Apocalyptic Drone Footage Shows Giant Cracks In The Earth On Japan’s Southern Island

2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes - Photo By Hideki KimuraThe drone footage that you are about to see is absolutely jaw-dropping.  When I first watched it, I could hardly believe the extent of the devastation that has taken place on Japan’s southern island.  Near the end of last week, a magnitude 6.5 earthquake was quickly followed by a magnitude 7.3 earthquake just 28 hours later.  Those earthquakes made headlines all over the globe, but at first glance those numbers don’t really look that big.  So why was there such tremendous damage?  Well, it turns out that those two major quakes worked in conjunction with more than 600 smaller quakes to cause historic devastation all across Kyushu.  As you are about to see, giant fissures have opened up in the ground right along a fault line that runs directly across Japan’s southern island, and this has a lot of people extremely alarmed. (Read More...)

The Shaking Continues: The Most Dangerous Volcano In Mexico Has Erupted In Spectacular Fashion

PopocatepetlMore than 25 million people live in the vicinity of Mt. Popocatepetl, including Mexico City’s 18 million residents.  At 2:32 local time on Tuesday morning, the most dangerous volcano in Mexico roared to life in spectacular fashion, and this has many experts extremely concerned about what is coming next.  Popocatepetl is an Aztec word that means “smoking mountain”, and historians tell us that once upon a time entire Aztec cities were buried in super-heated mud from this volcano.  In fact, the super-heated mud flows were so deep that they buried entire Aztec pyramids.  A full-blown eruption of Mt. Popocatepetl would be a catastrophe unlike anything that modern Mexico has ever experienced before, and considering what has been happening in Ecuador, Japan and at Yellowstone over the past week, I believe that there is great reason for concern. (Read More...)

Houston Flooding Is The 8th Historic Flood To Hit America Since The End Of September

Houston Flooding - Public DomainWhy has the United States been hit by historic flood after historic flood in recent months?  The flooding that is pummeling the city of Houston is the 8th historic flood in this country since the end of September.  City officials down in Houston have labeled the flooding that is currently slamming the city “a life-threatening emergency“, and they are insisting that “Houston residents should avoid travel at all costs today.”  At this point, dozens of subdivisions have been flooded and major sections of Interstate 10 and Interstate 45 are under water near downtown.  Authorities are telling us that water is getting to areas that it has never been before, and Fire Department spokesman Jay Evans announced that the water is already 10 to 15 feet deep in some areas.  But even though some parts of Houston have already gotten close to 20 inches of rain within the last 24 hours, there is more rain in the forecast, so this crisis is far from over. (Read More...)

Yellowstone Eruption In 2016? Shocking New Video Shows What Is Really Going On At Yellowstone

Yellowstone Ash - USGSOver the past week, our planet has been hit by large earthquake after large earthquake, and according to Volcano Discovery there are 38 volcanoes around the world that are erupting right now.  We have seen a dramatic spike in global seismic activity that is unlike anything that we have seen in ages, and that is why what is going on at Yellowstone is so incredibly alarming.  Geologists tell us that a full-blown eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano would have up to 2,000 times the power of the Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption of 1980, and approximately two-thirds of the country would immediately become uninhabitable.  As you will see below, there are signs that something big is getting ready to happen at Yellowstone, and if it does erupt all of our lives will be permanently changed forever. (Read More...)

5 Major Earthquakes In 48 Hours As A Seismologist Warns ‘Catastrophic Mega Earthquakes’ Are Coming

Earthquake Freeway CollapseWhy is the crust of the Earth shaking so violently all of a sudden?  Over the past 48 hours, there have been five major earthquakes globally, and one prominent seismologist has declared that “catastrophic mega earthquakes” could be on the way.  In fact, seismologist Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado has made headlines all over the world by warning that “current conditions might trigger at least four earthquakes greater than 8.0 in magnitude”.  If his projections are accurate, our planet could be on the precipice of a wave of natural disasters unlike anything that any of us have ever experienced before. (Read More...)

Bathroom Crisis In America: The National Debate Over Gender-Neutral Bathrooms Goes Viral

Bathroom Sign - Public DomainShould public facilities continue to offer separate bathrooms for men and women?  In 2016, this has become a political “hot potato” that is causing emotions to run high on both sides of the debate.  Many liberals consider the push for gender-neutral bathrooms to be on the cutting edge of the civil rights movement in the United States.  Meanwhile, many conservatives consider separate bathrooms for men and women to be a matter of basic moral decency.  What both sides of the debate can agree on is that this is an issue that is not going away any time soon.  Gender-neutral bathrooms are popping up in public places all over America, and the Obama administration has even installed one in the White House.  Unfortunately, these gender-neutral bathrooms can have some very serious unintended consequences as you will see below. (Read More...)

Victory! The Arch From The Temple Of Baal Planned For New York City Has Been CANCELED

Palmyra - Public DomainThe Temple of Baal is NOT coming to Times Square in New York City next month.  This is great news, and it represents an incredible victory for Christians in the United States.  As you will see below, the New York Times, Snopes and a whole host of other mainstream news sources reported last month that everything was on track for reproductions of the giant 48-foot-tall arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria to be put up simultaneously in Times Square in New York City and Trafalgar Square in London during the month of April.  But now that will not be happening.  The only arch that will be going up will be in Trafalgar Square, and it won’t be the one from the Temple of Baal.  Instead, the Institute for Digital Archaeology has changed plans and will be putting up a reproduction of the Arch of Triumph which the Romans originally built in Palmyra and that has nothing to do with Baal.  So why has there been such a dramatic change in plans? (Read More...)

America 1956 vs. America 2016

Once Upon A Time - FacebookIs America a better place today than it was back in 1956?  Of course many Americans living right now couldn’t even imagine a world without cell phones, Facebook or cable television, but was life really so bad back then?  60 years ago, families would actually spend time on their front porches and people would actually have dinner with their neighbors.  60 years ago, cars were still cars, football was still football and it still meant something to be an American.  In our country today, it is considered odd to greet someone as they are walking down the street, and if someone tries to be helpful it is usually because they want something from you.  But things were very different in the middle of the last century.  Men aspired to be gentlemen and women aspired to be ladies, and nobody had ever heard of  “bling”, “sexting” or “twerking”.  Of course life was far from perfect, but people actually had standards and they tried to live up to them. (Read More...)