“Wars And Rumors Of Wars”: The U.S., Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, India And Pakistan All Move Closer To Military Conflict

Humanity never seems to learn.  During the 20th century, at least 108 million people were killed during all wars combined, and you would think that after so much bloodshed humanity would never want to go down that road again.  And in this century, an enormous amount of American blood has already been shed in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.  Unfortunately, the drumbeats of war are starting to get louder once again.  Very angry talk often precedes military conflict, and right now there sure is a lot of angry talk going on. (Read More...)

Krakatoa Alert: Another Eruption Could Potentially Kill Millions And Significantly Lower Global Temperatures For 5 Years

Because most Americans are so focused on preparations for Christmas, not a lot of attention is being paid to the massive disaster that just took place in Indonesia, and that is a huge mistake.  Anak Krakatoa has sprung to life, and there is a reason why it is known as one of the most dangerous volcanoes on the entire planet.  When Krakatoa erupted on August 27th, 1883 the explosion was so loud that it was literally heard 3,000 miles away, and it was estimated that the tsunami waves were over 100 feet tall in some places.  If such an eruption happened today, it would be an even worse disaster than the 2004 Indonesian tsunami which killed more than 200,000 people globally.  We are talking about an event that would instantly alter all of our lives for reasons that I will share below. (Read More...)

It Is Being Reported That Trump Is Considering Replacing Mike Pence With Nikki Haley For The 2020 Election

It is a rumor that won’t go away.  Mainstream news outlets Newsweek and Vanity Fair have both reported that Donald Trump and his political advisers have been considering replacing Mike Pence with Nikki Haley for the 2020 election.  Of course there is always at least a little speculation about such a move whenever a sitting president runs for re-election, but it is something that is just not done.  No president in recent American history has made such a move, but Donald Trump is no ordinary president.  Outside of his immediate family, most of the other key figures that Trump originally brought with him to the White House are now gone, and it appears that Mike Pence may soon be on the chopping block. (Read More...)

The Coldest And Snowiest November Ever? Here Is Why America’s Freakish Weather Is Only Going To Get Worse…

Can you remember a November as cold and snowy as this one has been?  I certainly cannot.  Over the course of this month, the United States has been hit by freakishly cold and snowy weather, and another major winter storm is barreling through the center of the country right now.  Of course there are moments of strange weather every year, but what we have been witnessing over the past month has definitely been extremely unusual.  Several weeks ago, I explained to my readers that experts were warning that this was coming, but nobody could have expected a wind chill of -75 degrees in New Hampshire on Thanksgiving Day.  And it isn’t just one portion of the country that has gotten hammered.  According to the Weather Channel, 74 different U.S. cities are at the highest level on the Accumulated Winter Season Severity Index for the month of November… (Read More...)

8 Shocking Demographic Trends Which Will Greatly Shape America’s Future

We are witnessing a fundamental transformation of America.  Some welcome the changes that are happening, while others are greatly resisting them.  But one thing is very clear – the United States is a very different place than it was 40 or 50 years ago.  Our population is aging, lifestyle patterns are dramatically shifting, and young adults view the world very differently than Baby Boomers do.  The changes that we are watching happen are going to take our society in new directions, and already the pace of change is accelerating at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking.  The following are 8 shocking demographic trends which will greatly shape America’s future… (Read More...)

Shocking Survey Finds That Americans Find More Meaning In Life From “Money” Than They Do From “Faith”

What gives you a sense of meaning and purpose in life?  That may seem like a very unusual question, but I believe that it is a very important one considering how deeply unhappy our society currently is.  Everyone needs a reason to get out of bed in the morning, because there wouldn’t seem to be much point to living a life that was completely void of meaning and purpose.  So what motivates most Americans to do what they do?  Well, a new survey that was just released by the Pew Research Center has some rather startling results.  When people were asked an open-ended question about what gives them a sense of purpose and meaning in life, 69 percent mentioned family, 34 percent mentioned career, 23 percent mentioned “money” and only 20 percent mentioned faith. (Read More...)

Shocking Video Footage Shows Florida Ballots Transported By Private Vehicles Being Transferred Into A Rental Truck On Election Night

I do not have any explanation for what you are about to see.  On election night in Broward County, one deeply concerned citizen captured video footage of ballots that had been transported by private vehicles being loaded into a rental truck in the middle of a parking lot.  Nobody seems to know why the ballots were transported in that manner, why they were being loaded into a rental truck, or what happened to the ballots thereafter.  There are supposed to be very strict chain of custody requirements for all paper ballots, and obviously what is going on in this video appears to be extremely shady.  Could it be possible that somebody in Broward County was trying to steal an election? (Read More...)

12 Examples That Show That America Is Far More Messed Up Than When You Were A Kid

What in the world has happened to our country?  Most of us have very fond memories from when we were younger, and it is true that often our memories of “the good old days” can leave out the bad parts.  None of us are perfect individually, and America has certainly never been without major problems as a nation.  But have we ever witnessed the level of social decay that we are seeing around the country today?  We are like a divorced, bloated, drug-addicted middle age man that has seen his life completely fall apart, and it would be nice to believe that we have hit rock bottom, but the truth is that we just keep on sinking even lower.  The following are 12 examples that show that America is far more messed up than when you were a kid… (Read More...)