Most Americans Believe That The U.S. Economy Is Already In A Recession

In your opinion, does it feel like we are in the middle of a recession right now?  If you feel that way, you are definitely not alone.  In fact, as you will see below, most Americans believe that the U.S. is currently experiencing a recession.  Large employers have been conducting mass layoffs from coast to coast, the cost of living crisis is absolutely crushing millions upon millions of working families, and the number of business bankruptcies has jumped by more than 40 percent in just one year.  Considering all of the economic pain that we are witnessing all around us, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that 59 percent of Americans believe “that the U.S. is currently in a recession”(Read More...)

Are Religious Leaders In Israel Getting Ready To Sacrifice A Red Heifer?

Is the world about to be shocked by the sacrifice of a red heifer in the land of Israel?  On September 15th, 2022 five perfect red heifers were flown into Israel from the state of Texas.  That got a lot of attention, but at that time all of those red heifers were too young to qualify for a red heifer sacrifice.  A couple of years have passed since then and now they are all old enough to qualify, and it is being reported that rituals that would be part of a red heifer sacrifice are being practiced.  The information that I am about to share with you is quite stunning, but it does not mean that a red heifer sacrifice is about to take place.  Ultimately, authorities in Israel will decide when they feel that the time is right. (Read More...)

The U.S. Is Not Prepared To Fight One Major War, But Three Major Wars Are Rapidly Approaching

What in the world has happened to our military?  When I was growing up, I was proud that my father was an officer in the U.S. Navy.  At that time we possessed the most powerful military in the entire world by a wide margin, and as a result nobody wanted to mess with us.  But now everything has changed.  Our military has been transformed into a “woke” joke, and we all saw what happened during the absolutely disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.  We desperately need to get our act together, because war is coming.  In fact, we could soon find ourselves fighting multiple major wars simultaneously.  Unfortunately, a study that was just released by a congressional panel concluded that we are not even ready to fight one major war at this point… (Read More...)

Will Turkey Try To Invade Israel Once The End Times War In The Middle East Spirals Out Of Control?

Did you see what just happened in the Middle East?  We live at a time when the entire world is going crazy, and I am entirely convinced that it won’t be too long before the war in the Middle East takes an apocalyptic turn.  Even CNN is admitting that we are dangerously close to witnessing an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah, and in such a war both sides would not hold anything back.  Of course once Israel and Hezbollah start pummeling one another with everything that they have got, other interested parties are likely to join the fighting.  Could that potentially include the nation of Turkey?  On Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made headlines all over the world when he suggested that his forces could actually enter the land of Israel at some point(Read More...)

The Left Has Been Trying To Come Up With Wild Conspiracy Theories About The Trump Shooting, But They Are Failing Badly

Ever since the moment that Donald Trump was shot during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, the left has been pushing wild conspiracy theories all over the Internet.  Unfortunately for the left, their conspiracy theories are so ridiculous that most rational people immediately see right through them.  Yes, there are legitimate questions that need to be asked about what really happened at that rally, and I have been writing about many of those questions.  But to suggest that the assassination attempt was staged or that Trump was never hit by a bullet is just nuts.  As you will see below, the stuff that the left has been coming up with is straight out of crazy town. (Read More...)

The Truth About Abortion In America

Abortion should be one of the central issues during this election season, because it has enormous implications for our future.  Last year, more than a million abortions were performed in the United States.  That was the first year since 2012 that we have surpassed the one million abortion mark.  Many people thought that the number of abortions would go down once Roe v. Wade was overturned, but that didn’t happen.  One of the primary reasons why the number of abortions is going up is because of the widespread availability of abortion pills.  It has become so easy to get abortion pills through the mail, and that includes states where abortion is otherwise restricted or banned.  If we don’t do something about all of these abortion pills that are flying around, the number of abortions in this country will almost certainly continue to go up.  Unfortunately, it does not appear that anything will be done to restrict abortion pills on the national level any time soon. (Read More...)

War Will Be One Of The Primary Elements Of The “Perfect Storm” That We Are Now Facing

There has not been a global war since the 1940s, and now nations all over the planet are armed to the teeth with weapons of immense destructive power.  Everyone knows that it is just a matter of time before global conflict turns our world upside down, and once that happens everything will change.  If you think that economic conditions are bad now, just wait until war paralyzes global trade.  If you think that global hunger is bad now, just wait until war absolutely devastates global food production.  War will be one of the primary elements of the “perfect storm” that we are now facing, and it will have a dramatic impact on many of the other elements. (Read More...)

Now That Someone Has Dropped Dead, Fear Of H5N2 Is Already Starting To Ripple All Over The Globe

We just learned that a person in Mexico has dropped dead after catching H5N2, and people are already totally freaking out about this all over the Internet.  In recent weeks, there was already enough concern about the potential for a major H5N1 outbreak among humans.  Dairy cows throughout the U.S. have been getting infected with that version of the bird flu, and three dairy workers have tested positive.  A full-blown H5N1 outbreak among humans would have the potential to be catastrophic, but we don’t even know what an H5N2 outbreak among humans would look like because there never has been one.  So far, we have one confirmed case and one death.  If it is confirmed that there is human to human transmission of H5N2 going on, the masks, lockdowns, shots and public hysteria that we witnessed a couple of years ago could return in the blink of an eye. (Read More...)