9 Signs That The Price Of Oil In 2011 Will Soar Well Beyond 100 Dollars A Barrel

Will we see the price of oil rise significantly in 2011?  Unfortunately, that appears to be precisely where we are headed.  Despite stubbornly high unemployment and a very sluggish economy in the United States, the price of oil continues to creep upward.  Part of it can be attributed to the fact that the U.S. dollar and other major currencies are continuing to lose value relative to all commodities, and part of it can be attributed to the continuing rise in the global demand for oil.  But those factors alone do not explain what we are seeing.  Expectations are a very powerful thing, especially for financial markets, and right now there is an overwhelming consensus that oil prices are going to rise in 2011.  The big oil companies, the big oil exporting nations and the big investment banks are nearly all in agreement that a higher price for oil is coming and the speculators smell money and are starting to jump on to the bandwagon. (Read More...)

Bye Bye American Pie: 10 Reasons Why America’s Economic Pie Is Rapidly Shrinking

All over the mainstream media today, the wealthy are being pitted against the poor.  Those advocating for the wealthy claim that if we could just cut the taxes for the rich and make things easier for them that they will create lots of jobs for the rest of us.  Those advocating for the poor claim that the gap between the rich and the poor is now larger than ever and that if we could just get the workers to fight for their rights that we could get things back to how they used to be.  It is a very interesting debate, but it totally ignores a reality that is even more important.  America’s economic pie is rapidly shrinking.  As part of the new globalist economy, every single month massive amounts of U.S. wealth is being transferred out of the United States and into foreign hands in exchange for oil and cheap plastic trinkets.  In addition, every single month our national government goes into more debt, our state governments go into more debt and our local governments go into more debt.  The interest on all of this debt represents a tremendous transfer of wealth.  What most Americans fail to grasp is that our collective wealth is getting smaller.  There is now less of an “economic pie” for all of us to divide up. (Read More...)

9 Reasons Why The START Treaty Must Be Stopped

As the U.S. military continues to waste an enormous amount of energy and resources patrolling the streets of Iraqi cities and digging goat herders out of the caves of Afghanistan, a very real threat to the national security of the United States is developing and very few people even seem concerned about it.  It is called the START Treaty, and Barack Obama is desperately trying to ramrod it through the lame duck session of Congress.  Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed to the terms of the treaty back in April, and two-thirds of the U.S. Senate must vote for it in order for the treaty to become law.  So what is so bad about the treaty?  Well, for starters, it almost totally defangs the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal that has protected us for the past six decades, it puts serious restrictions on the ability of the United States to develop any kind of missile defense and it puts the U.S. military at a very significant strategic disadvantage. (Read More...)

21 Reasons Why Donald Trump Is Right – China Is Just Ripping This Country Like Nobody Has Ever Ripped Us Before

Earlier this week, an interview with Donald Trump on Fox & Friends made headlines all over the world.  During that interview, Trump stated that he was “absolutely thinking about” running for president in 2012.  But what didn’t get as much attention is why Donald Trump is so motivated to possibly run for president.  It turns out that Donald Trump is horrified by how China (and other nations as well) are absolutely taking advantage of the United States in global trade.  Trump put it this way during the interview: “China is just ripping this country like nobody has ever ripped us before.”  And you know what?  Donald Trump is absolutely right about this.  You see, China has been openly manipulating its currency for years and years so that their products are far cheaper than those produced in America.  This has put entire industries out of business in the United States.  Not only that, but China also openly subsidizes many of their industries, thus giving them a competitive advantage over U.S. businesses and our government does nothing about it.  In addition, China has exploited the fact that they allow their workers to be paid near slave labor wages to attract thousands upon thousands of factories and manufacturing facilities to their shores.  China dumps massive amounts of cheap goods on our shores while openly discriminating against many U.S. good and services.  This kind of unfair trade has enabled the Chinese government to pile up hundreds of billions of dollars in excess currency reserves which it ends up lending back to the U.S. government.  Basically, China is running a massive scam on us and is getting tremendously wealthy in the process. (Read More...)

10 Reasons Why Barack Obama’s “It’s Not A Stimulus” Package Is A Cruel Joke On The American People

As election season 2010 draws near, the Obama administration has finally realized that the Democrats could actually lose both the House and the Senate in November.  Suddenly all Obama wants to talk about is his wonderful new plan for the U.S. economy.  Unfortunately, what he is suggesting is far too little and far too late.  Anything Obama is proposing now will not be passed by Congress before the upcoming elections, and that is bad news for the Democrats.  The American people tend to vote based on their wallets, and right now the American people are not happy.  They desperately want someone to “fix” what is wrong with the economy.  Obama is running around the country trying to convince people that he is the man to restore the American Dream, but at this point the American people have less faith in his economic policies than ever.  The White House is insisting that Obama’s new economic plan is not a new “stimulus package”, and that is actually true.  Obama’s new plan will not stimulate much of anything.  The truth is that Obama’s new economic plan is really just a cruel joke on those who are willing to have faith in Obama’s ability to somehow turn the dying U.S. economy around.  Unfortunately, throwing several hundred billion more dollars at the problem is not going to do anything to fix the foundational problems that are destroying our economic system.  (Read More...)

15 Reasons Why Young Americans Should Do Whatever They Can To Avoid Getting Sucked Into The Student Loan Debt Trap

America has created a student loan debt bubble that is inflating at a staggering pace and that is destroying hundreds of thousands of lives.  For the first time in U.S. history, Americans owe more on their student loans than they do on their credit cards.  Millions more young people are getting sucked in to the student loan debt trap each year.  They are told that “an education” is the key to achieving the American Dream and that they won’t be able to get a good job without going to college.  They are told that they should get into the best school that they can and that they will surely get a good enough job to easily pay off their student loans.  In fact, most American high school students don’t have anyone warning them about the dangers of the student loans that they are about to commit to paying off.  But they should, because the system of higher education in the United States has become a money making scam.  Those who get sucked into the student loan debt trap often end up regretting it for the rest of their lives. (Read More...)

The Shockingly High Cost Of Free Trade: 10 Reasons Why Globalism Is Bad For Middle Class Americans

Today, there are very few national figures that are dissenting from the politically-correct viewpoint that free trade is a good thing.  The vast majority of Republican politicians believe in free trade.  The vast majority of Democrats believe in free trade.  Barack Obama believes in free trade.  Nancy Pelosi believes in free trade.  Rush Limbaugh believes in free trade.  Glenn Beck believes in free trade.  In fact, just about anyone who goes on mainstream media and starts speaking out against free trade is immediately branded an idiot who does not understand the first thing about economics.  So considering the fact that leaders on both sides of the “political spectrum” fully embrace free trade, shouldn’t we just go with the consensus and consider the debate about trade to be over?  Well, there is just one problem.  All of this globalism and free trade is killing the American Dream and is destroying the American middle class.  (Read More...)

10 Reasons Why We Might Not See Anything Less Than A Trillion Dollar Deficit For Decades To Come

Do you know how enormous one trillion dollars is?  If you were alive when Christ was born, and on that day you started spending a million dollars every single day, you still would not have spent one trillion dollars by now.  If right this moment you went out and started spending one dollar every single second, it would take you over 31,000 years to spend one trillion dollars.  A trillion $1 bills, if they were taped end to end, would wrap around the globe more than 38 times.  That is how big one trillion dollars is.  But right now, if the U.S. government could actually reduce the federal budget deficit to one trillion dollars that would be a major victory.  In 2009, the U.S. government ran a budget deficit of more than 1.4 trillion dollars.  The U.S. government will run a budget deficit of more than 1.4 trillion dollars in 2010.  Not only that, the Obama administration is already admitting that the budget deficit will be over 1.4 trillion dollars again in 2011.  In fact, the truth of it is that we are looking at trillion dollars deficits for as far as the eye can see.  In the process we are piling up the biggest mountain of debt the world has ever seen.  What we are doing to future generations is unfathomable.  Servicing this monolithic debt is going to devastate the U.S. economy and is going to absolutely crush the American Dream for future generations of Americans.  But we can’t seem to help ourselves.  We just keep spending.  (Read More...)