Donald Trump Is NOT Bluffing – So What Happens If Kim Jong-Un Is Not Bluffing Either?

Donald Trump has repeatedly promised to “solve” the North Korean problem, and the North Koreans have repeatedly promised to use nuclear weapons in response to any attack by the U.S. military.  So what happens if both sides are not bluffing?  For eight years, Americans had become accustomed to Barack Obama making threats and never following through on them, so it surprised a lot of people when Trump actually backed up his words by striking Syria after publicly pledging to do so.  Now Trump has publicly committed to take military action in North Korea, and I am absolutely convinced that he is not bluffing.  But if Kim Jong-Un is not bluffing either, and I don’t think that he is, that means that we are on the verge of what could be a horrifying military conflict with the North Koreans. (Read More...)

How To Protect Your Children From The Human Traffickers And Sexual Perverts That Are Lurking At Your Favorite Retail Stores

We live in a society where human traffickers and sexual perverts seem to be multiplying. It has been reported that there are 747,408 registered sex offenders in the United States, but the latest figure we have is now about five years old, so that total is almost certainly significantly higher today. It has also been reported that there are 1.5 million victims of human trafficking in the United States, and most of those are female. In every community in the country, there are vicious predators that are always on the hunt for new victims. Of course we could just ignore reality and pretend that “most people are good people”, but being careless would only put our children at risk. After decades of feeding our minds with sick and twisted material, our society has literally become sick and twisted, and so it is important for parents to know how to protect their children in such an environment. (Read More...)

One Mother’s Chilling Close Encounter With A Team Of Child Abductors That People Can’t Stop Talking About

After reading this article, you will never be careless with your child in a public place ever again. There really are predators out there that make a lot of money abducting children. Some of the children that are abducted are abused, tortured or even killed inside the United States, but many others are quickly sent to the nearest port, shipped overseas, and ultimately used for some of the most horrific purposes that you can possibly imagine. So if your child is kidnapped by professional traffickers, there is a chance that your precious little one could end up on the other side of the planet. (Read More...)

Shocking Bible Code Matrix Contains The Exact Day And Year That David Rockefeller Would Die

Rockefeller Dies Bible Code Matrix - Kara PickeringDid someone know in advance that David Rockefeller would die on March 20th, 2017? What I am about to share with you is absolutely astounding. Bible code researcher Kara Pickering has found an incredible Bible code matrix that contains the phrase “Rockefeller dies” along with the terms “Chase”, “Manhattan”, “2017” and the specific date on the Hebrew calendar (Adar 22) when he actually died. Of course David Rockefeller served as the CEO of Chase Manhattan for over a decade, and he was widely considered to be one of the strongest proponents of a “New World Order”. (Read More...)

Of Course Big Brother Was Spying On Trump’s Calls – The Shocking Truth Is That They Spy On All Of Our Calls

Big Brother Spying - Public DomainThe mainstream media is all in an uproar over Donald Trump’s claim that Barack Obama personally ordered the phones in Trump Tower to be “wiretapped” just before the election. But nobody should really be surprised that the government was listening to Donald Trump’s phone calls. After all, the truth is that they systematically collect the content of all forms of digital communication, and this has been going on for many years. During Obama’s presidency, nobody really got too upset when it was revealed that the Obama administration was spying on friendly foreign leaders (including Angela Merkel), nobody got too upset when it was revealed that the Obama administration was spying on journalists, and nobody got too upset when it was revealed that the NSA was grabbing baby photos and nude selfies off of the Internet. But now that Trump has gotten extremely angry because the government was listening to his calls, maybe something will finally be done about all of this unconstitutional surveillance. (Read More...)

ISIS Has A New Focus: Killing Christians And Bombing Churches Wherever They Can Find Them

Skulls Murder - Public DomainIf you are a Christian, ISIS wants to kill you. Our politicians keep telling us that our battle with ISIS is not a “religious war”, but to ISIS it most certainly is. As you will see below, ISIS has a new focus. They are very clear about the fact that they intend to kill as many “citizens of the cross” as they possibly can, and they plan to bomb churches wherever they can find them. In a previous article, I explained how an entire church in the U.S. ended up on an ISIS kill list, and we just saw in France that they are willing to strike anywhere and at any time. Religious targets now appear to be a top priority for ISIS, and that means that every church and every Christian in the western world needs to start thinking differently about security. (Read More...)

How An Entire Church Ended Up On An ISIS Kill List

Psycho - Public DomainOn Wednesday, I was contacted by someone on an ISIS kill list.  Of course there are probably lots of people out there that believe that “ISIS is after them”, but this particular individual and his wife were actually told that they are on an ISIS kill list by the FBI.  Not only are they on the list, but so is their pastor.  It turns out that ISIS has apparently been pulling names off of church directories on the Internet, and so now an entire church has ended up on an ISIS kill list.  In the past perhaps many of us would have been less alarmed by this, but the attacks in Orlando, Dallas, Nice, and Baton Rouge are all still fresh in our minds.  Innocent people are being targeted and killed just to make a statement, and nobody knows who will be next. (Read More...)

2-Year-Old Boy Killed By Alligator At Disney – Are The Beasts Of The Earth Becoming More Aggressive?

Alligator - Public DomainDoes it seem like animal attacks on humans are increasing in frequency and intensity?  You may want to reserve judgment until you have read the rest of this article.  All over the world lately there have been very disturbing news stories about the beasts of the earth becoming extremely aggressive and attacking humans.  At first I ignored these stories, but something happened last night that made me change my mind.  My wife and I were getting ready to head for bed when I decided to check the news one last time.  I was absolutely stunned to see that a large alligator had grabbed a 2-year-old boy from Nebraska while he was playing in about a foot of water near a Disney resort down in Florida.  This happened right in front of his parents, and his father desperately tried to pull the boy away from the gator but he was unable to.  Authorities searched all night for the young child, and on Wednesday afternoon the worst case scenario was confirmed(Read More...)