Their Population Control Agenda Is Working – The Birth Rate In the United States Has Fallen To Another All-Time Record Low

The elite have worked very hard to slow down birth rates all over the world, and their efforts appear to be working.  Just as we have witnessed in so many other countries, the birth rate in the United States continues to fall.  In fact, it just plunged to yet another new all-time record low.  So why would the elite want this to happen?  Well, they believe that climate change is the greatest threat that our planet is facing, and they also believe that humans are the primary driver of climate change, and so they are convinced that if they can get people to have fewer babies they are actually “saving the world”.  And according to the most recent CDC numbers, they have made a tremendous amount of progress in accomplishing that mission(Read More...)

Shocking New Studies Find That America’s Young People Are Overweight, Unhealthy, Suicidal And Addicted To Alcohol And Drugs

After reading the information contained in this article, you will probably find yourself questioning if America is going to be able to survive for much longer, because our young people are a complete and total mess.  Yes, all generations of Americans have had their problems, but this generation appears to be particularly screwed up.  Obesity rates are at all-time highs, a third of all American teens have not read a single book within the past year, and the average high school senior spends six hours a day on the Internet.  On top of all that, we are seeing unprecedented levels of suicide, drug overdoses and liver disease (due to heavy drinking) among our young people.  Like other empires throughout world history, will we be undone by our own excesses? (Read More...)

Were 18 To 20 CIA Sources Killed Or Imprisoned Because Hillary Clinton’s Emails Were Being Hacked In Real Time By China?

This is a scandal so huge that it could blow all of the other Clinton scandals totally out of the water.  It is being alleged that 18 to 20 CIA sources were either killed or imprisoned in China from 2010 to 2012 because the Chinese were reading all of Hillary Clinton’s emails as soon as they were sent or received.  At the time, Clinton was using a private email server in conjunction with her duties as Secretary of State, and even though that was highly illegal Clinton was never charged with anything.  But now we have learned that a Chinese company had hacked Clinton’s private server and was getting all of her emails in real time.  That Chinese company was “part of an intelligence operation”, and that means that the Chinese government was also receiving all of Hillary Clinton’s emails.  During the exact timeframe when these hacked emails were being received by the Chinese, “18 to 20 CIA sources” were either killed or imprisoned by China.  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how that happened. (Read More...)

Connected To The Matrix: Americans Spend Most Of Their Waking Hours Staring At A Television Or Computer Screen

Before televisions and computers were invented, Americans didn’t spend any time staring at television and computer screens. They worked hard, raised their families, personally interacted with their communities (remember that?), and generally tried to make the world a better place. But now for many of us, the “virtual world” actually seems more real than the “real world” does. In fact, as you will see below, average Americans now spend most of their waking hours staring at a screen. We have willingly connected ourselves to “the matrix”, and the amount of time spent connected is rising with each passing year. A report that was just put out by Nielsen found that we spend an average of 11 hours per day interacting with media(Read More...)

10 Attack Quotes From Establishment Insiders About The Trump-Putin Summit That Will Make Your Skin Crawl

Donald Trump’s summit meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki has unleashed a torrent of criticism that is unlike anything that we have ever seen. U.S. and Russian leaders have been getting together for decades, but this particular gathering was labeled the #TreasonSummit on social media before it even began. In the end, nothing that Trump could have possibly done would have pleased his critics, and the joint press conference at the end of the summit was enough to push some of them completely over the edge. Here are 10 attack quotes from establishment insiders about the Trump-Putin summit that will make your skin crawl… (Read More...)

Liberals Are Freaking Out About The Nomination Of Brett Kavanaugh, But It Is Conservatives That Should Be Concerned

The weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth has begun on the left, but the truth is that Donald Trump could have nominated someone far more conservative on Monday night.  Over the next several months there will be endless protests in Washington D.C. as liberals moan and groan about “the end of our freedoms”, and Brett Kavanaugh will be relentlessly portrayed as a conservative devil by the mainstream media.  And even though NBC News is insisting that Kavanaugh “would make the high court solidly conservative” if he is confirmed, the reality of the matter is that there are some pretty good reasons why conservatives should be deeply concerned about this pick.  Just because a Republican president nominates someone to the Supreme Court does not mean that individual will make a good judge.  For example, Ronald Reagan nominated Anthony Kennedy in 1987, and he turned out to be a complete and utter disaster.  If Reagan had nominated someone different, the entire modern history of the U.S. Supreme Court could have been completely different.  With the Court still so divided, the stakes are incredibly high, and we must not get another Kennedy.  So it is troubling that Brett Kavanaugh clerked for Kennedy and has always had nothing but good things to say about him.  Anyone that would look to Justice Kennedy as any sort of a role model is definitely not fit for a seat on the highest court in the land. (Read More...)

Donald Trump And Kim Jong-Un Sign A Historic Agreement At Their Summit In Singapore – But All The Mainstream Media Can Do Is Whine And Complain

Donald Trump just did what no other president in U.S. history was able to do.  He actually sat down with the leader of North Korea, and at the conclusion of the approximately four hour summit meeting they both signed an agreement which calls for the United States to provide “security guarantees” to North Korea and which calls for the “complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula”.  It was a truly historic day and a truly historic outcome, and yet all the mainstream media in the United States could do was whine and complain.  Throughout their coverage, mainstream media reporters continually tried to put an anti-Trump spin on things.  They claimed that the agreement did not have the “specific wording” that experts were looking for, they pointed out that other agreements in the past have failed, and they continually insisted that the Trump administration was giving Kim Jong-Un too much respect. (Read More...)

Vampires, Zombies And ‘Hooking Up’: 37 Examples Of Real College Courses That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

You just can’t make this stuff up.  All over America we push our young people to get good grades so that they can get “a college education”, but then once they get through college many of our young people are completely unequipped to deal with the real world.  Personally, I spent eight years at public universities, and I can tell you that the quality of education that our college students are receiving is a complete joke.  Especially on the undergraduate level, almost all testing consists of either true/false, multiple choice or fill in the blank questions.  Students learn very few useful skills at our “institutions of higher learning”, and many of them leave school barely even able to function in society. (Read More...)