The Bible Says That There Will Be “Pestilences” In The Last Days

Jesus specifically warned us that there would be “pestilences” in the end times, and so if we really are approaching the time of His return this is one of the things that we should be watching for.  Of course we don’t know if COVID-19 is one of the “pestilences” that Jesus was referring to, but in recent days it has greatly distressed me to see so many Christians attempting to downplay the severity of this virus.  The number of confirmed cases and the global death toll have both been rising at an exponential rate day after day, and experts are warning that over half of the population of the world could eventually get this virus, but so many voices out there are boldly assuring people that they don’t have anything to be concerned about even though they don’t have any medical credentials at all.  Personally, I think that it pays to listen to the experts during a crisis like this, and the experts are telling us that millions could soon die.  In fact, as you will see below, a doctor that sat on the White House Homeland Security Council is saying that this is the most “frightening disease” that he has ever encountered.  After everything that we have already learned about this virus, anyone that is not taking this pandemic seriously is not being wise. (Read More...)

Is This The Real Reason Why The Coronavirus Is Absolutely Devastating China?

Sometimes we overlook the obvious because we don’t like the implications.  Right now, China is being hit with plague after plague.  As I discussed earlier today, the epicenter for the worst coronavirus outbreak in modern human history is in China, the worst African Swine Fever pandemic ever recorded has wiped out “about two-thirds of China’s swine herd”, and now an outbreak of H5N1 bird flu threatens to decimate Chinese chicken production.  The attention of the entire planet is now keenly focused on China, and it appears that things are only going to get worse in the months ahead. (Read More...)

Those That Bless Israel Will Be Blessed, But Those That Try To Divide The Land Of Israel Will Be Cursed

This article is going to cause quite a bit of controversy.  If you didn’t like my first article about Trump’s “peace plan” for the Middle East, you probably won’t like this one either.  If you missed that article, let me briefly review where we currently stand.  President Trump has just released a “peace plan” which would officially recognize a Palestinian state, which would give them East Jerusalem as their capital, and which would double the amount of territory that the Palestinians currently control.  Fortunately, the Palestinians have utterly rejected this plan and want nothing to do with it.  But that is not what matters.  What matters is that President Trump is actively attempting to divide the land of Israel, and in this article I will explain why this has very serious implications for all of us. (Read More...)

A Plague Of Locusts, Earthquakes In Diverse Places, And Weather That Has Gone Completely Nuts

It is almost as if someone flipped some sort of a switch as 2020 began, because we have been seeing really weird things happen all over the globe so far this year.  Later in this article I want to talk about the large earthquakes and strange weather events that we have seen over the past few days, but first I want to discuss the massive armies of locusts that are voraciously eating crops in Asia and in Africa.  Right now, a “deadly invasion by millions and millions of locusts” in India is absolutely devastating farm after farm, and the media in India is calling this locust invasion “the worst in over six decades”(Read More...)

After Investigating 1,000 Near Death Experiences, This Author Came To The Conclusion That Life After Death Is Very Real

Does life after death really exist?  The answer to this question has fundamental implications for every man, woman and child on the entire planet, and yet most people don’t spend very much time thinking about it.  If this life is not the end, so much of the petty stuff that we spend so much time obsessing over in this life really doesn’t matter, and instead we should be focusing on the things that actually do matter for the life to come.  However, if this life truly is the end, we might as well eat, drink, party and enjoy this life as much as possible because it is all we’ve got.  Of course that is the approach most of us seem to be taking in recent years, but a growing body of evidence clearly indicates that life after death really does exist.  For example, a study that was conducted by Gallup concluded that literally millions of people have had “near-death experiences”(Read More...)

18 Signs That The Social Decay In America Is Worse Than It Has Ever Been Before

In recent years, so many Americans have become completely obsessed with the ups and downs of the political world, but meanwhile our nation as a whole continues to swirl even further down the toilet with each passing day.  Virtually any measure of social welfare that you want to look at tells us that the fabric of our society is rapidly deteriorating, and there is no future for us if we stay on this highly self-destructive path.  Sometimes I get criticized for writing articles like this, but there is actually a very positive reason why I talk about these things.  My goal is to greatly shock people with the truth of what we are facing so that they will choose to fundamentally change the direction of their own lives.  And if we get enough people to start changing direction, that could potentially have a dramatic impact on society as a whole.  Unfortunately, most Americans seem to think that things are just fine.  So they are not open to radical solutions, because they generally feel pretty good about their own lives and the nation as a whole. (Read More...)

China Just Escalated Their Brutal Persecution Of Christians To An Entirely New Level

Be very thankful that you don’t live in China.  Approximately one out of every seven people on the entire planet lives in China, and it has become one of the most dystopian societies that the world has ever seen.  Surveillance cameras, government spies and facial recognition scanners are everywhere, and the totalitarian “social credit score” system that is currently being rolled out is an absolute nightmare.  And the Chinese government is not content to simply control how people behave.  They also want to literally control what people believe, and the ongoing crackdown on the Christian faith has been absolutely brutal.  Over the past several years, scores of pastors have been arrested, countless underground churches have been shut down, and thousands of Bibles have been burned.  Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough for Chinese officials, and so they have now taken things to an entirely new level. (Read More...)

No House Of Worship In America Is Safe

The events of the past couple of days should be a major wake up call for all of us.  The number of mass shootings in the United States hit a record high in 2019 as the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted on a daily basis continues to disappear.  And these mass shooters seem particularly attracted to soft targets such as schools and churches.  When I was growing up, I never even imagined that a gunman might storm into my school or church and start shooting.  And as far as I knew, neither my school nor my church had any sort of armed security.  But now if you are attending a church or sending your kids to a school that does not have armed security, you are literally gambling with the lives of your family members.  The world that we live in has dramatically changed, and if we choose to ignore the harsh realities that now confront us, we do so at our own peril. (Read More...)