14 Reasons Why The U.S. Government Will Never Have A Balanced Budget Ever Again

The United States government will never have another balanced budget again.  Yes, you read that correctly.  U.S. government finances have now reached a critical “tipping point” and things are going to spin wildly out of control from this time forward.  Why?  Spending on entitlement programs and interest on the national debt are now accelerating at exponential rates.  Some time around 2020 they will eat up every single dollar of federal revenue that is brought in before a penny is spent on anything else.  Of course the solution to all of this would be to radically cut entitlement programs, but no U.S. politician in his or her right mind would do that.  After all, do you think elderly people (who vote in droves by the way) would vote for you after you just cut their Social Security checks in half?  That is not the way the world works.  You see, democracies always get into trouble once the people realize that they can vote for the candidates that promise them the largest gifts out of the public treasury.  That is where the United States is at now.  Over 100 million Americans now receive direct payments from the United States government.  For millions of Americans, the American Dream now means getting a government check and kicking back and enjoying life.  We have become a nation that is chock full of people that can’t take care of themselves and that are totally dependent on the monolithic nanny state that the U.S. government has created. (Read More...)

10 Reasons Why The Rand Paul Victory In Kentucky Is So Important

Declaring that “we’ve come to take our government back”, Tea Party favorite Rand Paul, the son of U.S. Representative Ron Paul, soundly defeated Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson in a Republican primary fight for the U.S. Senate seat held by retiring Republican Senator Jim Bunning.  He will now face Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, the winner of the Democratic primary, in the November election.  It is hard to understate just how important this victory is for the Tea Party movement.  The entire Republican establishment was behind Grayson and they tried desperately to get him enough support to win the primary.  But it did not work this time.  Usually when the Republican machine gets behind somebody, they have no problem winning a primary.  Could this be a signal that politics in America is changing?  Could this be a sign that the American people are so sick and tired of what is going on in Washington that they simply refuse to listen to the two big political machines (the Republicans and the Democrats) any longer? (Read More...)

Hold On – Interest Rates Are Going To Increase During The Second Half Of 2010 And Into 2011

Interest rates have nowhere to go but up.  Interest rates will rise during the second half of 2010, and they will continue to rise during 2011.  This is going to cause a lot of pain for the U.S. economy and for American consumers.  Unfortunately, this is not just the opinion of a handful of half-baked Internet nutjobs.  This is the assessment of the New York Times and of the highly respected economists that they interviewed.  It seems that virtually everyone in the financial community agrees that it is inevitable that interest rates are going to rise.  And that is really bad news for the U.S. economy. (Read More...)

15 Reasons Why The U.S. Economic Crisis Is Really An Economic Consolidation By The Elite Banking Powers

Is the United States experiencing an “economic crisis” or an “economic consolidation”?  Did the financial problems of the last several years “happen on their own”, or are they part of a broader plan to consolidate financial power in the United States?  Before you dismiss that possibility, just remember what happened back during the Great Depression.  During that era, the big financial powers cut off the flow of credit, hoarded cash and reduced the money supply.  Suddenly nobody had any money and the economy tanked.  The big financial powers were then able to swoop back in and buy up valuable assets and real estate for pennies on the dollar.  So are there signs that such a financial consolidation is happening again? (Read More...)

A Mistake Of Historic Proportions – 11 Reasons Why America Should Have Elected Ron Paul Instead Of Barack Obama

It is more than one year since the American people selected Barack Obama as their leader, and with each passing day it is becoming increasingly clear why the American people should have elected Ron Paul instead.  The U.S. economy continues to collapse, the U.S. government is running up a record budget deficit, our borders are wide open, hatred for the United States is at an all-time high around the world and our individual liberties continue to be eroded as never before.  The American people are becoming increasingly frustrated by the socialist big-government solutions that the Obama administration and the Democrats are coming up with.  But the truth is that both the Republicans and the Democrats have been advocating bigger government, more spending, more debt and more globalism for years, and now we find ourselves on the edge of complete disaster. (Read More...)

An Ultra-Violent Migrant Gang Is Shooting Police Officers, Trafficking Young Women And Raping Kids

The chaos that we are witnessing in the streets is the direct result of the decisions that our politicians have made.  As I discussed yesterday, allowing millions upon millions of migrants that are not being properly screened to come pouring over our wide open borders is not a good idea.  There are certainly many migrants that are coming here because they want to work hard and create a better life for themselves.  But of course there are others that are coming here for other reasons.  Throwing the back door wide open for vast numbers of criminals that intend to cause all sorts of mayhem once they arrive in our major cities is extremely foolish.  We are literally committing national suicide, and many of our leaders don’t seem to care. (Read More...)

Will Kennedy’s Endorsement Of Trump Cause A Seismic Shift In The Race For The White House?

Is Donald Trump about to get the key endorsement that he needs to win the presidency?  There have been a lot of twists and turns this election season, and now there has been another one.  It is being reported that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will drop out of the race on Friday and officially endorse Trump.  In such a close race, this endorsement could potentially make a world of difference.  Some recent polls have shown Trump with a narrow lead, but other recent polls have shown Kamala Harris with a narrow lead.  If RFK Jr. can deliver a bump of even a couple of percentage points for Trump, that would be huge. (Read More...)

Here Comes The Fear: The WHO Warns That The New Mutant Strain Of Monkeypox Is An Emergency “For The Entire Globe”

It was fun while it lasted.  We actually had quite a few months without an official “global health emergency” to be concerned about, but now that streak is over.  On Wednesday, the World Health Organization announced that Monkeypox has officially been classified as a “public health emergency of international concern”.  Health officials have lost control of the new mutant strain that is spreading in Africa, and so that is why this move was made.  Compared to the strain that caused so much chaos in 2022, this new strain has a much higher death rate and we are being told that in many cases it is spreading without any sexual contact at all.  If this thing gets loose in the United States and Europe, the level of fear that we will witness will be off the charts. (Read More...)