Is America Becoming A Police State Where Churches Can’t Feed The Homeless And Kids Can’t Set Up Lemonade Stands?

What would you do if authorities ordered your church to stop feeding the homeless?  And what would you do if your 5-year-old daughter was ordered to get government permission before setting up a lemonade stand?  Well, these things are actually happening in America today.  With each passing day, America goes further down the road toward becoming a police state.  Just yesterday, I wrote about a young mother that was threatened with arrest in California for not properly vaccinating her children.  We have entered a time when government bureaucrats are micromanaging all of our lives, and it is time for us to say that enough is enough. (Read More...)

Pro-Trump Forces Are Taking Over The Republican Party, And There Is No Going Back

A civil war for control of the future of the Republican Party is raging, and pro-Trump forces are winning.  In recent weeks, we have seen Senator Jeff Flake and Senator Bob Corker both announce that they will not seek re-election when their terms are over.  Meanwhile, a new generation of enthusiastic pro-Trump candidates has been rising all over the nation.  Back in May, I used my national platform to publicly call for “an army of pro-Trump activists” to run for office all across America, and now it is actually happening.  Of course the traditional Republican establishment still believes that they are going to someday regain control of the party, but the truth is that there is no going back at this point.  This is a point that Pat Buchanan made beautifully in his recent article about the GOP civil war… (Read More...)

Shocking New Online Poll Shows That Michael Snyder’s Campaign For Congress Has A Ton Of Momentum

It is still very, very early, but we continue to get positive signs that all of the hard work that we have put into this campaign is getting the attention of the voters. Last week, the largest and most important political talk radio station in the entire state posted an online poll for our race, and we are winning. In fact, we have more votes than all of the other guys in the race combined. But let’s not get too excited. This is an entirely unscientific poll, and a scientific poll would show a much, much closer race. The truth is that most voters in this district still don’t even know who any of the candidates are, and that means that we have a ton of work ahead of us in this wide open race. In order to win, we need to effectively get our message out to all of these voters, and if you would like to help us do that, you can do so right here… (Read More...)

Media Attacks Republican Candidate For Congress For Asking Hard Questions About The Las Vegas Shooting

I didn’t expect that I would be getting “the Trump treatment” this early in the campaign.  Last week, I wrote an article about the Las Vegas shooting that posed 16 questions that I did not feel were being addressed by the mainstream media adequately enough.  That article was picked up by Zero Hedge, and it has now been read more than 1.6 million times.  All along, I have never claimed to know exactly what happened in Las Vegas.  But I feel very strongly that there is nothing wrong with asking questions.  In the old days, that is what real journalists would actually do.  Unfortunately, the art of critical thinking has almost entirely disappeared from the field of journalism, and so it is up to us in the alternative media to ask the hard questions that “professional journalists” used to pursue. (Read More...)

People Are Making Such Ridiculous Claims About What Is Going To Happen On September 23, 2017 And None Of Them Are True

All sorts of sensationalist claims are being made about what is going to happen on September 23rd, and all of them are false. In recent days, I have spent time looking into these various claims, and I have been deeply disturbed by what I have discovered. Yes, it does appear that there will be a unique celestial alignment on September 23rd, and it does appear that it at least bears a resemblance to what is described in the first couple of verses in Revelation 12. And yes, this alignment will happen at about the time of Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets). But people have gone way beyond those basic facts and have come up with ridiculous theories that are going to make them look like nutjobs when September 23rd comes and goes and their predictions don’t come to pass. (Read More...)

A Hot New Fashion Trend Has Men Dressing In Skirts, Dresses And 8 Inch Heels

How would you feel if a man walked into a business meeting wearing a skirt and 8 inch heels? 20 years ago that would have been absolutely unthinkable, but if one American designer has his way that may soon become the norm. When I saw photos on Facebook of Thom Browne’s latest line for men, I have to admit that I was floored. If you have not seen what I am talking about yet, you can do so here and here. Personally, I believe that men should dress like men and women should dress like women, but much of society is moving in the exact opposite direction. (Read More...)

New Undercover Video Shows An Abortionist Joking About An Eyeball Rolling Down Into Her Lap

An incredibly shocking new undercover video that was recently released by the Center For Medical Progress shows various abortionists joking about the gruesome realities of performing abortions. This undercover footage was taken during the annual conventions of the National Abortion Federation in 2014 and 2015, and perhaps the most disturbing moment is when one abortionist jokes about an eyeball rolling into her lap. All of the undercover videos that have been released by the Center For Medical Progress are very startling and very graphic, but it is absolutely imperative that the American people be told the truth about what is actually happening in these abortion clinics. If these crimes against humanity do not stop, there is no hope and no future for our nation. (Read More...)

The Trump Army Is Taking The Names Of The Treasonous Republicans That Are Suggesting Trump Should Be Impeached

Never before has a president had so many members of his own party so eager to stick a knife in his back. Now that they smell blood, a number of treasonous Republicans are openly talking of impeaching Donald Trump even though there is no evidence that he has committed any crimes. A New York Times article that reported that a memo exists in which FBI Director James Comey documented a conversation between himself and President Trump during which he was encouraged “to end the investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn” sent shockwaves through Washington on Wednesday. Almost immediately, members of both parties began suggesting that Trump could be impeached. But as I detailed in another article earlier today, the elements for obstruction of justice simply are not there even if everything that Comey is claiming is true. (Read More...)