something Else Coming In September: A UN Resolution Establishing A Palestinian State

Clock - Public DomainThere has been a lot of talk about things that are going to happen in September, but something that has been almost totally overlooked is the fact that the UN Security Council is likely to be voting on a UN resolution which will establish a Palestinian state at that time.  Right now, France is working on a proposed resolution which would give formal UN Security Council recognition to the Palestinians, would declare that a divided Jerusalem is the capital of both Israel and a Palestinian state, and would set the 1967 borders as the baseline for future negotiations which would establish the final borders between the two nations.  It is being reported that France will submit this resolution for a vote after the 70th session of the UN General Assembly begins on the 15th of September.  At this moment, 136 nations have already recognized a Palestinian state, but the United States has always blocked recognition by the UN Security Council.  This time may be different though, because there are quite a few indications that Barack Obama actually plans to back the French resolution in September.  If that happens, and the UN Security Council approves this resolution, it is going to have enormous implications for all of us. (Read More...)

America The Obese: Is There A Multibillion Dollar Conspiracy To Make Sure Americans Stay Overweight?

Fast Food - Public DomainAccording to Gallup, America is now fatter than it has ever been before.  But how can this possibly be?  After all, Americans spend an astounding 60 billion dollars a year on weight loss programs and products.  After putting so much time, effort and energy into losing weight, shouldn’t we be some of the healthiest people on the entire planet?  Sadly, the truth is that obesity has become a national epidemic, and we are known around the globe for our huge size.  The term “fat Americans” has become synonymous with overweight tourists, and other cultures mock us for our apparent sloth.  But could there be more to this than just the fact that we eat too much?  Could it be possible that we have been fattened up by design? (Read More...)